Table of Contents

List of Pictures

Fradel Stavsky and Judith Feldstein in Siberia  13 
Board of Directors of the Peretz Library  15 
The Synagogue Court  19 
The Brick Synagogue  21 
Yeshiva Students from Antopol  25 
Rabbi Moshe Berman O.B.M.  45 
Mechiras Homets Contract by Rabbi Berman  47 
Family murdered by the Belachovitzes  49 
Marshes  53 
Nazi Atrocities  55 
Mr. L. London near the mass grave  71 
Survivors honor the martyrs  71 
Women partisans during the war and after  91 
Partisan certificate  91 
Permit for going out of the ghetto  99 
Ita Wolinetz  105 
A mother weeps over dead child  113 
Part of Memorial Wall in Synagogue in Tel-Aviv, named after the martyrs  113 
In front of Mayor Sirota's house  115 
The market place  115 
Yudel der Shreiber and his wife  121 
Moshe Stavy (Stavsky)  123 
Dr. P. Berman  125 
Akiva Ben-Ezra  127 
Pintche Berman  129 
Abraham Warsaw  131 
Abraham H. Lieff  133 
Rebitsin Walkin with friends  135 
Mrs. Teibe Shagan and her class  135 
Appeal of Antepoler Federation of America  143 
Supported institutions  145 
A passport of one of the first immigrants from Russia to Argentina  151 
Committee of landsleit in Buenos Aires  153 
A reception at the meeting  153 
Signatures of members at the meeting  155 
Teachers and pupils of German public school during World War I  157 
Engagement Contact by Rabbi Walkin  159 
Tomb stones in the old cemetery  159 
At the cemetery  161 
A landmark in Antopol  161 
A letter from Rabbi Walkin to Mr. L. Wolowelsky  163 
At a Banquet of Israel Development Bonds  163 
Jubilee of Antepoler Organization in Chicago  165

Table of Contents

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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld

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Updated 28 July 2005 by LA