51°33' / 23°33'
Translation of Yisker-bukh tsu Vlodave
Edited by: Shimon Kanc, Wlodawa societies in Israel and North and South America
Published in Tel Aviv, 1974 (H,Y,E)
Our sincere appreciation to Genia Hollander
for typing up the English text to facilitate its addition to this project.
This is a translation from: Yisker-bukh tsu Vlodave; Yizkor book in memory of Vlodava and region,
Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Wlodawa
JewishGen, Inc. makes no representations regarding the accuracy of
the translation. The reader may wish to refer to the original material
for verification.
JewishGen is not responsible for inaccuracies or omissions in the original work and cannot rewrite or edit the text to correct inaccuracies and/or omissions.
Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.
Translated by Yocheved Klausner
On the threshold | The Book Committee | 17 |
Poems | Yitzhak Katzenelson | 19 |
This is the way we started [Y] | Zishe Fuchs | 21 |
Introduction | Shimon Kantz | 35 |
History of the Town | ||
Woldawa Pinkas (register) from 1761 | Pinkas | 49 |
Woldawa legends | Alexander Cohen | 75 |
History of the Jewish community [Y] | Pinkas | 79 |
The establishment of the Jewish settlement | 89 | |
Historical calendar | I.S. Rosenblatt | 97 |
My shtetl | Ben Matityahu | 115 |
Wlodawka | 119 | |
Tomazsowka | Ben Matisyahu | 124 |
Poems | Yitzhak Katzenelson/Yitzchok Kunczman | 127 |
The course of the generations [Y] | Mordechai Wlodawer | 129 |
The stormy year 1909 [Y] | Yakov Rovner | 137 |
Between times [Y] | 141 | |
The first years [Y] | Shakla, Kliger, Rosenblatt | 149 |
Life in past years [Y] | A. Lemberger | 159 |
The First World War | Moshe Rozhanke | 165 |
Bolachovce | 168 | |
Shatzek | 170 | |
The sad chapter of Bolachovce | Dr. S. GelehrnterKamenir | 173 |
The Dubetchne cottage | Eli LibesFischman | 179 |
The first railroad [Y] | I. Millner | 183 |
Torah and revolution in Wlodawa [Y] | Eliezer Leichter | 185 |
Poems [Y] | Yitzhak Katzenelson | 189 |
The song of the murdered Jewish people [Y] | Yitzhak Katzenelson | 191 |
Rabbis and Chasidim | ||
MAHARAM of Rotenburg | Nathan Rotenberg | 197 |
The ADMOR Rav Yuda Perlov | Zev Minkowitz | 201 |
The Rav R'Leibele | M. Wlodawer | 203 |
Four Prayers (poem) [Y] | 207 | |
The Saviner Rav R'Moishele [Y] | Feige Lederstein | 209 |
Rav Trochanovski | Shmuel Ungar | 211 |
The rabbi and his book [Y] | Ben Matityahu | 217 |
R'Mendele Morgenstern [Y] | 222 | |
The memorial plaque on the Torah Ark [Y] | 224 | |
Prayerhouses, rabbis, slaughterers and melamdim [Y] | 228 | |
The First World War [Y] | A. Struzman | 251 |
Rabbis and Chasidim | Moshe Rozhanke | 259 |
Chasidism | A. Hansker | 261 |
Kotzker Chasidim | Eliezer Yitzhak Wasserman | 265 |
The Rav R'Yona Goldstein | Nachum Goldstein | 267 |
The Rodziner Minyan (prayer) in Stillerman's house [Y] | Yosef Stillerman | 269 |
Our home [Y] | Mordechai Byali | 273 |
Zishe the rabbi's [Y] | M. Wlodawer | 281 |
Jewish life [Y] | Zelig Weinschel | 285 |
Cheders [Schools] and Melamdim [Teachers] [Y] | Aryeh Struzman | 289 |
The Novorodka Yeshiva | Chaim Lichter | 295 |
Parties and Organizations | ||
The Zionist organization | 301 | |
The house where religious Zionism began | Elchanan Shafran | 305 |
The Zionist movement [Y] | Ben Matityahu | 307 |
The activity of Jewish councilmen [Y] | 324 | |
Hashomer, Macabi, Beitar, Mizrahi, pioneer training, Brit Hakana'im [Y] | 328 | |
Shimon Sonnschein | 341 | |
Aharon Seifer | 342 | |
The Tchedrowitzki family [Y] | 343 | |
Jewish banking [Y] | 345 | |
LoanwithoutInterest Funds [Y] | 350 | |
The story of the BACH [Bayit Chadash] manuscript | 351 | |
Unsere Stimme [Our Voice] newspaper in Wlodawa [Y] | 355 | |
The wood trade [Y] | 357 | |
Founding the first Zionist organization [Y] | A. Struzman | 361 |
Zionist activity in 1903 [Y] | Zvi Scneiderman | 367 |
BEITAR | Arie Goldman | 369 |
The pioneer [Chalutz] training camp [Y] | Moshe Ribak | 371 |
Chalutzim [pioneers] | N. S. R. | 373 |
The Maccabi Orchestra [Y] | Binyamin Berman | 377 |
The Hashomer Hadati religious youth movement | Yosef Stillerman | 379 |
The first Aliya [Y] | Zishe Fuchs | 383 |
Illegal immigrants [Y] | Arie Goldman | 395 |
The first pioneer kibbutz in Tomashowka [Y] | Jonathan | 401 |
David Lifshitz | Yakov Rosenblatt | 403 |
Zionism and charity [Y] | Dr. Sofia Ehrlich | 407 |
The professional movement [Y] | Chaim Kliger | 411 |
The first professional unions [Y] | Ben Malka | 421 |
The first members of the professional unions [Y] | Chaim Shakla | 425 |
The leather section [Y] | Asher Lemelboim | 427 |
Drama clubs in Wlodawa [Y] | Shaye Kirman | 431 |
The craftsmen's union | Chaim Shakla | 437 |
Personalities and WayofLife | ||
R'Binyamin Blumenkranz [Y] | Yakov Rosenblatt | 445 |
Dr. Yosl Feldman [Y] | 447 | |
R'Hershel ZberzherFeldman [Y] | 450 | |
R' Eliezer Bernstein [Y] | 452 | |
R'MendelHersh Nachmiyas [Y] | Esther KelbermanGoldman | 455 |
The town of my childhood and my youth [Y] | Rachel KippelTzitrin | 457 |
Our father Yosef Kippel [Y] | Ahuda Ronit / Rachel Tzitrin | 459 |
R'Eliezer Yosef Holzman [Y] | Yitzhak Holzman | 463 |
R'Shaul Fiedelman | Matityahu Fiedelman | 465 |
R'Feivel Lederman | ChaimDavid Brus | 467 |
Shepsel Kaminer | I.S.R. | 470 |
Yosef Goldman zl | Alte Tzviya Goldman | 471 |
Community activity in our town | Dr. S. PoratGoldfarb | 475 |
Chaim Berl Rothenberg (Chaim Yente's) | Nathan Rothenberg | 477 |
Charitable women (women of good deeds) [Y] | Frume SchtitzbergGrossbard | 483 |
Chaim Baruch Grinblatt from Sobibor [Y] | Geula Glintzman | 485 |
Levi Goldfeder | Guta Tchantkovski | 487 |
R'David Alamotzki | Zeev Alamotzki | 485 |
Dr. Shlomo Igelnik | 487 | |
My parents' home [Y] | Sara PoratGoldfarb | 489 |
The Lemberger family [Y] | Avraham Lemberger | 493 |
R'Yochanan the shoemaker [Yochanan Hasandlar] from Dubetchne | A. Dubetchner | 495 |
People of my father's generation [Y] | Binyamin Milch | 499 |
Dreamers and fighters Yosef Rothenberg, Anton Gruber, Yakov Barenholz [Y] | Arie Struzman | 501 |
R'Binyamin Feinstein | S. Weissberger | 509 |
Our home, a fountain of life [Y] | Avraham Barenholz | 513 |
The song of my Shtetl [Y] | Leibel Schneiderman | 535 |
R'YitzhakMeir Babad | Binyamin Flomenboim | 541 |
My grandfather's family | Zeev Rabinowitz | 543 |
Outstanding personalities [Y] | M. Wlodawer | 545 |
Stonecutters and shinglemakers | Shmuel Friedman | 549 |
Klezmer | Avraham Friedman | 551 |
R'Gershon the watercarrier and the first Selihot [Y] | Yakov D. | 553 |
Shayele the watercarrier [Y] | Chaim Shakla | 555 |
The Jews in my village Kalotch [Y] | Nachum Knopmacher | 557 |
Our unforgettable home [Y] | Rivka AppelboimFahrer | 559 |
My shtetl Wlodawa (poem with music) [Y] | Yakov Rosenblatt | 563 |
The Horrors of the Holocaust | ||
Days and Years of Pain and Destruction | Yechiel Greenhaus | 569 |
Reiman the first victim | Chaia GellermanBaumgarten | 603 |
Rubache the first massgrave | Peshe Kutcher | 605 |
The destruction of Wladawa | A. Tulip | 609 |
The destruction of Tomashowka | Rivka Byaler | 619 |
The night on the eve of Shavuot Holiday | Malka Kreinowitz | 621 |
A poem | Yitzhak Katzenelson | 623 |
The walk through Hell | Sara AmalinskiLustikman | 625 |
R'Yeshaya Tcheryonigora | 647 | |
The economic situation and the Cooperation movement | Sara Amalinski | 649 |
The fight for life | S. Liza | 653 |
Miserable days and nights | Motel Rabinowycz | 661 |
Correspondence between the Wlodawa Judenrat members | 675 | |
The Rabbi of Radzin's blessing [H] | Michael KaftorKnopmacher | 687 |
The Death of the Radziner Rabbi | Motel Reichman | 689 |
The Radziner Rabbi among the Wlodawa Martyrs | Shimon Kantz | 693 |
In the valley of death | Perele Knopmacher | 697 |
The road of pain | Bracha RosenzweigStchupak | 705 |
Folkenberg's Jews | Shimon Lederman | 723 |
On the bloody roads | Matityahu Appelboim | 735 |
My child, say Shema Israel | Henie RosenbergSchafferman | 741 |
In rivers of blood | SprintzeMiriam ByaliReise | 747 |
Pain and struggle | Pessl SeltzerAppelboim | 751 |
Nightmares my life experiences under Nazi rule | Arie | 755 |
In the valley of weeping | Mirco EhrlichBrom | 759 |
My road from Katchal to Kibbutz GanShmuel | Miriam BotTeitelboim | 765 |
In the pits and in the woods | Aharon Diamant | 785 |
The Tombstone Street | Ben Tzviya Holzman | 799 |
My way back to the Jewish People | Lola Elzhbietta Lustgarten | 805 |
Rivkele from Virker Street tells her story | Chaim Shakla | 807 |
Upon the ruins of Wlodawa | Dr. Shoshana GelehrenterKamenir | 811 |
Flames in the Ashes the Saga of Bravery | ||
Mass murder | C. Niewieska | 817 |
The resistance of the Wlodawa Jews in Sobibor | Ada Lichtman | 827 |
The cutoff generations (poem) | Yakov Rosenblatt | 829 |
The uprising in the Sobibor death camp | Misha Lew | 831 |
From the uprising in Sobibor to the partisans | Aizik Rothenberg | 847 |
The uprising in Sobibor | Noah Zevuluni | 867 |
There is nothing to see in Sobibor | M. Tzanin | 869 |
Inscribed with blood The Sobibor trial | From the German Press | 879 |
The trial of the hangmen of Sobibor | Shimon Kantz | 881 |
The road from the city to the woods | Ben Matityahu | 889 |
In the Jukow Otriad (partisan unit) | A. Feige | 905 |
The struggle against the enemy | Ben David | 915 |
Anything for a rifle | Moshe Katzav | 919 |
The road to the partisans | S. Nathan | 925 |
From the laborcamp to the partisans | S. Beile | 941 |
The drive for vengeance | A. Ben Reisel | 953 |
In the Jewish partisanOtriad (partisan unit) | A. Shenka | 959 |
Through bloody slaughters | Patzan | 975 |
The first Wlodawa partisans | S. BatChinke | 987 |
The road in the woods | A. Tulip | 993 |
In the fire of the bloody massacres | Ben Arie | 1005 |
A partisan leader fell in battle | Serashke | 1015 |
The Jewish Unit | Shlomo StraussMarco | 1019 |
On the old roads | Dr. Shoshana GelehrenterKamenir | 1025 |
Testimonies of Wladawa survivors | 1029 | |
In the midst of dear persons | Ch. Ben Eliezer | 1037 |
The first rescue activities | Dr. Adam Springer | 1043 |
They were many | 1047 | |
Dov Sobelman | From the IDF Yizkor Book, Ministry of Defense 1955 | 1051 |
Yitzhak Friedman | 1052 | |
Yitzhak Friedman | ChaimDavid Brus | 1053 |
At the graves of the fathers | Chaim Kliger | 1055 |
Wlodawa Jews in Israel and Abroad | ||
The ADMOR from Byala [H] | 1071 | |
The Wlodawa Comittees in Israel and abroad | The Committee | 1075 |
Wlodawa Women's Committee in America | Chaim Malyes Farbman | 1077 |
The First Wlodawa immigrants in America | Zelig Feinstein | 1081 |
Wlodawa charitable women in America | Rivka Feinstein | 1085 |
Wlodawa Landsmanshaft in Brazil | Chaim Shakla | 1087 |
Shaul Wolf Lichtenberg, I. Scherman | Zishe Fuchs | 1091 |
Wlodawa Landsmanshaft in Argentina | Motl Wlodawer, Yehoshua Stoll | 1093 |
Wlodawa Jews over the world | 1099 | |
The activity of the BookCommittee | The Board | 1107 |
The Days of Memorial | Zishe Fuchs | 1115 |
Holocaust and Heroism | ||
How Wlodawa was destroyed | Zishe Fuchs | 1119 |
The Wlodawa Jews in the ghetto | S. Michaeli | 1123 |
The destruction of Wlodawa | S. Efraim | 1125 |
My road through Hell | Sara Umlinski | 1131 |
Liquidation of the ghetto | Yechezkel Huberman | 1143 |
In the Valley of Death | Perla Knopmacher | 1147 |
In the Auschwitz Camp | Tzitterspieler Zvi | 1151 |
In the Sobibor death camp | Niwiska | 1157 |
The revolt | Misha Liew | 1163 |
The uprising in the Sobibor death camp | Moshe Bahir | 1171 |
This was how the uprising began | Michaeli | 1177 |
Those who did not surrender in the valley of murder | Aizik Rothenberg | 1185 |
The uprising of the Wlodawa Jews in Sobibor | Ada Lichtman | 1195 |
There is nothing to see in Sobibor | Mordechai Tzanin | 1197 |
The trial of the Sobibor hangmen | Shimon Kantz | 1203 |
The founders of the Partisan group in Wlodawa | BatChinka | 1207 |
Through bloody battle under Nazi rule | W. Patzan | 1211 |
The Jewish partisan group | Shyanko | 1217 |
He believed in the success of the revolt | A. Babad | 1225 |
The Tombstones Street | Ben Tzviya | 1227 |
Desecration | S. Michaeli | 1229 |
The Sobibor trial on 80 video films | From the German Press | 1229 |
Testimony against Nitchke, head of the SD | 1231 | |
Children accuse | Mira EhrlichBrom | 1235 |
Living Hell | Tzipora SicherRosenschein | 1237 |
List of Martyrs (Necrology) | 1243 | |
Memorial Pages | 1282 | |
Remember and Do Not Forget | Sisha Fuchs | 3 |
Sobibor | H. Nivjeska | 7 |
In a Jewish Division | A. Shenko | 15 |
The Partisan Founders in Wlodowa | BatChinka | 27 |
Testimony against the head of the SD Nitshke | Jews of Wlodowa who survived | 33 |
In Sobibor There is Nothing to See | Mordechai Zanin | 39 |
The Uprising of the Jews of Wlodowa in Sobibor | Ada Lichtman | 47 |
The Tombstone Street | Ben-Zwia Holzmann | 49 |
The Destruction of Wlodowa | Ephraim Tilip | 51 |
The Road Of Bloody Battles Under the German Occupation | Pazan | 79 |
Experiences from the Ghetto and Extermination Camp | Eisik Rothenberg | 87 |
Again in the Forest | Eisik Rothenberg | 97 |
In The Valley of Death | Perla Knapfmacher | 101 |
From the German Press | 106 | |
The Trial of the Executioner of Sobibor | Shimon Kanz | 108 |
Nearly a Legend | Misha Lew | 115 |
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