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Translated by Yocheved Klausner
As mentioned in this book, former residents of our town, those who made Aliya years ago as well as those who came after the War of Destruction, established the Organization of Former Residents of Zbarazh and Vicinity. Our mission and aim is to give a helping hand and assist those who arrive in this country and help them obtain work.
All Zbarazh people obtained work; we also acted to immortalize the holy names of our beloved, who have been sacrificed on the altar of our nation in the times of devastation in the town of Zbarazh and vicinity.
We have held yearly Memorial Services, in Tel Aviv and in Haifa, with the participation of many of our people.
In the photographs below you will see our participation in some of the memorial services. The following pages are the testimony of our activity in this respect.
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A group of former Zbarazh residents in Argentina |
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In the Martyrs Forest. An assembly in memory of the Poland Martyrs, with the participation of tens of Zbarazh former residents. Many of them are not alive any more. |
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The Martyrs Forest. Memorial assembly for the Poland martyrs. Speaker Rabbi Nurok.
Sitting: Chairmen of the assembly Dr. Yakov Tzur and Att. Sommerstein Moshe and representatives of Poland Communities. |
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The Martyrs Forest. Memorial assembly for the Poland martyrs. Speaker Dr. Yakov Tzur. Sitting: Rabbi Nurok, Att. Moshe Sommerstein et al. |
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Memorial assembly for the Zbarazh martyrs at the Memorial Monument, in the Zbarazh Forest. |
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A group of Zbarazh Jews, at Yad Vashem. Memorial service for the Zbarazh Martyrs. |
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A group of Zbarazh Jews, at Yad Vashem. Memorial service for the Zbarazh Martyrs. |
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A group of Zbarazh Jews, at the memorial service, speaker Chana Carmi. |
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A group of Zbarazh Jews, at the memorial service. |
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Memorial assembly for the Zbarzh martyrs. Speaker Louis Freungels from USA.
From right to left: Zvi Segal, Chairman Zvi Heller, former representative in the Polish Sejm, Louis Freungels and his wife from USA, Sommerstein Moshe. |
[Page 179]
The Yizkor Prayer
For the Soldiers of IDF
The People of Israel remembers its sons and daughters devoted and brave soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces who sacrificed their lives in Israel's wars.
May Israel
May the heroes of freedom and victory be forever inscribed in the hearts of the Jewish people from generation to generation.
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Zbarazh, Ukraine
Yizkor Book Project
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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld
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Updated 23 Dec 2016 by LA