The memorial book of Zychlin
(Żychlin, Poland)

52°15' / 19°37'

Translation of
Sefer Zychlin

Editor: Ami Shamir

Published in Tel Aviv 1974



Project Coordinators

Leon Zamosc , David Goren and Lori Sandoval

This is a translation of: Sefer Zychlin (The memorial book of Zychlin),
Editor: Ami Shamir, Zychliner Organization of Israel and America, Tel Aviv 1974 (H,Y,E 350 pages)

Purchase details for a printed copy of this translation can be found at

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Preface to the English translation    
Introduction   VII
The Hebrew section
History of Zychlin   15
Zychlin - 600 years of history   17
Zychlin - A Mother Town of the People of Israel Yaakov Ben-Binah 21
The Hasidic dynasty of Zychlin Esther Zychlinski-Zyger 31
The mother town   37
This is what life in our town was like Yosef Rozengarten 39
A bundle of memories M. Koren 44
Our little town Miriam Jacobi (Mania Olsztyn) 45
A Town full of Yiddishkeit Santze and Rashe Berman 48
Remembering the shtetl on the eve of Yom Kippur Bracha Berman-Kroshinski 49
The cradle of Zionism Bracha Yair (Olsztyn) 51
The town of my childhood Helena Tzinamon-Bodek 52
Traditional versus modern Ben-Nachum 54
A joyous Purim Yaakov Ben-Binah 56
Avreymele Gelach Yaakov Ben-Binah 57
Community organizations and parties   59
The General Zionists – Bnai Zion Association R. Yosef 61
The Turen Farein sports association Y. Gil 63
Hashomer Hatzair in Zychlin Bunim Steinberger (Shamir) 67
The workers' movement – Poalei Zion Left Moshe Zyger 75
In the name of the common people Yehoshua Wojdeslawski 79
An active political life - Poalei Zion Right Michael Schwartzberg 81
Founders and activists of the Bnai Zion Association Rivka Kanarek 87
The committee of the Jewish community Yaakov Neufeld (Noi) 90
The Zychliner Organization in Israel Yehoshua Wojdeslawski 92
Personalities   97
The righteous Reb Aharon Yehuda Yaakov Ben-Binah 99
Reb Menachem Meir Rozenbaum Yosef Rozengarten 100
My father-in-law, Reb Menachem Meir Rozenbaum Yaakov Neufeld (Noy) 101
David Steinberger (Shamir) Yosef Rozengarten 103
Tova Steinberger (Shamir) Yosef Rozengarten 105
Michael Lajzerowicz Yosef Rozengarten 106
Aharon Kanarek (Zamir) Yosef Rozengarten 107
Menachem Olsztyn Yosef Rozengarten 108
Leibush (Aryeh) Olsztyn Yosef Rozengarten 109
Moshe Kelmer - From Zychlin to the Knesset Yosef Rozengarten 110
My grandfather, Reb Avraham Itche Boim Yaakov Neufeld (Noy) 111
Three Zychliners David Steinberger (Shamir) 112
Yitzhak Kelmer Yaakov Ben-Binah 114
The Lemberg family Yaakov Lemberg 115
My friend, Avraham Getzel (Ben-Yaakov) Yaacov Lemberg 118
My father, Anszel Tzinamon Helena Tzinamon-Bodek 120
A memorial candle for my father and family Yehoshua Wojdeslawski 121
Reb Itche Jakubowicz Shmuel Jakubowicz 122
An artist in town - Israel Zafran Moshe Lemberg 123
Eliyahu Goldfarb Yeshayahu Meiri 124
Yosef Rozengarten Yeshayahu Meiri 125
The Destruction   127
In the Zychlin ghetto Testimonies 129
The liquidation of Zychlin ghetto Helena Tzinamon-Bodek 133
The last days of the Jewish community Moshe Kelmer 138
From the ghetto and the camps to freedom in Israel Tzipora Maroz 141
Act of heroism Yaakov B. 144
The bitter end Michael Schwartzberg 144
The Yiddish section
History of Zychlin   151
Zychlin - 600 years of history   153
Zychlin - A Mother Town of the People of Israel Yaakov Ben-Binah 158
The Hasidic dynasty of Zychlin Esther Zychlinski-Zyger 173
The mother town   179
This is what life in our town was like Yosef Rozengarten 181
A bundle of memories M. Koren 186
Our little town Miriam Jacobi (Mania Olsztyn) 188
A Town full of Yiddishkeit Santze and Rashe Berman 192
Remembering the shtetl on the eve of Yom Kippur Bracha Berman-Kroshinski 193
The cradle of Zionism Bracha Yair (Olsztyn) 198
The town of my childhood Helena Tzinamon-Bodek 200
Traditional versus modern Ben-Nachum 202
Elijah the Prophet shows up at Chaimke's doorstep Yosef Rozengarten 204
A joyous Purim Yaakov Ben-Binah 205
Community organizations and parties   207
The General Zionists – Bnai Zion Association R. Yosef 209
The Turen Farein sports association Y. Gil 211
Hashomer Hatzair in Zychlin Bunim Steinberger (Shamir) 214
The workers' movement – Poalei Zion Left Moshe Zyger 223
In the name of the common people Yehoshua Wojdeslawski 230
An active political life - Poalei Zion Right Michael Schwartzberg 234
Founders and activists of the Bnai Zion Association Rivka Kanarek 241
The committee of the Jewish community Yaakov Neufeld (Noi) 244
On the religious ways Yosef Ben-Yehoshua 248
The Zychliner Organization in Israel Yehoshua Wojdeslawski 254
Zychliners in the United States Y. B. 259
Personalities   267
The righteous Reb Aharon Yehuda Yaakov Ben-Binah 269
Hasidic wars in Zychlin Avraham Razon 271
My father-in-law, Reb Menachem Meir Rozenbaum Yaakov Neufeld (Noy) 275
Reb Menachem Meir Rozenbaum Yosef Rozengarten 276
David Steinberger (Shamir) Yosef Rozengarten 277
Tova Steinberger (Shamir) Yosef Rozengarten 279
Avraham Getzel (Ben-Yaakov) Yosef Rozengarten 280
Aharon Kanarek (Zamir) Yosef Rozengarten 281
Menachem Olsztyn Yosef Rozengarten 282
Leibush (Aryeh) Olsztyn Yosef Rozengarten 282
Michael Lajzerowicz Yosef Rozengarten 283
Moshe Kelmer - From Zychlin to the Knesset Yosef Rozengarten 284
Three Zychliners David Steinberger (Shamir) 285
My grandfather, Reb Avraham Itche Boim Yaakov Neufeld (Noy) 288
The Lemberg family Yaakov Lemberg 289
My friend, Avraham Getzel (Ben-Yaakov) Yaacov Lemberg 293
My father, Anszel Tzinamon Helena Tzinamon-Bodek 295
Eliyahu Goldfarb Yeshayahu Meiri 297
Reb Itche Jakubowicz Shmuel Jakubowicz 298
My brother Yaakov Iashchemski Blumeh Iashchemski-Schwartzberg 299
Yosef Rozengarten Yeshayahu Meiri 300
An artist in town - Israel Zafran Moshe Lemberg 301
The Shatin family Bar-Yosef 301
Avreymele Gelach Yaakov Ben-Binah 302
Yitzhak Kelmer Yaakov Ben-Binah 304
A memorial candle for my father and family Yehoshua Wojdeslawski 305
Michael Schwartzberg A. Z. 306
Nicknames from our town Yosef Propen 307
The Destruction   309
In the Zychlin ghetto Testimonies 311
The liquidation of Zychlin ghetto Helena Tzinamon-Bodek 315
The last days of the Jewish community Moshe Kelmer 322
From the ghetto and the camps to freedom in Israel Tzipora Maroz 326
An appeal to the American Joint Committee of Dabrowice Jews in Zychlin 329
In Auschwitz and Buchenwald Leibish Tadelis 333
Act of heroism Yaakov B. 334
Memories of the war Moshe Zyslender 335
The bitter end Michael Schwartzberg 337
Yizkor [A Memorial]   341
List of the Martyrs   343
Additional Materials
(not in the original book)
Zychlin Pinkas Hakehilot  
History and construction of the Zychlin synagogue Michal Ryter
History of the Zychlin Jewish Cemetery Marysia Galbraith and David Goren
Yeshiva Boys Hersz Bursztajn
Surviving on the Aryan side Helena Tzinamon-Bodek
The Boy in the Closet Senek (Zelig) Rosenblum
Images of the deportation of the Zychlin Jews, March 3 1942  
List of Jews murdered on the day before deportation  
List of Zychliners in Yad Vashem's Central Database of Shoah Victims' Names
Zychlin memorial monuments in Israel and Poland  


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