Table of Contents

Photo Captions

Translated by Ann Gleich Harris and Daniel Kochavi

Page 21 The Market Square before World War 1
Page 22 Map of 1649 Defeat of the Poles near Zborow, August, 6, 1649
  Polish King's Army
  Khmelnyski's Army
Page 23 Overview from Mount Tustoglowy
Page 26 The Main Street
Page 29 Food Distribution during World War 1
Page 32 The Bridge over the Strypa River that Connected the Town with Kuklince Neighborhood
Page 39 Commemorating the Organization of Expatriates from Zborow and the Surrounding Areas in Israel and the Diaspora
Page 41 Rescuers of Jews. Wladik Laschinski and His Wife Stifa, Her Sister Helka and Her Brother, Genik Shienkwicz
Page 49 In the Monastery (upper left image), Father Pavlitsky Hid Jews from Our City
Page 64 Memorial in Israel in 1952
  Standing: Adyk Silberman, Naftali Katz, Ha-Sofer, R'Binyamin, Zelig Yaron (Jaeger), Gershon Schneider, Arye Rotem
Page 65 Railroad Station Platform in Zborow
Insert Facing page 68 First:
  Lighting of Soul [memorial] Candles by Sh. Schechter, B. Sperling, Y. Tenenbaum, M. Orhan, M. Shapira and Sh. Silberman in Memory of the 6 Million Jews who perished in the Shoah, during the Memorial Ceremony for the Martyrs of Zborow and Its Surrounding Areas That Took Place on the 20th of Tammuz [July 13, 1971] in Tel-Aviv.
  The speakers: A. Silberman Reading the Prayers. Chazzan S. Schechter from NY
  Facing page 68 Second:
  Standing while Reciting Yizkor Prayers for the Martyrs of Zborow and the Surrounding Areas
Page 75 In Bold Letters: Letters from the Killing Hell
  [plain text:] were written to Emil Brumer, z”l, a member of the Jewish Brigade, who was a prisoner in a German camp, from his fiancée, Ida Berger, his mother, z”l, and his sister
Page 99 Hebrew Kindergarten 1938
Page 105 Mendel Jung and Family
Page 110 Hebrew Kindergarten 1938
Page 111 Leib Kronisch, z”l
Insert Facing page 116.
  Some People from Zborow and Surrounding Areas at the Annual Memorial.
  Recitation of the Kaddish by Shalom Schechter at the Memorial Ceremony for the Martyrs from Zborow and Its Surrounding Areas
Page 117 A Calendar Written in the Ghetto
Insert Facing Page 132
  Some of the People from Zborow and Surrounding Areas at the Annual Memorial
Insert Facing Page 148, top:
  Dr. Bunim Feldman Speaks at the First Memorial to the Martyrs of Zborow and Surrounding Areas (Seated, from the left: Naftali Katz and author, R'Binyamin).
  Bottom: Malka Marder and Nachum Linder Light Memorial Candles in the Shoah Room in Jerusalem
Insert Facing page 149
  Some People from Zborow and Surrounding Areas at Annual Memorial
Page 160 Father Jan Pavilitski
Page 163 The Jewish Group in the Soviet Air Force (The arrow points to the writer of the article, Shmuel Silberman)
Insert Facing Page 165
  First Memorial for the Martyrs of Zborow and Surrounding Areas that Took Place in 1952 in Tel Aviv
Page 174 Images of Outcasts
Page 177 Losha and Marek Reis
Page 181 [Right] The Savior Anton Suchiniski and [left] Aitze Zeiger, Whom He Saved
Page 182 The Memorial Plaque in the Holy City for the Community of Zborow
Page 184 Levi Remer, z”l –Commander of the Zborow Ghetto Uprising
Page 185 Benjamin Plisner, z”l
  One of the Flag Raisers of Zborow Ghetto Uprising
  Bottom: The Train Lines that Took Me to the Belzec Extermination Camp
Page 186 Tzvi Katz
Page 187 Righteous Gentiles of Our Town
  Polish Priest, Jan Pavlitzki; Antoshu Sobinski, and Waldik and Stifa Laschinski, their sister Helka, and brother Genik Sheinkbicz.
  Farmer: Padki Fotorski; Tustoglowy farmer [she] Shomniska; Tustoglowy farmer [she] Kasia Rozumkiewicz; Farmer, Bigos; Teacher Kortzibiski and wife.
  Everyone's name was mentioned in the book except for Bigos, but he also concealed the identities of some of the Jews of our town.
Page 200 Shalom Schwadron's Store in the “Traffic”–second building from the right
Page 210 Yehuda Labiner
Page 212 Simchat Torah (October 22, 1970). Meeting of Natives from Zborow and Surrounding Areas As They Decided To Begin Work on the Zborow Memorial Book
Page 216 R'Yisrael Redler, z”l
Page 219 Mrs. Bracha Feldman, z”l
Page 234 Tombstone of R'Yechiel Simcha Bunim Feldman, Grandfather of R'Binyamin)
Page 245 Members of the Community Council–Seated (r to l) Moshe Schechter, Moshe Chaim Silberman, Aron Czapnik, Dr. R. Bond. Standing (l to r) David Herman, Benjamin Reiss, Adolf Morgenstern, Mendel Segal
Page 246 Moshe Chaim Silberman
Page 247 Adolf Morgenstern [top] and Aron Czapnik
Page 248 Benjamin (Buniev) Reiss
Page 250 Celebration in Honor of Mr. Horovitz's Going away–by the Zborow Council– Nisan [March-April] 1934
Page 251 Bernard and Fantsche Altscher
Page 252 Pharmacy of Marek and Losha Reiss
Page 253 Binyamin and Dora Plisner (nee Silberman);
  [Below] Rav Moshe Schechter
Page 254 Going away Party for Binyamin Reiss, the President of the Congregation Council, in August 1938
Page 258 Going away Party for Aron Czapnik, 1936
Page 259 Seated (from l to r) L. Kronisch, Y. Katz, B. Reiss, A. Garber, S. Schwebel;
  Standing: (from r to l) B. Plisner, F. Zimmer, M. Schwab in 1938
Page 261 Congregation Council in the 1920s
Page 262 The “Kitchen” Children and Some of the Staff
  In Yiddish: Kitchen for Poor Children Organized by Nathan Okun, Zborow Relief in America
Page 263 Committee for Poor and Orphan Children. Front row, from the right: Shmuel Schwebel, Regina Jung, Fantsche Altscher; chair, Sila Silberman.
  Standing: Binyamin Plisner
Page 265 Nathan Okun during His Visit to Zborow
Page 267 Fantsche Altscher (nee Silberman)
Page 268 Nathan Okun with His Friends: Binyamin Plisner, Suniev Jaeger, Naftali Katz, Abba Kaufman, in the Store of Binyamin Plisner
Page 270 Yiddish: A Banquet for Nathan Okun
Page 271 Yiddish: The Committee for the Jewish [hard to read] in Zborow
Page 273 (Friends) Members of HaHalutz of Zborow in 1926
Page 275 Group of Agricultural Trainees at the Estate in Henkovitsa
  Members from Zborow: Adyk Silberman (1) David Khlar (2), Poldi Auerbach (3)
Page 276 [Illegible]
Page 277 Members of Gordonia
Page 279 Teacher Y. Jewitz
Page 280 The Soccer Team (left to right): Y. Roth, Y. Feuerstein, A. Silberman, Z. Jaeger, M. Schortz, B. Brand, D. Khlar, M. Pfeffer, M. Fuchs, S. Silberman, G. Auerbach
Page 281 Many Days after We Left Zborow, We Would Often Meet and Reminisce or Read from Letters that Came to Us. In the photo: Poldi Auerbach, z''l (he went to Zborow for a visit and perished in the Shoah), Tzvi Pasternak, and the writer [Adyk Silberman]–all were members of the Gordonia group
Page 282 The Hebrew School with Teacher, Y. Jewitz
Page 285 The Gordonia Organization in Zborow
Page 288 Members of the Hamizrachi Movement
Page 289 Hashomer Hatsair
Page 291 One of the Hebrew School Classes with Y. Jewitz, Teacher
Page 292 Election Committee for the Zionist Congress in Zborow
Page 295 First Members from Training at the Linder Estate near Stanislawow.
  Standing in the middle of the row: Nachum Linder and Hersh Dimand.
  Sitting on the right: N. Heiman; on the left: Y. Shtoltsenberg-Shapira
  Lying on the right: Dov Mehlzak.
Page 296 Dov Mehlzak (second row, second from left), with His Friends from HaHalutz, before Emigrating to Eretz
Page 297 Members of the Gordonia Group at a Course with the Envoy (Shaliach) from Eretz, Dov Menachmi
Page 299 Part of the Rynek, the Commercial [Market] Center of Zborow
Page 302 Going away of Naftali Bitz [?] to Eretz Yisrael–1934
Page 306 The Rynek with two Bazaars on the Main Street
Page 307 The Shachar Group in Gordonia with Natan Heiman, Head of the Group
Page 308 The Shachar Group with Asher Halpern, z”l, Head of the Group
Page 309 No title
Page 310 “The Golden Youth” in Zborow
Page 312 Moshe Shapira (in the middle) in the Workshop
Page 313 Family of Lipa Shapira [above]
Page 314 Picture of the Stores in the “Ratush” Closed on Yom Kippur
Page 319 Karoltsche Auerbach
Page 323 Banner Overhead: The Zionist Youth Organization, Achvah
Page 325 Beit Yakov School, Zborow, Elul 1920s [sign in front of class picture]
Page 326 Talmud Torah [sign on wall]
Page 328 Sewing or Trade [?] Course at the Beit Yakov School in Zborow
Page 329 Bal Sjon Rewizjon in Zborow, November 19, 1934
Page 331 Teachers and Students in the State School. (Seated from the right): Krotsovska, Fdorovski, Zvdovski, Principal Richlevski, Yenoshvitsovna Vinshevska
Page 332 Hashomer Hatsair, Zborow 1934
Page 333 Participants in the Memorial on the 20th Tammuz (July 13, 1971) at the Beit Hamoreh, Tel Aviv
Page 334 Gravestone for Chana Silberman. Obituary of Chana Silberman [text in Yiddish]
Page 335 Gravestone of R' Shlomo Roztenbaum, Belz Sage, and His Obituary
Page 343 A Declaration of Hate against the Jews of Poland
Page 351 R' Binyamin (Yehoshua Redler-Feldman, z”l)
Page 353 Simcha Bunim Feldman, z”l
Page 354 Ha Rav Ben Zion Schalita, z”l; Below: Ha Rav Shlomo Kleinhandler, z”l
Page 355 Ha Rav Alter (Moshe Jung Ha Levi) Zweig, z”l
Page 356 In memory of Dr. Moshe Brumer, z”l
Page 357 Moshe Chaim Silberman, z”l;
  [Below] Yisrael Katz, z”l
Page 358 The Businessman, Mendel Segal, z”l
Page 359 Naftali Katz, z”l
Page 360 Hersh Shapira, z”l
Page 361 Jakob Fuchs, z”l
Page 362 Mendel Jung, z”l
Page 363 Abba Waltuch, z”l; Below: Arye Leib Adler, z”l
Page 364 Pesach (Poldi) Auerbach, z”l;
[Below] Poldi Auerbach and Adyk Silberman improving Shedot-Migdal in Tiberia
Page 365 Aiziv Silberman, z”l; Below: Achava branch in the second row in the middle of the four Adrecheem: Aiziev Silberman, Yakov Mendel, Jakob Fuchs, and Duniev Schwebel
Page 366 Zeinvel (Zebulon) Liebling, z”l
Page 375 Asher Halpern
Page 376 The Monitor, Asher Halpern (first on the right) during Training
Page 379 David, son of Ester and Shmuel Schneider, Killed in the War for Independence
Page 380 David Schneider with Students [women] at the Farm in Beit Shemen
Page 381 Micah Heiman, “Mishka,” z”l
Page 383 Shmuel Katz, z”l
Page 386 Muti Shapiro, z”l, September 9, 1945-October 7, 1973
Page 388 Mordechai Shapira, 11 Tishrei
Page 392 The Silberman Family: Standing: Dora, Adyk, Tzila, Sulev, Fantsche.
  Sitting: Mother and Father. Reclining: Aiziev
Page 395 Mendel Segal, and His Wife, Bamtsche, and Two Sons, Muniev and Max
Page 396 Ester and Shmuel Schneider, z”l
Page 398 His Wife [Ester Schneider] and Her Parents
Page 399 Avraham Haber and His Daughters
Page 400 Jankel Roth, His Wife, and Son Shlomo
Page 401 Zipora and Glass family [below]
Page 402 Fantsche and Suniev Jaeger, z”l
Page 403 Mollie Davidsohn on the left and Mollie with Her Sister Leah and Her Husband Gershon Liebling and Their Child
Page 405 Family of Pinchas Pfeffer
Page 408 At right: Mirel Linder with Batia Dora and Son Moshe, z”l;
  At left, Joseph Linder, z”l
Page 409 Hersh Mehlzak, z”l
Page 410 R'Michal Liebling, z”l
Page 411 Elka Mintzer, z”l
Page 412 From right to left: Julia Heller, Her Mother and Yakov and Son Shmuel
Page 413 R'Yakov and R'Shomon Pollak, Below: Pollak, Berg, and Shapira families
Page 414 Zusia and her Mother, Rivka Katz
Page 416 Tzila Schachter with Her Mother and Brother Shulik, z”l
Page 417 Shapira Family (Stolzenberg)
Page 418 Manes Roth, z”l
Page 419 Aunt Leah Gittel [Roth]
Page 420 My Mother, My Sister Salka and Her Son, and Brother, Meier Dimand
Page 422 Shmuel Fuhrman
Page 423 Mother, Father, and Brother, Aiziev Richter
Page 426 Family of Shmuel Adler
Page 429 Linka Auerbach and Josef Auerbach
Page 430 Shoshana (Rozia) Rimmon, z”l
Page 431 Chana Shapira (nee Pollak), z”l
Page 432 Arye Marder (Leibush Heiman), z”l
Page 433 Sara Linder and Nachum Linder
Page 434 Elka Wald (nee Schneider), z”l
Page 435 Rivka Katz (nee Liebling), z”l
Page 436 Sara Jaeger (nee Marder), z”l
Page 437 Joseph and Joshka Klahr, z”l;
  [Below] Moshe Jung, z”l
Page 438 Eliezer Spindel (Remer), z”l;
  Below: Emil Brumer, z”l;
  Last: Moshe Kronberg (son of Chaya-Eidel), z”l
Page 439 Tzvi Rosenbaum, z”l
Page 440 Rivka Wilkowicz (nee Pollak), z”l;
  [Below] Benjamin Buchwald, z”l
Page 441 Natan Heiman, z”l
Page 444 Penina Leinwand-Rozenfeld, z”l
Page 445 Moshe, son of Pinchas, Pfeffer, z”l
February 19, 1910-November 9, 1969


Index of Names in Photo Captions

Assembled by Ann Gleich Harris

ADLER Arye Leib, 363
ADLER Shmuel and family, 426
ALTSCHER Bernard and Fantsche, 251
ALTSCHER Fantsche, 263, 267
AUERBACH Karoltsche, 319
AUERBACH Linka and Joseph, 429
AUERBACH Pesach (Poldi), 275, 281, 364
BERGER Ida, 75
BITZ Nathan, 302
BOND R., 245
BRAND B., 280
BRUMER Emil, 438
BRUMER Moshe, 356
BUCHWALD Binyamin, 440
CZAPNIK Aron, 245, 246, 258
DAVIDSOHN Mollie, 403 (and others)
DIAMAND family, 420
FELDMAN Simcha Bunim, insert facing 148, 353
FELDMAN Bracha, 219
FUCHS Jacob, 361, 365
FUCHS M., 280
FUHRMAN Shmuel, 422
GARBER A., 259
GLASS family, 402
HABER Avraham (and daughters), 399
HALPERN Ascher, 308, 375, 376
HEIMAN Micah, 381
HEIMAN Natan, 295, 307, 441
HELLER Julia and her family, 412
HERMAN David, 245
JAEGER Sara (Marder), 436
JAEGER Suniev, 268, 280, and wife Fantsche, 402
JEWITZ Y., 279, 282, 291
JUNG Mendel, 105, 362
JUNG Moshe, 437
JUNG Regina, 263
KATZ Naftali, 64, insert facing 148, 268, 359
KATZ Rivke (Liebling) and daughter Zusia, 414, 435
KATZ Shmuel, 383
KATZ Tzvi, 186
KATZ Yisroel, 259, 357
KAUFMAN Abba, 268
KLAHR David, 275, 280
KLAHR Joseph and Joshka, 437
KRONISCH Leib, 101, 259
KRONBERG Moshe, 438
LABINER Yehuda, 210
LEINWAND Penina (Rosenfeld), 444
LIEBLING Gershon and wife Leah and son, 403
LIEBLING Michal, 410
LIEBLING Zeinvel, 366
LINDER Joseph family, 408
LINDER Nachum insert facing 148, 295, and Sara, 433
MARDER Arye (Leibush Heiman), 432
MARDER Malke, insert facing 148
MENDEL Yakov, 365
MEHLZAK Dov, 295
MEHLZAK, Hersh, 409
MINTZER Elka, 411
MORGENSTERN Adolf, 245, 247
OKUN Nathan, 262, 265, 268, 270
ORHAN M., 65
PFEFFER Moshe, 280, 445
PFEFFER Pinchas, 405
POLLAK family, 413
PLISNER Bernard, 185
PLISNER Binyamin, 259, 268
PLISNER Binyamin and Dora, 253
RICHTER family, 423
RIMMON Shoshana (Rozia), 430
REDLER-FELDMAN Yehoshua (R'Binyamin), 64, insert facing 148, 216, 234, 351
REISS Binyamin (Buniev), 245, 254, 259
REISS Losha and Marek, 177, 252
REMER Levi, 184
ROTEM Arye, 64
ROTH Leah Gittel, 419
ROTH Manes, 418
ROTH Gad, 160
ROTH Y., 280
ROTH Yankel and son and wife, 400
ROZTENBAUM Shlomo, 335
SCHECHTER Shalom, 65
SCHECHTER Moshe, 245, 253
SCHACHTER Tzila, and family, 416
SCHALITA Ben-Zion, 354
SCHNEIDER David, 379, 380
SCHNEIDER Ester, 396
SCHNEIDER Gershon, 64
SCHNEIDER Shmuel, 396
SCHWAB M., 259
SCHWADRON Shalom's store, 200
SCHWEBEL Duniev, 365
SCHWEBEL Shmuel, 259, 263
SEGAL Bamtsche, 395
SEGAL Max, 395
SEGAL Mendel, 245, 358, 395
SEGAL Muniev, 395
SHAPIRA Chana (Silberman), 431
SHAPIRA family (Shtoltzenberg), 417
SHAPIRA Hersh, 360
SHAPIRA Lipa, 313
SHAPIRA Moshe, 312
SHAPIRA Mordechai, 388
SHAPIRA Muti, 386
SHTOLTZENBERG Y. (Shapira), 295
SILBERMAN Adyk, 64, 275, 280, 364, 365
SILBERMAN Chana, 334
SILBERMAN Fantsche, 392
SILBERMAN Moshe Chaim, 245, 246, 357
SILBERMAN Sila, 263, 392
SILBERMAN Sulev, 392
SPINDEL Eliezer, 438
WALD Elka (Schneider), 434
WALTUCH Abba, 363
WILKOWICZ Rivka (Pollak), 440
YARON Zelig, 64
ZEIGER Aitze, 181
ZIMMER F., 259
ZIPORA family, 401
ZWEIG Ha Rav Alter, 355



Assembled by Ann Gleich Harris

Achva 323
Beit Yakov School 325, 328
Gordonia 277, 281, 285, 297, 307, 308
HaHalutz 273, 296
HaMizrachi 288
Hashomer Hatsair 289, 332
Railroad Station 65
Hebrew Kindergarten 99, 110
The Kitchen 262, 263


Table of Contents

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