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[Scan 443]

Wierzbnik Necrology (cont.)

In eternal memory

Of my dear martyrs, tragically killed

Wife: Sara the daughter of Zalman (Rozenbaum) Brodbeker

Son: Shlomo-Zalman Brodbeker

Daughter: Chaya-Rachel Brodbeker


Yitzchak Brodbeker

In eternal memory

Of our dearly beloved


Father: Moshe HaKohen Brodbeker

Mother: Malka

Brother: Mendel, his wife Tzipora and son Moshe

Sister: Rivka, and children, Menachem, Feiga, Shlomo

Uncles: Eliahu Brodbeker and family

Miriam, Berish, Michael, and Leibish Rosenblum and family

Relatives: Rivka and Dvora


Perla Brodbeker-Unger
Sara Brodbeker-Rubin

In eternal memory

Of our dear martyrs, tragically killed

Father: Yaakov Goldgrob

Mother: Chava

Brothers: Pinchas

Shlomo – died in Brazil

Sister: Mintzia


Moshe and Meir Goldgrob

[Scan 444]

A memorial candle

To the holy memory of our dear, pure martyrs

Who shine as the splendor of the firmament

Father: Dov-Berish the son of Reb Yeshayahu Guterman

Mother: Esther the daughter of Reb Yosef Goldsztajn

They died in the United States

Our brother Zalman, and sister Itka
who perished in the Holocaust


Yitzchak and Moshe Guterman

A memorial candle

In holy memory of our dear family members

Father: Fishel the son of Reb Yosef Goldsztajn

Mother: Chaya Rachel

Brother: Avraham


Dov-Berish Goldstein
Chana Perl Weintraub-Goldstein
Shmuel Weintraub
Mania Kaufman-Goldstein

[Scan 445]

In eternal memory

Of our dearly beloved martyrs

Father: Ezriel Glatt

Mother: Shprintza

Son: Dov (Berl) Hercik

Daughter: Perl, husband Eli Gincburg, and children

Grandfather: Shlomo Hirszhorn and grandmother Feiga

Aunt: Blima, husband Zalka Klajnmic, and four children

Uncle: Fishel


Chana Glatt


An eternal light

For the graves of my dear ones


Father: Baruch Gold



Mother: Gittel

Brother: Shmuel


Yisrael Gold

With great pain

I perpetuate the memory of my dear

Father: Moshe Leib Glaser

Mother: Tzirel

Brothers: Avraham and wife Chaya

Aharon and family

Baruch Yehoshua Weintraub


Leah Glaser

[Scan 446]

In eternal memory

Of our dear family members who perished in the terrible Holocaust

Father: Elimelech Gruber

Mother: Miriam

Brothers: Shimon and Shmelke

Sisters: Sara and Luba

Uncles: Yosef, Yaakov, Moshe and their families

Grandmother: Dina


Aryeh (Leibel) Gruber


Let these lines in the Yizkor Book
serve as a monument for the unknown graves of our dear

Father: Yaakov-Ahron Gelbard, murdered in Szydłowiec

Mother: Leah, died in the ghetto

Brothers: Yisrael, murdered in Auschwitz

Tzvi Hershel, wife and two children, murdered in Treblinka

Edzia (of the Holcman family) with a two-year-old son Dudu, murdered in Treblinka

Brother: Shmuel (Shmulik), who fell in the War of Independence in 1948



Honor their memory!


Nathan Gelbard
Froma Gelbard-Maslowitz

A monument

To the unknown grave of our dear

Yosef Grynhaut



Wife: Ameila Gynhaut

Children: Tina and Zigmund Dinfeld


Sala and Zeev Kilman


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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
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Updated 15 Oct 2019 by LA