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[Page 348]

From an order on November 4, 1941 by the
Field Command of Minsk on the re-naming of city streets

Transcribed by Irene Newhouse & Dr. Leonid Smilovitsky

Soviet Name New Name [originally in Cyrillic] German Transcription
Volodarsky Lindenstrasse Lindenstrasse
Volochayevskaya Martsinkevichstrasse Marzinkewitsch
Dem'yan Bedny Shverinstrasse Schwerinstrasse
Karl Marks Komandaturstrasse Kommandaturstr.
Karl Libknekht Doichstrasse Deutschstrasse
Komsomolskaya Sadovaya (after that, Alesya Garuna) Gartenstrasse, Ales Garunerstrasse
Krasnoznamennaya Bogushevichstrasse Boguschetischstr.
Lomonosova Lesikstrasse Lecikstrasse
MOPRovskaya Adradzhennya Str. der Wiedergeburt
Oktyab'rskaya Tankovaya Panzerstrasse
Pushkinskaya Georgi Skarin' Skorinerstrasse
Ploshchad' (Square) 1905 Vokzhayal'naya Bahnhofplatz
Sovetskaya Glavnaya Hauptstrasse
L'va Tolstogo Lutskevichstrasse Lutzkewitschstrasse
Ul'yanovskaya Vokzhayal'naya Bahnhofstrasse
Pereulok Ul'yanova Kopernikstrasse Kopernikstrasse
Fabritsiusa Kaganetsstrasse Kaganiezstrasse
N. Chern'shevskogo Ignatovskogo Ignatowskistrasse
Fridrikh Engel's Teatral'naya Theatrestrasse

[Page 349]

A Reminder to the Belorussian Policeman

Translated by Judith Springer

Remember that alcohol is no less an enemy of yours than the Bolsheviks.

By being drunk, you poison your body and soul and disgrace the name "policeman" before the people.

Only sober people can conscientiously perform the honorable duties of policeman in the struggle against Bolshevism.

In this war, the interests of the Belorussian nation demand an alliance with Germans.

You are the first Belorussian soldiers.

Owing to your honorable performance of a policeman's duties, that is, struggle against banditism, conscientious service for the preservation of law and order, and so forth, the people participate in this war.

You are the flesh and blood of the Belorussian nation.

For this purpose, you must be its best protectors, advisers, and guardians for any need.

Every act of yours, good or bad, can affect the fate of your people and homeland.

You serve the Fatherland -- Belarus, and there is no more important, honorable, and finer duty in the world than to serve one's nation.

To give one's life for one's nation and homeland is the highest expression of this service, which covers people with immortal glory.

Discipline is conscientious performance of one's duties.

The power of a nation depends on the discipline of its citizens.

Only disciplined nations can gain independence.

National rites are the manifestation of the soul of a nation.

The richer the national rites, the higher the spiritual culture of a nation.

To love and respect one's national rites is to love and respect one's nation.


(Translated from Belorussian, cited from Arche, Vyalikaya Aychynnaya vayna, No. 2, 1999, Minsk, page 96).

Note: this would be from an “instruction manual” for police forces established by the Nazi occupation regime in Belorusssia, 1941-1944, whose members were local residents (Belorussians and Russians).

[Page 350]

From Regional Commissar of Mozyr
To District burgomistr (mayor) of Kalinkovichi

December 20, 1941

Identifying Signs for Jews

Translated by Irene Newhouse and Rochelle Kaplan

In connection with the order requiring Jews to wear identifying signs, the following addenda:

  1. Who is considered Jewish:

    Anyone who has a Jewish parent But if only one parent is Jewish, the child is to report as a mixed person (meshantsy – Belorusian for children of the marriage of a Jew and a Non-Jew). The important point is the parentage, not the religion as it is. Special attention needs to be paid to the fact that no ceremony of the Christian Church can change this fact. In order to avoid uncertainty, the christening of Jews or meshantsy is categorically forbidden.

  2. Signs identifying Jews:

    Each Jew or meshantsy is required to wear an identifying sign over the clothing – a yellow strip of fabric the width of one's palm, sewn on firmly. It should be attached so that it is visible from the front or from behind, and even when outer wear is removed. (Note: Apparently it's not enough to have it on outer wear; the clothing you wore indoors had to have it, too).

  3. Segregation of Jews:

    As per secret instructions, in Kalinkovichy there needs to be created immediately a special Jewish quarter where only Jews and meshantsy live. Non-Jews would not able to live there. Jews need to bring with them,to the new place of living, all of their property.

  4. Collection of Jews living in the countryside:

    It's forbidden for Jews and non-Jews to associate. All Jews in neighboring places must gather in the allotted separated sector of Mozyr. In order to relieve Mozyr of additional difficulties, the burgomistry will be responsible for issuing food, ration books and granting certificates for each Jewish person resettled in Mozyr. Certificates are required to include the following information:

  5. Violations:

    Infringement of any of the aforementioned points will result in penalties for the Jew and the burgomistr (mayor). Punishment will be as severe as that for espionage.

The current report should be delivered to the attention of the starosta(person on duty in Belarusian villages) of each village no later than December 31, 1941. One copy each of this advertisement in the Russian and Belarusian languages must be delivered to me.

The Regional Commissar

Original document held at GARF (State Archive of the Russian Federation (Moscow) fond 8114, opis 1, delo 965, listy 99-100, copy at Yad Vashem Archives (Jerusalem) M-35/14).

[Page 352]

Extract from the interrogation of POW Filipp (Philipp) Khefer, 1st Platoon,
118 Artillery Battalion, and 36 Infantry Division.

Translated by Michael Ryabinky

At the time of my vacation in January, 1943, my wife and I called on the Bekker (Becker) family from Gaugrevaler (Gaugreweiler), Rokenhausen (Rackenhausen) District, North Rhine Palatinate. We met with gendarmie Wachtmeister Holhausen (Kohlhausen?), who was on leave from duty. He showed us a photo with a scene of mass killings. My wife was shocked and asked him, how can this be? He answered: “Yes Frau Khefer, You are right. Life fills me with aversion. After this I can't look my children in the eyes. But duty is duty and Vodka is Vodka especially in our SD in Minsk. It doesn't matter: those who get out of the trucks, they don't care who is in these pictures.”

My wife possibly didn't fully understand the meaning of these words. This crime can't be possible, and Holhausen was drunk.

Holhausen told me: “You can do it when you're drunk, and woe unto us, when the Russians recapture Minsk, and all this comes out into the open.”

[Page 353]

Cover material for Soviet Extraordinary Commission Reports, indicating it's for Rechitsa.

From a list of names of Ch. G. K. of the USSR
regarding the town of Rechitsa Gomel Region

(originally on p. 354)

The page was photocopied onto Yad Vashem letterhead.

The title, which is underlined, reads: Name List of Citizens of the USSR Executed,
Believed Missing and Tortured in the Municipality Rechitsa, BSSR.

Transliterated by Irene Newhouse

No. Name and Surname Birth date Occupation
1 Smilovitsky Yudka Levikovich b. 1901 Worker of Factory then named after the 10 years of October Revolution
2 Smilovitsky Khaya Khatskelevna 1906 Dressmaker
3 Smilovitsky Lev Yudkovich 1937  
4 Smilovitsky Leiba Yankelevich 1892 Tailor
5 Smilovitsky Khaya 1895 Dressmaker
6 Smilovitsky Yakov Leibovich 1928 Student
7 Smilovitsky Aron Yakovlevich 1878 Retired
8 Smilovitsky Gita Aronovna 1907  
9 Smilovitsky Kuna Aronovna 1910  
10 Smilovitsky Vilya Iosefovich 1937  
11 Smilovitsky Galina Yakovlevna 1930 Student
12 Smilovitsky Basya Aronovna 1872 Retired
13 Smilovitsky Boris 1929 Student

Executed by Nazis on November 25, 1941 in Rechitsa, Gomel Region
In all, in 1941-1942 in Rechitsa were killed nearly 4395 people, of whom 3576 family names were impossible to identify + 205 prisoners of war. The lost belonged to nearly all nationalities, of whom Jews comprised the bulk.

[Page 355]

Victims among the civilian population and prisoners of war
on the territory of Belarus 1941-1944

Transcribed by Irene Newhouse & Dr. Leonid Smilovitsky

Prisoner of
War Deaths
Those sent to
Germany for
forced labor
Baranovichi 269,586 181,179 88,407 33,773
Brest 198,384 159,526 38,858 30,008
Bobruisk 136,207 82,104 54,013 15,275
Vitebsk 244,312 151,421 92,891 68,434
Gomel 167,836 53,360 114,476 16,745
Grodno 152,538 111,208 41,330 53,955
Mogilev 130,736 71,602 59,134 21,436
Minsk 419,105 317,515 101,590 29,815
Molodechno 77,025 42,373 34,652 8,828
Pinsk 119,998 95,385 24,613 30,861
Polessey 41,101 37,981 3,120 30,861
Polotsk 262,218 105,211 157.007 52,599
Totals 2,219,326 1,409,225 810,091 377,776

Upolnomochenny Ch.G.K po Belorussiskoi SSR, Tablev
(Commissioner of the Ch. G. K. for the Belorussian SSR), tables.

[Page 356]

Participation of Jews in the leadership of the Resistance
in occupied territory of Belorussia from 1941-1944

Transcribed by Irene Newhouse & Dr. Leonid Smilovitsky

Secretaries of the Central Committee of the
Communist Party of Belorussia (CC CPB)

Eidinov, Gregory Borisovich (1908-1977), Member of the CC CPB, Secretary of the CC CPB, Director of the Noth-West Operations Group of the CC CPB, one of the organizers of the partisan movement, First Vice-Chairman of the Belorussian Headquarter of the Partisan Movement, from 1944 Vice-Chariman of the Council of the People's Commissars (Government) of the BSSR.

Secretaries of Regional Committees of the CC CPB

Surname, Name, and Patronymic Committee Period in Office
Kagan, V. Ya. Vitebsk 1 Dec. 1942 – 8 Feb. 1943
Bel'sky, Iosef Aleksandrovich Minsk 17 Jul. 1941 – 1 Jul 1944
Machul'sky, Roman Naimovich Minsk 20 Sep. 1942 – 1 May 1943

[Page 357]

Secretaries of Municipal Committees of the CPB

Surname, Name, and Patronymic Committee Period in Office
Erkin, Girsh Nosovich Gomel 12 Mar 1943 – 17 Nov 1943
Kazinets, Isai Pavlovich Minsk 1 Nov 1941 – 1 Mar 1942
Gebelev, Michail Leibovich Minks (Ghetto) 1 Sep 1941 – 1 Sep 1942
Vargavtik, Khaim Izrailovich Petrikov 18 Aug 1941 – 19 Oct 1941
Geller, Solomon Borisovich Osveya 1 Jul 1941 – 1 Oct 1941
Goland, Ruvim Khaimovich Osipovichi 1 Jul 1941 – 2 Apr 1943
Divachenko, Samuil Pavlovich Zhuravichi 1 Sep 1943 – 2 Oct 1943
Izrailit, Vul'f Izrailevich Mekhov 17 Jul 1941 – 15 Oct 1944
Lapidus, Izrail' Abramovich Minsk 1 Jul 1943 – 29 Jun 1944
Lesnischy, Semen Pavlovich Gorodishche 27 Dec 1942 – 7 Jul 1943
Sverdlov, Samuil Monisovich Rogachev 15 Aug 1941 - 6 Jul 1943
Starovoitov, Ivan Isaakovich Dubrovno 11 Nov 1943 – 1 Jul 1944
Strikov, Grigory Efrimovich Buda-Koshelevo 15 May 1943 – 3 Oct 1943
Chernoglas, Zusya Yakovlevich El'sk 23 Aud 1941 – 4 Aug 1943
Shkliar, Khaim Mordukhovich Chechersk 16 Aug 1941 – 1 Oct 1941
Shklyarik, Iosif Yakovlevich Pukhovichi 22 Aug 1942 – 6 May 1943
Shuman, I. S. Snedov 1 Sep 1943 – 14 Aug 1944

[Page 358]

District Communist Party Members*

Surname, Name, and Patronymic Committee Period in Office
Antonovich, Vladimir Moissevich Lenin 16 Jul 1943 – 24 Dec 1943
Batishchev, Samuil Il'ich October 4 Aug 1943 – 15 Nov 1943
Belov, Mikhail Ruf'evich Ilyansk 18 Aug 1943 – 27 Jan 1944
Vainev, Lipa Davidovich Kletski not known
Geifman, Bronya Meerovna Buda-Koshelevo 15 May 1943 – 3 Oct 1943
Gorelik, Mota Rafailovich Osipovichi 22 Sep 1942 – 2 Jul 1944
Egudkin, Solomon Aronovich Rechitsa 31 JUl 1943 – 17 Nov 1943
Kesler, Shlema Leibovich Shklov 28 Jun 1943 – 29 Jun 1944
Kogan, Dmitry Iosifovich Chausy 25 Jun 1943 – 1 Oct 1943
Kravets, Iosif Abramovich El'sk 1 Apr 1943 – 11 Jan 1944
Lapidus, Izrail' Abramovich Surazh 25 Jan 1943 – 1 Jul 1943
Lesnichy, S. P. Gorodishche unknown
Lisoviski, Aleksander Iosifovich Drissa 25 Jun 1943 – 26 Dec 1943
Linkovich, Kirill Khaimovich Minsk 26 Nov 1943 – 1 Mar 1944
Marakhovich, Grigory Leibovich Chechersk 1 May 1943 – 2 Oct 1943
Ralkevich, Roza Stepanovina Kletsk 27 Dec 1943 – 10 Jul 1944
Semenov, Gerogrii Minovich Minsk 1 Nov 1941 – 1 Mar 1942
Chernoglaz, Zusya Yakovlevich El'sk 4 Aug 1943 – 15 Nov 1943
Shapiro Pavel Markovich Bogushevsk 3 Aug 1942 - 29 Jun 1944
Shevelev, Yakov Leibovich Lyakhovichi 12 May 1944 – 10 Jul 1944
Shikin, Fedor Minovich Domanovo 1 Jul 1943 – 18 Nov 1943

* Vsego Po Territorialno-Adminstratioivnomu Deleniyu BSSR 1939 g. Naschit'valos' 170 raionov.
(All-Territorial-Administrative Division BSSR), including 170 districts Return

[Page 360]

Editors-in-chief of Newspapers in the
Occupied Territories of BSSR, 1941-1944

Surname, Name, and Patronymic District Name of Newspaper
Aizenberg, Boris L'bovich Dunilovichi Zvyazda
Bikman, Mikhail Leont'evich Yuratishki Bol'shevik
Vainev, Lipa Davidovich Kletsk Za Savetskuyu Belarus
Dobrinski, Evei Saulovich Kirov Kurovets
Kaplan, Girsh Leibovich Polessey Bal'shavik Paless'ya
Katsman, Mark Grigor'evich Vetrino Chyrvonaya Zvyazda
Koptyugov, Konst. Isaakovich Sharkovshchina Narodny Mstitel'
Kravets, Iosif Abramovich El'sk Klich Radzimy
Nikitenko, Ivan Abramovich Dokshitsy Partizanskaya Pravda
Radkevich, Rosa Stepanovna Karelichi Chyrvony Partizan
Shevelev, Yakob Leibovich Lyakovichi Savetski Part'et

Table compiled from sources: Partizanksie Formirovaniya Belorussii v Gody Velikoy Otechestvennoy Voiny. Kratkie Svetdeniya ob Organizatsionnoy Strukture i Lichnom Sostave (Minsk, 1983). (Belarussian Partisan Units in the Years of the Great Patriotic War (WWII), Concise Information about the organization structure and staff membership); Partiinoe Podpol'e v Belorussii. Stranits' Vospominanii. Vitebskaya, Mogileveskaya, Gomelskaya, Polesskaya oblasti (Minsk 1985) (Party Underground in Belarus. Pages on the Memories. Vitebsk, Mogilev, Gomel and Polessey Regions); Partiinoe Podpol'e v Belorussii. Vilenskaya, Baranovichskaya, Brestskaya, Belostokskaya i Pinskaya Oblasti (Party Underground Resistance. Vilna, Baranovichi, Brest, Belostyk and Pinsk Regions) Minsk, 1986.

[Page 361]

From Lists of the executive workers of the Communist Party
of the BSSR, found in the Army in the field, 1941-1942 *

Surname, Name, and Patronymic Year
of Birth
Year entered Communist Party Domain of work
Vargavtik, Efim Izrailevich 1906 1931 secretary Petrikov District CPB
Golub, Shlema Aronovich 1905 1925 secretary, Mozhyr District CPB
Kas'ka, Peter Isaakovich 1912 1939 Manager, Raifinotdelom of Glusk
Landa, Natan Borisovich 1912 1939 Chairman, Kalinkovichi Raiispolkom
Mindlin, Abram Yakovlevich 1903 1925 Member, Kalinkovichi District CPB
Mindlin, Pavel Yakovlevich 1903 1925 National Parichi District Section NKVD
Tsirkin, Grigory El'konovich 1912 1932 Secretary Kopatkevichi District CPB
Chaussky, Issak Grigor'evich 1906 1931 Secretary, Zhitkovichi District CPB
Chernoglaz, Zusya Yakovlevich 1903 1927 secretary E'lsk District CPB
Erlakh, Yakov Yakovlevich 1914 1941 secretary, Lel'chitsy District Young Communist League

* Vsego v Spiske Ukazano 72 Chel. (In all from lists of decrees, 72 persons in number) Return

[Page 362]

List of Secretaries of District and Municipality Committees
of the District CP of Belarussia, Active in Diversionary,
Partisan Squads and in Underground Workers' Parties in 1941-1942

Surname, Name and Patronymic Position
Goland, R. Kh. Secretary, Osipovichi District Committee
Izrailit, V. I. Personnel Secretary,Mekhovski District Committee
Livshits, D. O. Personnel Secretary Drissa District Committee
Rokhlin, A. Sh. Personnel Secretary David-Gorodok District Committee
Sverdlov, S. M. First Secretary Rogachev District Committee
Khavkin I. L. Third Secretary Mogilev Regional Committee
Shapiro, M. D. First Secretary Zlobin District Committee
Shein I. A. City Secretary Kopatkevichi District Committee
Yudin, V. V. Personnel Secretary, Novo-Belitsa District Committee

* In all, 123 persons indicated in the list. Return

[Page 363]

List of the members of the District, Municipality and Regional Committee
CP Belarus, directed by the CC CPB for Special Assignments to the
Districts of Belorussia, occupied by German troops in 1941-1942

Surname, Name and Patronymic Position
Bel'skii, Josif Aleksandrovich Third Secretary Minsk Regional Committee
Borovskii, Efim Pavlovich City Secretary, Beshenkovichi District Committee
Vargavtik, Khaim Izrailevich First Secretary Petrikov District Committee
Goland, Ruvim Khaimovich City Secretary Osipovichi District Committee
Grigor'ev, Isaak Grigorveich 2nd Secretary Zheleznodorozhny Gomel District Committee
Zavin, Il'ya Samulovich Personnel Secretary Luninets District Committee
Zelichenok, Yakov Zelikovich First Secretary Sharkovshchina District Committee
Zubitskii, Mikhail Isaakovich Personnel Secretary, Chashniki District Committee
Izrailit, Vul'f Izrailevich Personnel Secretary Mekhov District Committee
Livshits, David Osherovich Personnel Secretary Drissa District Committee
Rokhilin, Aizik SHlemovich Personnel Secretary David-Gorodok District Committee
Sverdlov, Samuil Monusoveich First Secretary Rogachev District Committee
Tamkov, Petr Khaimovich Personnel Secretary Zhlobin District Committee
Khavkhin, Iosif Leibovich Third Secretary Mogilev Regional Committee
Shapiro, Moisei Davidovich First Secretary Zhlobin District Committee

(From Belarussian Partisan Movement Staff material. Original historical kept at NARB, F. 4, op. 33a, d. 95, ll 30-35, 64-77; Copy kept at Yad Vashem Archives M-41/150)

[Page 364]

Employees of the Newspaper Einikait (Unity) and
Jewish Anti-fascist Committees of USSR born in Belorussia

July 24, 1948*

Surname, Name and Patronymic Year of Birth Town of origin Official
Vendrov, David Khaimovich 1880 Slutsk Manager of the Department of Foreign Information
Gefter, Aron Naumovich 1896 Gomel Manager of the Department of Newspaper Registration
Ziv, Meir Nokhimovich 1892 Minsk Director Manager of the Department of Foreign Information
Zlatkin Shepsin Efimoivch 1904 Logoisk Literary editor
Itkovich, Moisei Aronovich 1902 Minsk Literary editor
Kagan, Aizik Nisanovich 1908 Dukora Mail correspondent for Belorussia
Kagan, Zalman Sholomovich 1898 Minsk Guberniya Mail correspondent for Latvia
Katsnel'son, Issak Abramovich 1890 Bobriusk Literary worker
Kryl-Blank, Tatyana Yakovlevna 1895 Minsk Head Bookkeeper for the paper
Levin, NaumYakovlevich 1908 Mogilev Manager of the Department of artistic literature
Levin, Yakov Efremovich 1878 Mogilev Guberinya Manager of the Department of the Network of Correspondents
Safroa, Abram Izrailevich 1887 Zhuravichi General manager of the paper
Shadur, Mark Gilelevich 1910 Krupki Literary worker

* From: 1948 g. v gazete Einikait naschityvalos' 27 shtatnykh sotrudnikov, a v EAK sostoyalo 70 postoyann'kh chlenov. Look for: GARF, F. 8114, op. 1, D. 1172, ll. 55-66 (In the staff of paper Einikat newspaper were employed 27 employees, in the ranks of EAK numbers 70 permanent members) Return

[Page 366]

Memorial complexes, monuments, and memorial markers
to the victims of the Holocaust in Belarus
established between 1945 and 1999

Transcribed by Irene Newhouse & Dr. Leonid Smilovitky

Place Region (Oblast) Number of Jewish Victims Nature of the Site Date Established
Baranovichi (Urochishche “Gai”) Brest 3,000 Memorial 1972
Baranovichi * Brest 12,000 (according to other sources 18,000) Monument 1994
Baran' Vitebsk (Orshcha District) 46 Monument unknown
Belitsa* Grodno (Lida District 37 Monument 1999
Beloe* Minsk (Borisov District) 400 Monument 1998
Bereza Brest 4,500 Monument 1965
Bobriusk (village Kamenka) Mogilev 5,281 Monument 1967
Bogushevsk Vitebsk 600 Monument unknown
Borisov * (Necropolis of Ghetto prisoners) Minsk more then 9,000 Memorial Plaque 1991
Borisov* () Minsk   Memorial Marker 1996
Borki* Brest (Pinsk District) 6 Monument 1995
Bragin Gomel 800 Stele 1980
Braslav* Vitebsk 2,000 Monument 1946
Brashevichi Brest Region Drogochin District 82 Monument 1946
Brest (Fort “Dubinka”) Brest 82 Monument 1965
Brest (Trishenski cemetery) Brest unknown Monument 1957
Brest (cemetery Plosk) Brest 5,000 Memorial Monument 1947,1987
Brest (4th km. Brest-Kovel') Brest 15,000 Jews & Soviet war prisoners Memorial Marker 1974
Brest* Brest 34,000 Memorial 1992
“Bronnaya Gora”* (Urochishche) Brest region (Bereza District) over 50,000 Jews and dr. Stele 1993
Buda-Koshelevo (1.5km northwest of the town) Gomel 485 Monument 1944
Vasilihki* Grodno (Shuchin District) 2,159 Monument Memorial 1967, 1997
Vorob'elichi Grodno 935 Memorial 1961
Vitebsk * (Ilovanski Rov) Vitebsk 20,000 Memorial Marker 1995
Vishnevo Minsk (Volozhin District) 2,060 Memorial 1980
Volkovysk * (Urochishche “Myshynye Gory”) Grodno over 4,000 Monument 1966
Volozhin* Minsk 1,595 Memorial 1995
Volpa Grodno (Volkovysk District) 962 unknown unknown
Volchin* Brest (Kamenets District) 800 Memorial 1960
Voronovo Grodno 800 (from Vilnius, 1,834 (Voronovo) Monument 1964
Voronyany Grodno (Ostrovno District) 178 unknown unknown
Vyazy* Brest (Pinsk Dist.) 600 Memorial 1990
Golynka Grodno District 189 unknown unknown
Gantsevichi (cemetery, Zaslonova Str.) Brest 4,000 Memorial Marker 1964
Glubokoe Vitebsk 8,000 Monument 1964
Glusk* Mogilev 3,000 Memorial unknown
Gomel Gomel 4,000 Memorial 1973,1975
Gorodishche* Brest 68 Memorial Marker 1994
Grodno* Grodno 29,000 Stele, Memorial Plaque 1965,1995
Gorodnoe Brest (Stolin Dist) unknown Monument 1969
Gorodok* (Uroch. “Borob'evy Gory”) Vitebsk 2,000 Memorial, stele 1946,1965
Derechin* Grodno (Zel'va Dist) over 2,000 Monument 1948
Dzerzhinsk* (Pervomaiskaya Str.) Minsk 1,600 Memorial 1971
Disna Vitebsk 3,800 Monument 1952
Dobraya Volya* Brest (Pinsk Dist) unknown Memorial 1997
Dokshitsy Vitebsk 2,653 Stele 1968
Domachevo* (Komarovo field) Brest 3,800 Monument 1956
Drogichin Brest 3,816 Monument 1967
Druya* Vitebsk (Braslav Dist) 1,318 Memorial Marker, Memorial 1962,1999
Dubrovno Vitebsk 1,1985 Monument 1957
Dukora* Minsk (Pukhovichi Dist) 394 Memorial unknown
Dunilovichi Vitebsk (Postavy Dist) 930 Monument 1957
Dyatlovo* Grodno 5,800 Monument 1945
Eremichi Grodno (Korelichi Dist) 97 Monument 1966
Zhabinka Brest 360 Monument and Memorial Plinth 1956
Zheludok* Grodno (Shchuchin Dist) 2,000 Monument Memorial 1959,1998
Zaslavl'* Minsk 60 Memorial Marker 1999
Zembin* Minsk (Borisov Dist) 927 Memorial Plaque 1993
Zelva* Grodno unknown Memorial unknown
Ivanovo Brest 1,500 Memorial 1965
Ivenets* Minsk (Volozhin Dist) 800 Memorial 1946,1996
Iv'e* Grodno 2,524 Memorial 1946,1994
Ievenets* Minsk (Volozhin Dist) 1,200 Memorial 1996
Il'ya * (Zarechnaya) St.) Minsk (Vileika Dist) 2,300 Stele 1957
Kalinkovichi * Gomel 700 Mem. Marker, Memorial 1953, 1997
Kletsk * Minsk 7,000 Memorial 1996
Klimovichi * Mogilev 1,000 Memorial 1958
Kozlovshchina Grodno (Dyatlovo Dist) 770 Monument 1967
Koldychevo Brest 22,000 War Prisoners and Jews Memorial 1964
Komelishki Grodno * (Ostrovno Dist) 350 Memorial Plinth 1958
Korma (Lenin St.) Gomel 700 Monument 1966
Kostyukovichi* Mogilev unknown Monument unknown
Kot'ki Grodno (Dyatlavo Dist) 3,000 Monument 1964
Krichev Mogilev 200 Monument unknown
Lapichi* Minsk (Osipovichi Dist) 57 Obelisk 1993
Lakhva* Brest (Luninets Dist) 1,946 Memorial 1994
Lebedevo* Minsk (Molodechno Dist) 600 Monument, Stele 1946,1968
Lenino* Gomel (Zhitzkovichi Dist) 5,000 Memorial Marker 1005
Lepel' Vitebsk over 1,000 Memorial 1967
Lida* (Krasnoarmeisky St.) Grodno 5,700 according to another sources 8,000 Monument and Memorial Plinth 1992
Liozno Vitebsk unknown Monument 1964
Lyshchitsy Brest Dist. 756 Monument 1956
Lubcha Grodno (Novogrudok Dist) 375 Monument 1958
Liady Vitebsk (Dubrono Dist) 2,000 Memorial 1966
Lyakhovichi* Brest 4,725 Memorial 1960,1992
Malye Vorob'evichi Grodno (Novogrudok Dist) 635 Monument 1961
Maloe Stakhovo* Minsk (Borisov Dist) unknown Memorial Marker 1998
Minsk * (Ratomka Str.) Minsk 5,000 Memorial 1946
Minsk * (Sukhaya St.) Minsk 993 Jews from Duesseldorf Memorial 1998
Minsk * (Yubileny Square) Minsk 1,350 Memorial Marker 1993
Mir* (Tankistov St.) Grodno (Korelevichi Dist) 1,600 Monument Memorial 1966,1988
Mir (Octyabr' St.) Grodno (Korelevichi Dist) 700 Monument 1967
Mir (Uroch. “Yablonovshchina”) Grodno (Korelevichi Dist) 750 Monument 1966
Mikhalishki Grodno (Ostrovets Dist) over 200 unknown unknown
Mogil'no * Mogilev 20,000 Memorial 1993
Mozyr Gomel 1,500 Memorial unknown
Molchad' Brest (Baranovichi Dist) 3,665 Stele 1961
Motyl'* Brest unknown Memorial unknown
Narovlya Gomel 920 Memorial 1960
Naumovichi Grodno (Grodno Dist) 3,000 Jews and War Prisoners Sculpture 1960
Nesvizh Minsk over 3,000 Memorial 1965
Novogrudok (Minsk St.) Grodno 1,118 Monument 1964
Novogrudok (Perets St.) Grodno 10,000 Monument 1963
Ozarichi * Gomel (Kalikovichi Dist) 400 Memorial 1996
Ogorodniki Gomel (Kalikovichi Dist) 15 Memorial 1996
Orsha Vitebsk 6,000 Stele 1971
Osipovichi * Mogilev unknown Memorial Plinth 1998
Ostrovno* Vitebsk unknown Monument unknown
Pertrikov* Gomel 450 Memorial 1947
Pinsk (village Posenichi) Brest over 26,000 Jews and War Prisoners Memorial 1995
Plissa* Vitebsk (Glubokoe Dist) 419 Memorial 1998
Plitchenka, village Drazy Minsk (Borisov Dist) Several Jewish Families Memorial Plaque 1996
Pogost-Zagordsky, village Kamen' Brest (Pinsk Dist) 1,000 Memorial, Memorial Marker 1990
Polotsk* Vitebsk 7,000 Memorial Marker 1993
Postavy Vitebsk unknown Stele 1956
Petrolevichi (Uroch. “Krivaya Gora”) Grodno (Slonim Dist) 10,102 Jews and War Prisoners Monument 1964
Pervomaisk Brest (Drogichin Dist) 2,500 Monument 1975
Petrikov Gomel 450 Monument 1965
Petrovichi (cemetery) Brest (Zhabinka Dist) 30 Monument 1974
Posenichi * Brest (Pinsk Dist) unknown Memorial Marker 1997
Pukhovichi* (buried in Mar'ina Gorka) Minsk region 3,150 Memorial 1966
Radoshkovichi* Minsk region 860 Monument 1947
Radun' * Brest (Voronovo Dist) 2,130 Monument Memorial 1961,1997
Rakov * Minsk (Volozhin Dist) 1,050 Memorial 1946
Rechitsa * (Jewish cemetery) Gomel region 3,000 Memorial 1995
Rogachev (Drutsky Str.) Gomel region 3,500 Monument 1964
Svisloch (Uroch. “Vishennik”) Grodno region 1,536 Monument 1960
Senno Vitebsk 1,000 Memorial 1994
Sirotino Vitebsk (Shumilin Dist) 30 Memorial 1948
Sitnya* Kalinskovichi Dist 30 Stele 1992
Skrydlevo Novogrudok Dist 24,000 War Prisoners and Jews Monument Sculpture 1966,1968
Slavgorod Mogilev 2,000 Memorial unknown
Slonim * (Chapyaleuskia Pali) Grodno region 8,000 Stele, Memorial 1967, 1995
Slonim * (Urochishche “Margi”) Grodno region 2,000 Stele 1979
Slutsk Minsk region 10,000 Monument 1958
Smilovichi Minsk region 2,000 Stele 1965
Smolevichi* (Jewish cemetery) Minsk region 2,000 Memorial unknown
Smolyany Vitebsk (Kokhanovichi Dist) 800 Memorial 1948
Starya Gorynka Grodno (Zelva Dist) 386 Monument 1964
Stolbtsy* Minsk region 3,000 Monument 1994
Stolin * Brest region over 8,000 Memorial 1996
Stonevichi (Urochishche “Khovanshchina”) Grodno region (Iv'e Dist) 2,744 Stele 1990
Slutsk (Urochishche “Gorovakho”) Minsk region over 8,000 Memorial 1998
Surazh * Vitebsk region over 700 Memorial 1998
Tal'ka * Minsk region (Pukhovichi Dist) 280 Monument 1950
Telekhany Brest region (Ivenets Dist) over 1000 Memorial 1946
Tolmilovo (Khutor Ugleeva) Grodno region (Oshmyani Dist) 700 Memorial Plinth 1967
Trostenets Minsk region more than 50,000 Memorial, Memorial Marker 1963, 1994
Turets Grodno (Korelichi Dist) 463 Monument 1966
Turov (Jewish cemetery) Gomel region over 1,000 Memorial 1964
Uzda Minsk region 1,740 Monument 1947
Uzlyany * Minsk region (Pukhovichi Dist) 375 Monument 1953
Ushachi Vitebsk region 925 Monument 1975
Ulla Vitebsk region (Beshenovichi Dist) unknown Monument unknown
Kholmech' Minsk region (Vileika Dist) 57 Memorial Marker 1999
Khomsk Brest region (Drogichin Dist) 3,000 Monument Memorial 1967
Khotenchitsy * Minsk (Vileika Dist) 50 Memorial 1947
Chashniki * Vitebsk region 1,600 Memorial unknown
Cherven' Minsk region 2,000 Memorial 1968
Chechersk (3km from town on road to Zabolot'e Gomel region over 1,000 Memorial 1954
Shumilino (Torf enterprise “Debeev Mokh”) Vitebsk region unknown unknown unknown
Shchedrin * Mogilev region 1,600 Memorial unknown
Shuchin (aerodrome) Grodno region 2,060 Monument 1965
Yurovichi Gomel region (Kalinkovichi Dist) 350 Monument 1996
Yagelovshchina Grodno (Oshmyani Dist) 573 Stele 1958
Yagelovshchina (Urocheshche Roista) Grodno (Oshmyany Dist) 353 Memorial Marker 1967

Table compiled by the author from materials:
  1. National Archive of the Republic Belarus
  2. Gosidarstvenny Arkhiv Rossiskoi Federatsii (State Archive of the Russian Federation, GARF)
  3. Reports of the Jewish Orthodox Society of Belarus (Minsk)
  4. “Svod Pamyatnikov Istorii i Kultury Belaruskoy SSR” (Collection of monument, memorials and signs Memorial of History and Culture”) (Minsk, 1984-1988)
  5. “Mishpoha” Magazine (Vitebsk)
  6. Newspapers: “Aviv” (Minsk), “Berega” (Minsk), “Evreiskii Kamerton” (Tel Aviv), “Mezuza” (Minsk).
* Population centers which have special Jewish symbols (magendovids, menorah signs, or mentioned words “ghetto” or “Jews” and not just dedicated to “Soviet citizens”, “Victims of fascism”, etc.
** All-Israel Society of Jews came from Belarus with the financial support of Leo Gol'dberg established (as) memorial to the cemeteries Kur'yat Shaul' in Tel-Aviv (1976); Holon – Avenue Holocaust Victims from Belarus in Jerusalem – Memorial to the Lost Communities of Belarus (Division for each of the 6 regions) at the Institute Yad Vashem (1993).

Urochishche – natural boundary, isolated terrain feature (e.g. wood in swamp country).
Kladbishche – cemetery.

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