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Photo Captions of the Zawiercie Yizkor Book

Translated by Jerrold Landau

Translator's note: This list of photos does not include the photos in the Yizkor dedication section following page 570.
The photos in that section, all uncaptioned, will be noted in the appropriate dedication box.


Caption or description Page
Image of a person weeping 5
Photo of a memorial plaque 7
Small map of Zawiercie region 13
Street map of Zawiercie 14
The synagogue and Beis Midrash [study hall] of Zawiercie 23
The Gincberg Factory T.A.Z. 44
Nazis Tormenting the Jews at the Railway Station 57
Marszalkowsa Street 58
A work unit of Zawiercie Jews led by the Gestapo 60
Alter the Shamash and his wife 61
A Nazi torment session on the streets of Zawiercie 63
Uncaptioned: A view from the city. 70
Uncaptioned 72
Reb Berl Shamash and his Wife 80
Reb Meir David Honigman, known as Meir Lelewer 91
The Admor of Sochaczew and the Rabbi of Kozieglowy 128
The managing committee of the charitable fund 134
Uncaptioned photo {people standing on a balcony} 143
A sculpture of deers by Aryeh (Lutek) Resnick 176
We were such fine children. 187
At a gathering of Hashomer Hatzair in Zawiercie, with its first founders. 200
One of the Zionist cultural gatherings in Zawiercie at that time 201
A Nazi roundup as they were driving 257
An aktion in Zawiercie 261
Yisrael Drezner in the Concentration Camp 267
Uncationed: seemingly a roundup 275
Drawing: A Nazi roundup in Zawiercie 290
Drawing: A gathering place in a burning city 292
Here, approximately 2,500 Zawiercie Jews lived and worked for the German Luftwaffe. Here, thousands of Jews were gathered together for annihilation during the roundups. The second last and largest roundup took place on August 26, 1943. The final roundup of the “500 living dead” took place on October 17, 1943. 297
The Nazi murderers at a roll call in Zawiercie. 300
A Nazi roundup at the Zawiercie train station 307
A terrible winter aktion by the Nazis 310
The organization of Zawiercie natives in Israel at a memorial service for the Zawiercie martyrs. In the photo from right to left: Y. Zigelbaum, Y. Y Drezner, Y. D. Erlichman, Y. Finkel, Rabbi A. Shapiro, A. Zacks, the cantor, Sh. Feigenblatt. 319
Uncaptioned: A street and buildings 322
Jews praying at the risk of their lives 337
In the photo from left to right: Y. Erdberg (the shochet – ritual slaughterer), M. Pomerantz, Sh. H. Fogel, M. Haberman, M. Rottman, Y. Dimant, Sh. Brott. The sign says: “Jews, the city's traitors” May 3, 1940. 345
Choked, murdered, burnt… 353
Zawiercie youth at work 359
Nazis cutting off beards 360
The cemetery in Zawiercie 365
A group of survivors of Hitler's fires at the public kitchen of the “Zydowskie Zreszenie Religine” in Zawiercie on March 1, 1946. 368
Drawing: May G-d avenge their blood 375
The Kromołówer Rebbe (1) and the Zawiercie Rabbi Shlomo Elimelech (2) as they leave the Katowice train station. 380
A delegation confers with a high military personality. In the picture is the Zawiercie Rabbi, Rabbi Shlomo Elimelech. To his right is the longtime communal activist Samuel Weizen. 394
The trial of a war criminal 398
Veteran activists of the Organization of Zawiercie Natives 402
Those who were active in the production of the Zawiercie Yizkor Book. 403
The executive of the Organization of Zawiercie Natives and veteran activists. 406
Zawiercie Natives in Israel at a memorial service on the eve of the 25th of Av. In the front right is the longtime activist in the executive of the organization, Mr. Nachum Drezner. 408
Members of the Zawiercie Landsmanshaft in Montreal (founded 1952) in 1957 411
Yaakov Feigen 413
Uncaptioned. A scene from Israel 414
Yosef Finkle and his wife 417
The Zawiercier Bunk. Taken in Iyar 5687 (1927) in the hut that stood on the border of Tel Aviv and Jaffa in the Aaron district on Shabzi St. on the way to Neve Shalom. In the picture is: Yechezkel Landau the son of Reb Itshe Meir Landau; Nachman Friedman the son of Reb Shimon Friedman; Shimon Feigenblatt the son of Reb Yosel Feigenblatt; Yissachar Dov Borenstein the son of Reb Motel Borenstein; Avraham Shtibel the son of Reb Berili Shtibel; Yaakov Erenfreid the son of Reb Yeshaya Mendel Erenfreid.
These were among the first Zawiercie natives to make aliya to the Land of Israel. They lived in this hut, which was called the Zawiercie Bunk. All the pioneers of that time who came from Zawiercie would remain in that hut for some time until they got settled. Then, they would clear their place to make way for new pioneers who came from Zawiercie.
Mr. Shabtai Spivak of blessed memory lived in that hut along with the aforementioned people until he moved to Magdiel.
Reb Shabtai Spivak and his wife in their estate in Magdiel. 423
A group of Zawiercie natives in Tel Aviv in 1930. 427
The “Beis Yaakov” school (founded by Agudas Yisroel) 432
Caption: The “Torah Vadaas” school, teachers and students. 446
The sign reads: The Mizrachi Cheder of Zawiercie, 1 Adar I, 5681 (1921).
A “Perachim” group of Hashomer Hatzair 447
A group of Mizrachi and Poel Hamizrachi activists 449
The Froman Family 458
An “Alizot” group of Bruria 463
The Admor of Kromołów – Rabbi Natan Nachum Hakohen Rabinovitch of blessed memory. 468
The family of the Admor of Kromołów. This picture includes his second wife. 469
The first wife of the Admor of Kromołów 470
Uncaptioned. Rabbi Yeshayahu Shapiro 473
The kindergarten committee and the kindergarten teacher Shoshana 484
Uncaptioned. 486
The public school, its teachers and students. In the center (holding the child) is the principal Leizerowicz. 487
Uncaptioned. Reb Mordechai Zeev Shechter. 491
A group of students with the teacher Rosenberg 493
Leibel Dimant may his blood be avenged 497
The heads of the Kultura organization in 1925 510
Uncaptioned. Probably Nachum Drezner 512
The first members of Hashomer Hatzair 514
A Hashomer Hatzair group 516
A group of older members of Hashomer Hatzair 517
A group of Herzlia Founders 519
A group of Herzlia girls 520
Leibel Dimant in his acting role as a Yeshiva student 521
A statue by a Zawiercie sculptor 523
A Hashomer Hatzair group in Zawiercie 524
A wind instrument band of Hakoach 529
The committee of the Chalutz organization of Zawiercie 531
Uncaptioned: a group of youths. 533
A Beitar rally near the synagogue 534
A Beitar expedition 536
A group of Tzeirei Zion activists 538
Chalutzim [Zionist Pioneers] working in the Zawiercie fields. The church is in the background. 539
A group of Zawiercie natives after their aliya 540
Uncaptioned: a group of people 541
A Hakoach basketball team 542
Uncaptioned: Drawing of a water drawer 556
The following is writing on the aforementioned artistic tablet: “He lives by the toil of his hands even in his old age.”
This artistic photograph, taken by the well-known photographer Himelreich, was also published in “Shearim” a well as the Beitar catalog “Haelyon”. In “Shearim” (the publication of Poalei Agudas Yisroel), an article appeared on Reb Yossel, who was beloved and appreciated by many of the residents of Zawiercie due to his uprightness and fine character traits.
A course of Jewish tradesmen in independent Poland. 560
One of the amateur groups in the city 564
Yaakov Hersch Tszebiner 567


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