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Images from the Abyss… the Photographs

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No. The Photographs Page
1 With honor and gratitude to our townsman Dov Caspi for his efforts and dedicated work during years when gathered material and funds towards publication of this book. 4
2 Wysokie Mazowiecki in the 17th and 18th century until the abolishment of "Va'ad Arba Ha'aratzot" in the year of 1764. 12
3 The old synagogue built in the end of the 17th century 16
4 The Beth Midrash 22
5 The new synagogue 26
6 The Holy Ark in the new synagogue 28
7 Dluga Street 30
8 Part of the market - the black building in the end - Beth Midrash 32
9 The district building and shops 35
10 The market square - in the other side is the tax chamber 37
11 Poale Zion group 41
12 The library committee 43
13 Ze'irei Zion Committee 45
14 The sports group "Maccabi" 46
15 The Keren Kayemet regiment 47
16 The group of Hakhalutz: "Akhdut" (unity) in Lithuania in 1919 before their immigration to Eretz Israel in 1919 54
17 Poor children after first World War given aid by the Joint 58
18 An assembly to the election for the first Polish Saym. (Parliament 60
19 Talmud Torah 62
20 The pupils of the elementary Polish school 64
21 A wedding in the shtetl 66
22 A group of Khalutzim (Pioneers) in Hachshara 68
23 The Zionist federation committee 68
24 A farewell party in honor of Eliahu Grinstein before his immigration to Eretz Israel 69
25 Before Moshe Gliszinskis's "alyia" (immigration) to Eretz Israel 69
26 A group of members of Hashomer Haleumi (woodcutters 70
27 The group of the "Khashmonaim" of Hashomer Haleumi 70
28 The Keren Kayemet (the Jewish National Fund) regiment 71
29 The group "Kanaaim" of "Hashomer Haleumi" movement 71
30 Pupils of the elementary school with the teacher Butolf 75
31 The elementary school 78
32 Pupils of the elementary school with the teacher Grobart 79
33) Pupils of the elementary school with the teacher Engelberg 80
34 Farewell party to Jaffa (Szajndel) Malbut 81
35 Playing cards 118
36 A market day in Wysokie 118
37 Yeirka the water drawer 119
38 Baruch Hirsz the water drawer 120
39 Chaim Lajb the Melamed (teacher) in his Heder 121
40 Alter the tailor 121
41 Iczel - the woodcutter 122
42 Lajbel Kiwejka - the fruits merchant 123
43 The play: "Der Batlan" (The Idler) 124
44 The play: "Der Wilder Mentch" (The Wild Man) staged by Dawid Jakoby 124
45 A cobbler and his apprentice 125
46 The children of "Talmud Torah" during their meal after World War I 125
47 The youth of Jablonka 131
48 The library committee 132
49 The last Rabbi of Wysokie, Jakob Perelman Hay"d 141
50 Chaim Bar Nachum z"l 145
51 Yeshayahu Kaspi z"l 147
52 Arie Wiecha z"l (1906-1974 148
53 Eliahu Meir Grinstein z"l 150
54 Yecheskel Fridman z"l 151
55 Natan Kupinski Hay"d 152
56 Dr. Golda Za"k Hay"d and Reb Alter Z"ak Hay"d 193

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