Table of Contents

[Page 13]

Zambrów Index of Photos

[Translator's Note: The contents is listed first in Hebrew, and then in Yiddish. Both lists are equivalent. NYPL scans 25-26.]

Translated by Jerrold Landau

Title Page(s)
Streets of the City 26, 28, 32, 50, 53, 58, 74, 121, 123, 125, 127, 129, 131
The Synagogue 34, 40, 234
To the Synagogue 455
Greeting the Prime Minister 56
Remnants of the Cemetery 243, 289
Remnants from the Jablonki Cemetery 310
Tradesmen Escort Alter the Magid as he Departs for America 444
On a Flowery Day 113
On the Banks of the River 367
A Group of Seamestresses 114, 388
Tradesmen 391
Jewish Soldiers in the Polish Army 109
A Girl's Excursion on Tisha Be'Av 361
Three Generations in the United States 582
A Youth Excursion to the Cycork Forest 576
Women Sitting Around “Tzena Urena” 409
Moshe Granica Goes to the Army 406
At the Graves of Mothers and Fathers 344, 524, 568
The Women's Organization 496
Binyamin Golombek, David Smoliar, Czinciol, Greenberg, Kosowsky, Zamir Rubenstein, Aryeh Zamir, Yosef Golombek, Gerszonowicz, Rozing, Koscoa, Leizer Lewinsky, Grabes, Shmuel Finkelstein, Ratowicz, Pacziner Shmelke Sarnewicz, Avraham Moshe the Undertaker 89, 175, 613, 614, 614, 616, 616, 618, 618, 620, 620, 622, 623, 520
In the English Section 60, 68
Education, Culture and Sport  
Schoolchildren, Schools 90, 94, 105, 158, 158, 324, 324, 330, 333, 334, 335, 340, 341, 341, 345, 346
Kindergarten 331, 339
Three Cheders on a Lag Baomer Excursion 180
Bercha Sokol and his Students 304
Feivel Zukerowicz and his students 322
Yaakov Tobiasz and his students 323, 326
A Group of Yeshiva Students 312
The Yeshiva and its Heads 218
Teachers and the Committee of the Government Schools 238
A Group of Female Teachers and Students 294
“Centas” Summer Camp of Zambrow Children 110
Young Workers at an Intellectual Evening 118, 199
Maccabee Sports Organization 102, 200, 350, 351, 352, 353, 353, 354, 354, 356
Dramatic Clubs: Bund, Keren Kayemet, Theatre Fans 346, 347, 423
Gordon Photography Studio 565
Documents and Photocopies  
A Letter of the Community with the Signature of its Administrators 115
The Letter Rabbi Regensburg 240
The Rabbi's Melody 220
The Letter of Rabbi A. Y. Klopfisz 275
Teachers Certificate of Yisrael Lewinsky 318
Signatures: Centas, Gemilut Chasadim, Tradesmen's Union, Women's Organization 111, 571, 567, 566
Financial Accounting of Linat Hatzedek 563
Invitation to the Memorial of Bercha Sokol 308
Remember what Amalek did unto You 611
Communal Memorial Days 613
Zionists (Keren Kayemet and Keren Hayesod) 412, 413, 416, 418
Bund 572
Young Zion 85, 410, 420, 433, 437
Chalutzim (Pioneers) 434, 441, 445, 449, 436
Poale Zion 260, 422, 428, 442, 421, 430
Herzlia 435
Beitar 456
Hasneh Group 440
Mizrachi Youth 459
League for the Working Land of Israel 424, 454
Workers from the Left 426
“Fan” Youth Organization 439
Poale Youth 425, 430, 442
The Professional Organization 227
Organizations of the Natives of the City in the Diaspora  
In the United States 191, 194, 526, 586, 591, 593
In the English Section 66
In Argentina 580, 600, 601, 603, 604, 606
In Mexico 567
The Holocaust Survivors 198
In Israel 92, 195, 200, 443, 445, 451, 452, 608
Map and Insignia of the City In the Title


Table of Contents

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