[Page 13]
[Translator's Note: The contents is listed first in Hebrew, and then in Yiddish. Both lists are equivalent. NYPL scans 25-26.]
Translated by Jerrold Landau
Title | Page(s) |
Streets of the City | 26, 28, 32, 50, 53, 58, 74, 121, 123, 125, 127, 129, 131 |
The Synagogue | 34, 40, 234 |
To the Synagogue | 455 |
Greeting the Prime Minister | 56 |
Remnants of the Cemetery | 243, 289 |
Remnants from the Jablonki Cemetery | 310 |
Tradesmen Escort Alter the Magid as he Departs for America | 444 |
On a Flowery Day | 113 |
On the Banks of the River | 367 |
A Group of Seamestresses | 114, 388 |
Tradesmen | 391 |
Jewish Soldiers in the Polish Army | 109 |
A Girl's Excursion on Tisha Be'Av | 361 |
Three Generations in the United States | 582 |
A Youth Excursion to the Cycork Forest | 576 |
Women Sitting Around Tzena Urena | 409 |
Moshe Granica Goes to the Army | 406 |
At the Graves of Mothers and Fathers | 344, 524, 568 |
The Women's Organization | 496 |
Families | |
Binyamin Golombek, David Smoliar, Czinciol, Greenberg, Kosowsky, Zamir Rubenstein, Aryeh Zamir, Yosef Golombek, Gerszonowicz, Rozing, Koscoa, Leizer Lewinsky, Grabes, Shmuel Finkelstein, Ratowicz, Pacziner Shmelke Sarnewicz, Avraham Moshe the Undertaker | 89, 175, 613, 614, 614, 616, 616, 618, 618, 620, 620, 622, 623, 520 |
In the English Section | 60, 68 |
Education, Culture and Sport | |
Schoolchildren, Schools | 90, 94, 105, 158, 158, 324, 324, 330, 333, 334, 335, 340, 341, 341, 345, 346 |
Kindergarten | 331, 339 |
Three Cheders on a Lag Baomer Excursion | 180 |
Bercha Sokol and his Students | 304 |
Feivel Zukerowicz and his students | 322 |
Yaakov Tobiasz and his students | 323, 326 |
A Group of Yeshiva Students | 312 |
The Yeshiva and its Heads | 218 |
Teachers and the Committee of the Government Schools | 238 |
A Group of Female Teachers and Students | 294 |
Centas Summer Camp of Zambrow Children | 110 |
Young Workers at an Intellectual Evening | 118, 199 |
Maccabee Sports Organization | 102, 200, 350, 351, 352, 353, 353, 354, 354, 356 |
Dramatic Clubs: Bund, Keren Kayemet, Theatre Fans | 346, 347, 423 |
Gordon Photography Studio | 565 |
Documents and Photocopies | |
A Letter of the Community with the Signature of its Administrators | 115 |
The Letter Rabbi Regensburg | 240 |
The Rabbi's Melody | 220 |
The Letter of Rabbi A. Y. Klopfisz | 275 |
Teachers Certificate of Yisrael Lewinsky | 318 |
Signatures: Centas, Gemilut Chasadim, Tradesmen's Union, Women's Organization | 111, 571, 567, 566 |
Financial Accounting of Linat Hatzedek | 563 |
Invitation to the Memorial of Bercha Sokol | 308 |
Remember what Amalek did unto You | 611 |
Communal Memorial Days | 613 |
Parties | |
Zionists (Keren Kayemet and Keren Hayesod) | 412, 413, 416, 418 |
Bund | 572 |
Young Zion | 85, 410, 420, 433, 437 |
Chalutzim (Pioneers) | 434, 441, 445, 449, 436 |
Poale Zion | 260, 422, 428, 442, 421, 430 |
Herzlia | 435 |
Beitar | 456 |
Hasneh Group | 440 |
Mizrachi Youth | 459 |
League for the Working Land of Israel | 424, 454 |
Workers from the Left | 426 |
Fan Youth Organization | 439 |
Poale Youth | 425, 430, 442 |
The Professional Organization | 227 |
Organizations of the Natives of the City in the Diaspora | |
In the United States | 191, 194, 526, 586, 591, 593 |
In the English Section | 66 |
In Argentina | 580, 600, 601, 603, 604, 606 |
In Mexico | 567 |
The Holocaust Survivors | 198 |
In Israel | 92, 195, 200, 443, 445, 451, 452, 608 |
Map and Insignia of the City | In the Title |
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