The Community of Zarki;
Life and Destruction of a Town


50°38' / 19°23'


Translation of
Kehilat Zarki; Ayara be-hayeha u-ve-khil-yona

Edited by Y. Lador

Published in Tel Aviv, 1959


A complete English-language translation of this Yizkor Book can be found
on the website of the World Society of Częstochowa Jews & Their Descendants.

To access that translation, please go to:

Purchase details for a printed copy of this translation can be found at





This is a translation from Kehilat Zarki; Ayara be-hayeha u-ve-khil-yona
ed. Y. Lador. Tel Aviv: Former residents of Zarki in Israel, 1959 (H,Y)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Zarki

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JewishGen, Inc. makes no representations regarding the accuracy of the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material for verification.
JewishGen is not responsible for inaccuracies or omissions in the original work and cannot rewrite or edit the text to correct inaccuracies and/or omissions.
Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.



Translated by Gloria Berkenstat Freund (Yiddish) and Yocheved Klausner (Hebrew)


Title Author Page
With the appearance of this book The organizing committee 5
One of the burning candles Yitzhak Lador 7
Yizkor [Remember] A. Eisenberg 13
The town is on fire M. Gebirtig-A. Levinsohn 14
The Town in Those Days
Zarki in its traditional ways Pinchas Weinberg 17
The Town in the Years of its Awakening
“Revolutionary” winds are blowing Yakov Feiner 69
The Hashomer Hatza'ir organization Pinchas Lauden 78
Hechalutz and Maccabi Yechezkel Meitlis 87
November 2, 1917 Lipa Hirsch 97
The awakening town A. Eisenberg 98
My town Zarki Israel Meitlis 104
Destruction of the Town
The Holocaust Yakov Fischer 109
The last days Asher Lauden 143
Fragments of a diary Yosef Schibak 160
The end of the Jews in Zarki Aharon Brandes 164
My visit in Zarki Chaika Klinger 181
In memory of the martyrs H. Tzemach 182
A Vow (poem) A. Shlonski 183
In Memory of the Departed
Zvi Brandes Aharon Brandes 187
How Zvi has fallen Chaika Klinger 189
Peretz Frank A. L. 192
Yehuda Steinbrecher (Chatzav) Malka 195
Mordechai Sturchein Elisheva 196
Figures from the town
With my Heart A. Yosef Stibel 201
Figures from the town A. Eisenberg 205
Figures and ways of life P. Weinberg 207
Zarki-Mishkov Avrashka 213
The Brandes house A. Eisenberg 215
The Spring in Balishinyov Yehoshua Ben Zvi 217
Zarki in Life and in Death
The Shtetl [town] is Burning M. Gerbirtig 222
The Destruction and Death of Jewish Zarki Yakov Fiszer 223
Pages from the Sorrowful Past Tsipora Szporen-Ejzenberg 281
Two Last Letters Zalman Grinspan 288
Pages from an Old Diary Avraham Frank 290
My Memories Sheyndl Preger-Teitelbaum 294
From My Birthplace Eliezer Riterband 301
A Look Back Yakov Fiszer 304
My Shtetl [town] (Episodes) A. Ejzenberg 310
Liquidation Yakov Fiszer 314
Yehiel Roziner, of blessed memory A. A. 316
Kadish for our loved ones [H]   317
Necrology   319


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