Yizkor Book in Memory
of Vlodava and Region
(Włodowa, Poland)

51°33' / 23°33'

Translation of Yisker-bukh tsu Vlodave

Edited by: Shimon Kanc, Wlodawa societies in Israel and North and South America

Published in Tel Aviv, 1974 (H,Y,E)



Our sincere appreciation to Genia Hollander
for typing up the English text to facilitate its addition to this project.


This is a translation from: Yisker-bukh tsu Vlodave; Yizkor book in memory of Vlodava and region,
ed. Shimon Kanc, Tel Aviv, Wlodawa societies in Israel and North and South America, 1974 (H,Y,E)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Wlodawa

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Translated by Yocheved Klausner

On the threshold The Book Committee 17
Poems Yitzhak Katzenelson 19
This is the way we started [Y] Zishe Fuchs 21
Introduction Shimon Kantz 35
History of the Town
Woldawa Pinkas (register) from 1761 Pinkas 49
Woldawa legends Alexander Cohen 75
History of the Jewish community [Y] Pinkas 79
The establishment of the Jewish settlement   89
Historical calendar I.S. Rosenblatt 97
My shtetl Ben Matityahu 115
Wlodawka   119
Tomazsowka Ben Matisyahu 124
Poems Yitzhak Katzenelson/Yitzchok Kunczman 127
The course of the generations [Y] Mordechai Wlodawer 129
The stormy year 1909 [Y] Yakov Rovner 137
Between times [Y]   141
The first years [Y] Shakla, Kliger, Rosenblatt 149
Life in past years [Y] A. Lemberger 159
The First World War Moshe Rozhanke 165
Bolachovce   168
Shatzek   170
The sad chapter of Bolachovce Dr. S. Gelehrnter–Kamenir 173
“The Dubetchne cottage” Eli Libes–Fischman 179
The first railroad [Y] I. Millner 183
Torah and revolution in Wlodawa [Y] Eliezer Leichter 185
Poems [Y] Yitzhak Katzenelson 189
The song of the murdered Jewish people [Y] Yitzhak Katzenelson 191
Rabbis and Chasidim
MAHARAM of Rotenburg Nathan Rotenberg 197
The ADMOR Rav Yuda Perlov Zev Minkowitz 201
The Rav R'Leibele M. Wlodawer 203
Four Prayers (poem) [Y]   207
The Saviner Rav R'Moishele [Y] Feige Lederstein 209
Rav Trochanovski Shmuel Ungar 211
The rabbi and his book [Y] Ben Matityahu 217
R'Mendele Morgenstern [Y]   222
The memorial plaque on the Torah Ark [Y]   224
Prayer–houses, rabbis, slaughterers and melamdim [Y]   228
The First World War [Y] A. Struzman 251
Rabbis and Chasidim Moshe Rozhanke 259
Chasidism A. Hansker 261
Kotzker Chasidim Eliezer Yitzhak Wasserman 265
The Rav R'Yona Goldstein Nachum Goldstein 267
The Rodziner Minyan (prayer) in Stillerman's house [Y] Yosef Stillerman 269
Our home [Y] Mordechai Byali 273
Zishe the rabbi's [Y] M. Wlodawer 281
Jewish life [Y] Zelig Weinschel 285
Cheders [Schools] and Melamdim [Teachers] [Y] Aryeh Struzman 289
The Novorodka Yeshiva Chaim Lichter 295
Parties and Organizations
The Zionist organization 301
The house where religious Zionism began Elchanan Shafran 305
The Zionist movement [Y] Ben Matityahu 307
The activity of Jewish councilmen [Y]   324
Hashomer, Macabi, Beitar, Mizrahi, pioneer training, Brit Hakana'im [Y]   328
Shimon Sonnschein   341
Aharon Seifer   342
The Tchedrowitzki family [Y]   343
Jewish banking [Y]   345
Loan–without–Interest Funds [Y]   350
The story of the BACH [Bayit Chadash] manuscript   351
Unsere Stimme [Our Voice] newspaper in Wlodawa [Y]   355
The wood trade [Y]   357
Founding the first Zionist organization [Y] A. Struzman 361
Zionist activity in 1903 [Y] Zvi Scneiderman 367
BEITAR Arie Goldman 369
The pioneer [Chalutz] training camp [Y] Moshe Ribak 371
Chalutzim [pioneers] N. S. R. 373
The Maccabi Orchestra [Y] Binyamin Berman 377
The Hashomer Hadati religious youth movement Yosef Stillerman 379
The first Aliya [Y] Zishe Fuchs 383
Illegal immigrants [Y] Arie Goldman 395
The first pioneer kibbutz in Tomashowka [Y] Jonathan 401
David Lifshitz Yakov Rosenblatt 403
Zionism and charity [Y] Dr. Sofia Ehrlich 407
The professional movement [Y] Chaim Kliger 411
The first professional unions [Y] Ben Malka 421
The first members of the professional unions [Y] Chaim Shakla 425
The leather section [Y] Asher Lemelboim 427
Drama clubs in Wlodawa [Y] Shaye Kirman 431
The craftsmen's union Chaim Shakla 437
Personalities and Way–of–Life
R'Binyamin Blumenkranz [Y] Yakov Rosenblatt 445
Dr. Yosl Feldman [Y]   447
R'Hershel Zberzher–Feldman [Y]   450
R' Eliezer Bernstein [Y]   452
R'Mendel–Hersh Nachmiyas [Y] Esther Kelberman–Goldman 455
The town of my childhood and my youth [Y] Rachel Kippel–Tzitrin 457
Our father Yosef Kippel [Y] Ahuda Ronit / Rachel Tzitrin 459
R'Eliezer Yosef Holzman [Y] Yitzhak Holzman 463
R'Shaul Fiedelman Matityahu Fiedelman 465
R'Feivel Lederman Chaim–David Brus 467
Shepsel Kaminer I.S.R. 470
Yosef Goldman z”l Alte Tzviya Goldman 471
Community activity in our town Dr. S. Porat–Goldfarb 475
Chaim Berl Rothenberg (Chaim Yente's) Nathan Rothenberg 477
Charitable women (women of good deeds) [Y] Frume Schtitzberg–Grossbard 483
Chaim Baruch Grinblatt from Sobibor [Y] Geula Glintzman 485
Levi Goldfeder Guta Tchantkovski 487
R'David Alamotzki Zeev Alamotzki 485
Dr. Shlomo Igelnik   487
My parents' home [Y] Sara Porat–Goldfarb 489
The Lemberger family [Y] Avraham Lemberger 493
“R'Yochanan the shoemaker” [Yochanan Hasandlar] from Dubetchne A. Dubetchner 495
People of my father's generation [Y] Binyamin Milch 499
Dreamers and fighters – Yosef Rothenberg, Anton Gruber, Yakov Barenholz [Y] Arie Struzman 501
R'Binyamin Feinstein S. Weissberger 509
Our home, a fountain of life [Y] Avraham Barenholz 513
The song of my Shtetl [Y] Leibel Schneiderman 535
R'Yitzhak–Meir Babad Binyamin Flomenboim 541
My grandfather's family Zeev Rabinowitz 543
Outstanding personalities [Y] M. Wlodawer 545
Stone–cutters and shingle–makers Shmuel Friedman 549
Klezmer Avraham Friedman 551
R'Gershon the watercarrier and the first Selihot [Y] Yakov D. 553
Shayele the watercarrier [Y] Chaim Shakla 555
The Jews in my village Kalotch [Y] Nachum Knopmacher 557
Our unforgettable home [Y] Rivka Appelboim–Fahrer 559
My shtetl Wlodawa (poem with music) [Y] Yakov Rosenblatt 563
The Horrors of the Holocaust
Days and Years of Pain and Destruction Yechiel Greenhaus 569
Reiman – the first victim Chaia Gellerman–Baumgarten 603
Rubache – the first mass–grave Peshe Kutcher 605
The destruction of Wladawa A. Tulip 609
The destruction of Tomashowka Rivka Byaler 619
The night on the eve of Shavuot Holiday Malka Kreinowitz 621
A poem Yitzhak Katzenelson 623
The walk through Hell Sara Amalinski–Lustikman 625
R'Yeshaya Tcheryonigora   647
The economic situation and the Cooperation movement Sara Amalinski 649
The fight for life S. Liza 653
Miserable days and nights Motel Rabinowycz 661
Correspondence between the Wlodawa Judenrat members   675
The Rabbi of Radzin's blessing [H] Michael Kaftor–Knopmacher 687
The Death of the Radziner Rabbi Motel Reichman 689
The Radziner Rabbi among the Wlodawa Martyrs Shimon Kantz 693
In the valley of death Perele Knopmacher 697
The road of pain Bracha Rosenzweig–Stchupak 705
“Folkenberg's Jews” Shimon Lederman 723
On the bloody roads Matityahu Appelboim 735
“My child, say Shema Israel Henie Rosenberg–Schafferman 741
In rivers of blood Sprintze–Miriam Byali–Reise 747
Pain and struggle Pessl Seltzer–Appelboim 751
Nightmares – my life experiences under Nazi rule Arie 755
In the valley of weeping Mirco Ehrlich–Brom 759
My road from Katchal to Kibbutz Gan–Shmuel Miriam Bot–Teitelboim 765
In the pits and in the woods Aharon Diamant 785
The Tombstone Street Ben Tzviya Holzman 799
My way back to the Jewish People Lola Elzhbietta Lustgarten 805
Rivkele from Virker Street tells her story Chaim Shakla 807
Upon the ruins of Wlodawa Dr. Shoshana Gelehrenter–Kamenir 811
Flames in the Ashes – the Saga of Bravery
Mass murder C. Niewieska 817
The resistance of the Wlodawa Jews in Sobibor Ada Lichtman 827
The cut–off generations (poem) Yakov Rosenblatt 829
The uprising in the Sobibor death camp Misha Lew 831
From the uprising in Sobibor to the partisans Aizik Rothenberg 847
The uprising in Sobibor Noah Zevuluni 867
“There is nothing to see in Sobibor” M. Tzanin 869
“Inscribed with blood” – The Sobibor trial From the German Press 879
The trial of the hangmen of Sobibor Shimon Kantz 881
The road from the city to the woods Ben Matityahu 889
In the Jukow Otriad (partisan unit) A. Feige 905
The struggle against the enemy Ben David 915
Anything for a rifle Moshe Katzav 919
The road to the partisans S. Nathan 925
From the labor–camp to the partisans S. Beile 941
The drive for vengeance A. Ben Reisel 953
In the Jewish partisan–Otriad (partisan unit) A. Shenka 959
Through bloody slaughters Patzan 975
The first Wlodawa partisans S. Bat–Chinke 987
The road in the woods A. Tulip 993
In the fire of the bloody massacres Ben Arie 1005
A partisan leader fell in battle Serashke 1015
The Jewish Unit Shlomo Strauss–Marco 1019
On the old roads Dr. Shoshana Gelehrenter–Kamenir 1025
Testimonies of Wladawa survivors   1029
In the midst of dear persons Ch. Ben Eliezer 1037
The first rescue activities Dr. Adam Springer 1043
They were many   1047
Dov Sobelman From the IDF Yizkor Book, Ministry of Defense 1955 1051
Yitzhak Friedman   1052
Yitzhak Friedman Chaim–David Brus 1053
At the graves of the fathers Chaim Kliger 1055
Wlodawa Jews in Israel and Abroad
The ADMOR from Byala [H] 1071
The Wlodawa Comittees in Israel and abroad The Committee 1075
Wlodawa Women's Committee in America Chaim Malyes Farbman 1077
The First Wlodawa immigrants in America Zelig Feinstein 1081
Wlodawa charitable women in America Rivka Feinstein 1085
Wlodawa Landsmanshaft in Brazil Chaim Shakla 1087
Shaul Wolf Lichtenberg, I. Scherman Zishe Fuchs 1091
Wlodawa Landsmanshaft in Argentina Motl Wlodawer, Yehoshua Stoll 1093
Wlodawa Jews over the world   1099
The activity of the Book–Committee The Board 1107
The Days of Memorial Zishe Fuchs 1115
Holocaust and Heroism
How Wlodawa was destroyed Zishe Fuchs 1119
The Wlodawa Jews in the ghetto S. Michaeli 1123
The destruction of Wlodawa S. Efraim 1125
My road through Hell Sara Umlinski 1131
Liquidation of the ghetto Yechezkel Huberman 1143
In the Valley of Death Perla Knopmacher 1147
In the Auschwitz Camp Tzitterspieler Zvi 1151
In the Sobibor death camp Niwiska 1157
The revolt Misha Liew 1163
The uprising in the Sobibor death camp Moshe Bahir 1171
This was how the uprising began Michaeli 1177
Those who did not surrender in the valley of murder Aizik Rothenberg 1185
The uprising of the Wlodawa Jews in Sobibor Ada Lichtman 1195
“There is nothing to see in Sobibor” Mordechai Tzanin 1197
The trial of the Sobibor hangmen Shimon Kantz 1203
The founders of the Partisan group in Wlodawa Bat–Chinka 1207
Through bloody battle under Nazi rule W. Patzan 1211
The Jewish partisan group Shyanko 1217
He believed in the success of the revolt A. Babad 1225
The Tombstones Street Ben Tzviya 1227
Desecration S. Michaeli 1229
The Sobibor trial – on 80 video films From the German Press 1229
Testimony against Nitchke, head of the SD   1231
Children accuse Mira Ehrlich–Brom 1235
Living Hell Tzipora Sicher–Rosenschein 1237
List of Martyrs (Necrology)   1243
Memorial Pages   1282
Remember and Do Not Forget Sisha Fuchs 3
Sobibor H. Nivjeska 7
In a Jewish Division A. Shenko 15
The Partisan Founders in Wlodowa Bat–Chinka 27
Testimony against the head of the SD Nitshke Jews of Wlodowa who survived 33
In Sobibor There is Nothing to See Mordechai Zanin 39
The Uprising of the Jews of Wlodowa in Sobibor Ada Lichtman 47
The Tombstone Street Ben-Zwia Holzmann 49
The Destruction of Wlodowa Ephraim Tilip 51
The Road Of Bloody Battles Under the German Occupation Pazan 79
Experiences from the Ghetto and Extermination Camp Eisik Rothenberg 87
Again in the Forest Eisik Rothenberg 97
In The Valley of Death Perla Knapfmacher 101
From the German Press   106
The Trial of the Executioner of Sobibor Shimon Kanz 108
Nearly a Legend Misha Lew 115


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