Wloclawek and Vicinity; Memorial Book
(Włocławek, Poland)

52°39' / 19°02'

Translation of
Wloclawek ve-ha seviva; sefer zikaron

Editors: Katriel Fishel Thursh, Meir Korzen

Published: Tel Aviv 1967



This is a translation from: Wloclawek ve-ha seviva; sefer zikaron, Wloclawek and vicinity; memorial book,
Edited by Katriel Fishel Thursh, Meir Korzen, Association of Former Residents of Wloclawek in Israel and the USA, Tel Aviv 1967 (1032 cols. H, Y)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Wloclawek

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Translated by Yocheved Klausner

Title Page   1
Hebrew Articles
The history of the Jews in Wloclawek until the First World War * Yeshaya Trunk 1
The Community during the years 1900-1939 Meir Kojan 27
The Rav Yosef Chaim Kara Prof' Efraim A. Auerbach 133
The Rav R'Yehuda Leib Kowalski z”l * Rav Ch. P. Tchorsh 143
The Zionist Organization * Yehuda Greenboim 177
The “Mizrahi” Rav Ch. P. Tchorsh 199
HAZH”R [The revisionist Zionists and the Beitar Movement] Eliyahu Amikam (Kashak) 207
Agudat Israel and Young Agudat Israel Fishel Flechser 217
The Jewish Workers' Party “Bund” (1900-1920) * M. D. Alter 267
The “Bund” between the Two Wars (1920-1939) * Chaim Tabatchnik 273
The Poalei Zion in Wloclawek Dov Shachari 275
The Youth Movements
The beginnings of the movement S. Cohen, D. Frida 301
The renewed organization A. Ungar 303
Until the Holocaust D. Shachari 307
Hashomer Hatzair David Dori (Dorfman) 313
Tzeirei Hamizrahi [Young Mizrahi] and Hechalutz Hamizrahi Rav Ch. P. Tcorsh 345
Hanoar Hatzioni [The Zionist Youth] David Rubinstein 349
Yosef Shovinski Hanna Kava 353
Dr. Avraham Leib Fuchs Moshe Kol 355
The Zionist Movement (fragments)   359
Education and Culture
Three letters from Shalom Aleichem to Meir Arenstein   379
The Jewish Gymnasium [High School] Meir Kozhan 381
Yonathan Sharoni (Matok) Prof' Efraim A. Auerbach 405
The Jewish Stage (A bundle of memories) Mordechai Efraim Shemel 447
The Yiddishe Bine [the Jewish Stage] and the surrounding towns Chanoch Konfdark (Ben Shalom) 453
Sport Associations Dov Shachari 483
The Religious Life
The religious way of life in Wloclawek Rav Ch. P. Tchorsh 497
The struggle for the Rabbinate Rav Ch. P. Tchorsh 499
A place of Torah Study Moshe Meged 501
The Yeshiva in Wloclawek Yehuda L. Greenboim 505
The Novorodok Yeshiva in Wloclawek Chanoch Flexer 511
The Sochaczew Hasidim House Efraim A. Auerbach 513
The Destrikow Hasidim House David Rubinstein 515
The Hevrat Tanach [Bible Society] Dov Shachari 517
The history of the Hazanim, [cantors] in Wloclawek S. Geshuri 521
The Rav R'Yakov ben Yitzhak Aizik Ungar Arie L. Ungar 531
Our Master and Teacher Rav R'Alexander-Sender Gedaliahu Tchorsh Rav Ch. P. Tchorsh 535
Rav Shlomo David Posner (Bzheshkowski) Autobiography 541
Shalom Mordechai Rubinstein SHO”V [slaughterer] in Wloclawek M. Y. 543
My brother Yakov Leib Tchorsh Rav Ch. P. Tchorsh 544
R'Yakov Zelig Karo Rav Ch. P. Tchorsh 545
The Scribe [Sofer Sta”m] from Wloclawek Yosef Avni (Silberstein) 546
Sayings from the mouth of Rav Y. L. Kovalski Yakov Gur-Eli 547
R'Sender Tchorsh - his sayings Rav Ch. P. Tchorsh 551
The Economic Life
The Jewish Craftsmen's Association Dov Shachari 591
The map of Wloclawek and its Jewish institutions * Eng. Binyamin Meirtchek 609
Welfare Institutions
Welfare and medical-aid institutions in our town Dov Shachari 611
The Rabbi's Home Ch. M. Rothblatt 649
The personality of out Rav Ch. M. Rothblatt 651
Shalom Ash Chaim Z. Nafcha 653
Dr. A. L. Fuchs, the community worker and the era Yitzhak Greenboim 657
Dr. A. L. Fuchs Dr. Moshe Strach 663
Memories from my home Miriam Achituv-Fuchs 665
The Surrounding Towns
Kowal, Kujavia Aryeh Leib Piechotka 765
Yosef Dobrzynski Nahum Sokolow 771
Figures of Kowal Aryeh Leib Piechotka 771
In memory of Reb Yitzhak Pozner and his family Chaim Pozner 773
Reb Yitzhak Menachem Szymsza Rabbi Katriel Fishel Tchorsh 775
Lubranc [Lubraniec]
Figures in Lubranc Moshe Printz 793
Nyeshawa [Nieszawa]
Neyshawa and its Jews Rivka (Regina) Strauss (Kaplan) 797
Israel Yehuda Kaplan Rivka Strauss 800
Chiechotchinek [Ciechocinek]
Figures in Chiechotchinek Moshe Assisi 809
Alexandrov [Aleksandrów Kujawski] and Dobzhin [Dobrzyń nad Wisłą]
Alexandrov and Dobzhin on the Banks of the Vistula Dov Shachari 817
The Holocaust
The destruction of the Jewish settlement in Wloclawek Moshe Lishak 833
In the Ghettos
In the Warsaw Ghetto Meir Kojan 891
In the Lodz Ghetto From the diary of David Shirakowski 897
In the Zamosc Ghetto   897
In the Tarnow Ghetto Orna Blauner-Glick 899
In the Camps and in the Resistance Movements
The legend of the Wloclawek martyrs P. Flaxer 913
Tusia Altman Dr. Israel M. Biederman 933
Tusia A. Sharoni (Matok) 949
Mira Izbitzka Miriam Fuchs-Achituv 951
Avraham Smidt   953
Moshe Posner Dr. Chaim Posner 955
Nashia Zuker Menachem Ravitzki 957
In Memory of Relatives and Friends   961
Yiddish Articles
The history of the Jews in Wloclawek until the First World War (1802-1914) * Yeshaya Trunk 47
During the years 1900-1939 Meir Kojan  
a. The Community   87
b. The Jewish-Polish relationship   113
The Rav R'Yehuda Leib Kowalski z”l * Rav Ch. P. Tchorsh 165
The Zionist Organization * Yehuda Greenboim 191
The story of the “Bund” during the yeara 1900-1920 * Meir David Alter 227
The “Bund” between the Two Wars (1920-1939) * Chaim Tabatchnik 247
The history of the Poalei Zion in Wloclawek Ozer Schwarz 283
The Youth Movements
The history of the Young Workers Union Freiheit [Freedom] Dov Shachari 331
Culture and Education
The social and spiritual image of Jewish Wloclawek Meir Kutchinski 361
Y. Y. Bachoretzki, the guide and counselor Dr. Mordechai Etzioni 403
The Y.L. Peretz Jewish Elementary School Moshe Alman 407
“ORT” Moshe Alman 409
The Wloclawek Jewish Press Dr. Y.M. Biederman 411
“The Jewish Stage” and “The Jewish Theater Society” 1925-1936 Lemel Lichtenstein 435
Shmuel Winter Meir Kutchinski 459
Shimon Horontchik Mirel Erdberg Shatan 467
The fables-writer and poet Fishel Ber Ravitzki Meir Kutchinski 473
Chana Kovalski Hersh Fenster 479
The Economic Life
Industrial enterprises Meir Kozjen 555
The Jewish Craftsmen's Association David Horowitz 579
Small-Businesses Association in Wloclawek Arie L. Ungar 603
The map of Wloclawek and its Jewish institutions * Eng. Binyamin Meirtchek 609
Social Aid
Social Aid Institutions Hanna Kava 625
Wloclawek during the Polish revolt in 1863 and Rav Y.Ch. Kara Cecilia Stickgold 631
The 1863 rebel Feivel Kaliski Moshe Lishak 647
R'Henoch Yanover z”l Shimon Zucker 669
Personalities and images from the Wloclawek past Eliyahu Paloshek 673
Memories from the First World War Meir Kutchinski 691
A Wloclawek inhabitant Shmuel Izban 699
Personalities and events S. Gombinski 707
Wloclawek A. Glanz-Leyeles 717
My hometown Wloclawek Menachem Ravitzki 725
Wloclawek residents tell their stories Dov Shachari 733
The end of an era Meir Kozjan 739
Memories from the political and social life in Wloclawek Zev Shenker 745
Wloclawek sayings Zev Shenker 749
The Surroundings
Kowal and its Jewish settlement Zalman Gostynski 753
Brisk-Koyavsk [Brześć Kujawski]
From the history of the Community Yeshaya Trunk 777
Lubranc [Lubraniec]
A Lubranc Community Bookkeeping-Register from 1918-1919 Shmuel Winter 781
Lubranc Avraham Yitzhak Kloski 791
Nyeshawa [Nieszawa]
How the Nyeshawa community was established Israel Kaplan 795
Chiechotchinek [Ciechocinek]
The history of the Jewish settlement in Chiechotchinek Chaim Friedman 801
Sloshewe [Służewo]
Sloshewe Harry L. Saar (Yechiel Hersh Kutchinski 813
Dobrin [Dobrzyń nad Wisłą]
My Hometown Dobrzyn nad Wisla (Dobrin) CH. M. Rothblatt 819
Chodetch [Chodecz]
Chodetch Mordechai Pintchevski 827
The Holocaust
The martyrology of the Wloclawek Jewish population Moshe Lishak 845
The first days of the Nazi occupation    
a. The testimony of Mrs. M. Fuchs   863
b. Testimonies from the Ringelblum archives (Ring. 1255/I)   869
c. Testimonies from the Ringelblum archives (Ring. 1259/I)   877
In the Camps and in the Resistance Movements
The agony-road of a Wloclawek youth through the Nazi labor camps Zalman Klodawski 901
Testimony of Moshe Krushiniewski (from YIVO material, N.Y.) Adapted by M.D. Alter 909
Shmuel Winter Rachel Auerbach 915
Eliezer (Lutek) Hirshberg Hersh Wasser 919
In Memory of Relatives and Friends   961
* Articles are the same in Hebrew and Yiddish


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