The matter of the salary's confiscation came to the attention of the city mayor (Bormisz-Niklashinski) who ordered the city's treasurer to pay the secretary his due and to deduct the sum from the monies due to the community (the taxes for the community needs were collected by the city). A situation therefore arose by which Yaakov Freund received all his back-pay before his immigration to Israel from the goy Niklashinski, and not from the chairman of the Jewish community, Velvish Gizberg!
Hanoar Hatzioni |
As is well known, there was also an internal division among the branches of the movement during that period. The two factions were Al HaMishmar (On Guard) and Et Livnot (A Time to Build); the strongest of them was Al HaMishmar. The duties of the committees of the two factions, at different times, were distributed as follows:
Within the community, he was always busy helping the needy. He did it with complete dedication and without expectation of reward. I remember that before Passover, he always consulted with my father Israel Majerowicz (zl) on the matter of Maot Chitin (providing for the Passover needs of the poor.) The two of them were very friendly, and Hersh-Yitzchak Katz was a frequent guest at our home. My father was the owner of a farm (Shenklov) in those days, and used to donate hundreds of kilos of potatoes, onions and beets to the needy. From that position, he could also prevail upon other farm owners to do likewise.
As a result of those consultations, Hersh-Yitzchak Katz would put together a roster of the needy, by family size. We would then take care of the deliveries straight from the wagons.
As the representative of the community, Hersh-Yitzchak Katz conducted a constant struggle against the Chassidim on the matter of placing a Magen David on the roof of the synagogue (see the separate article on the matter, written by A. Kshepitzki.) He also worked diligently to raise public opinion on the subject among the town's landlords.
The Jewish Federation In Poland: Membership Card. Extended To Mordechai Meirowicz |
Some cases are still remembered in which, according to the necessary data, the subjects underwent plastic surgery in their bios, until they looked completely kosher. (The veteran Zionist family of Esther and Israel Schmidt (zl), and their son Avraham Schmidt (Shemer) and Masha Schmidt (Ben-Avi) - may they be blessed with a long life, is one of those.)
And if we are engaging in memories, we must mention also Renick Schokowsky (zl) - who passed away on the year that this publication came out, and Zenia Tavlah. The wish to immigrate to Israel was strong among past members of Hashomer Hatzair, who were now active in the Zionist federation. For some reason, they missed the step of self-realization. All their efforts in using the help of their branch to join one of the departing groups (like the business aliyah, or the capitalistic aliyah, or the middle class aliyah) came to naught.
However, the slogan of the visionary of the State, Dr. B.Z. Herzl nothing stands in the way of a strong will, penetrated deeply into their consciousness, and did not let them rest. For that reason, they continued to search for ways to emigrate. At long last, they joined a tour group and departed as tourists. They had to deposit the sum of 1000 sterling pounds as warranty of their return, but during their stay in Eretz Israel many efforts were undertaken in order to have them stay, and for the sum of 150 sterling pounds, their status was legalized, changing thus from tourists to the much desired category of olim (immigrants.)
Members of the youth group Herzliyah Standing, from the right: Yosef Dawidowicz, Avraham Urbach, Mordechai Shmulewitz, Margolis, Shlomo Leizertis, Shlomo Dawidowicz; Seated, from the right: Avraham Bergman, Moshe Kashpitzky, Yechiel Dawidowicz, Moshe Besser, Hershl Taich, Yitzchak Dawidowicz, Vowtzia Markowitz |
The discussion had to do with the aliyah of Zionist activists to Eretz Israel. There were those who complained about why they are not helped to immigrate to Israel, like other good Zionists were helped. Yitzchak Greenbaum answered, briefly: they went, they are going and they will still go.
Yaakov Bielawski (zl) remembered the owner of a farm, Mrs. Basha Frishman (Ferkaline), who used to travel to farms in Zeznia in horse-drawn carriages. On the way, some young goyim would run after her, pelting her with stones and yelling: "Jewess, go to Palestine. She would answer: But, I am going.
First gathering of immigrants from Zloczew in Israel Seated, from right to left: Rushka Margolis, David Yosef Dawidowicz, Rachel (daughter of the latter), Zenia Wolkowitz Standing, from right to left: Israel Schmidt, (zl), Selah Friedman, Yaakov Freund, Yemima (wife of David Yosef), Tzvia Bina Dawidowicz, Shmuel Kampinsky |
I recall, with a painful trembling and a broken heart, those young, exuberant lives that were cut short in their prime and in the midst of their blessed activism. They were destroyed while still believing that they were fighting pioneers, opening the path to a new way of life for their persecuted people. They expired while the dream of the future, built on the best humanistic values on which they were brought up, lay shattered at their feet, under the nailed boots of the cruel Nazi murderer and sunk in the depth of a blood bath.
They were swallowed in their long journey into the blackest of black and foggy night, together with so many of the Jews for whom they toiled.
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