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Translations by Jerrold Landau

Translator's note:

The Volozhin Yizkor Book contain a supplement. The page numbering begins once again from 1. On the NYPL site ( https://digitalcollections.nypl.org/items/ade5e2b0-2ff3-0133-6e56-58d385a7b928 ) this addendum can be found on scans 720-760. On the Yiddish Book Center site ( https://www.yiddishbookcenter.org/collections/yizkor-books/yzk-nybc314103/leoni-eliezer-voloz-in-sifrah-shel-ha-ir-ve-shel-yeshivat-Etz-hayim ) this addendum begins on page 721.


Supplement to the Book of Volozhin

[Page 3]

Volozhin Natives Who Perished in the Holocaust

Merciful Father!
Pour out your wrath upon the nations that do not know You;
And on the nations who do not call in Your name.
For thy have consumed the house of Volozhin
And destroyed the beauty of the natives of Volozhin.[1]

The Family of Aryeh Leib Berman


Right to left: a) Mina Berman, b) Aryeh Leib Berman, c) Esther Berman (on his lap), d) Elka Berman, e) Tzipora Berman, f) Shmuel Berman, g) Chaya Sara Berman, h) Chana Berman


“And they killed all those pleasant to the eye” (Lamentations 2:7)

Perpetuator: Yitzchak Berman (United States)

[Page 4]

The Family of Yitzchak Meir Berman


Standing (right to left): a) Chaim Meir Berman, b) Mina Berman (his wife), c) their daughter, d) Shoshana (Roza) Berman
Sitting: a) Eli Moshe Brudna, b) Henia Mereh Berman, c) guest, d) Rivka Berman, e) Yitzchak Meir Berman

[Page 5]

Family of Yitzchak-Meir Berman (continuation)


Sonia Yurshaner (Berman)
Chaim Yurshaner
Mina Yurshaner
Natan Berman


“The spilled their blood like water… and there was none to bury them.” (Psalms 79:3)

Perpetuators: The brothers Pesach and Shlomo Berman, and cousin Mina Mandel

[Page 6]

Berkowitz Family


Keila Berkowitz
Avraham Berkowitz
Yisrael Berkowitz
Yaakov Berkowitz and his wife Sonia
(nee Dubinsky)


This was a vibrant and bubbly family. The father and two sons were active in communal life in the city. The mother bore the yoke of livelihood with endless dedication. Thanks to her efforts, the children studied in Vilna and obtained a general and professional education.

Leibele – the son of their old age – was a wise and talented student. A precious family was cut off before its time. May their memory be blessed forever.

Perpetuator: Daughter Rosza (Shoshana) Neshri (Berkowitz)

[Page 7]

Gelman (Kotler) Family

“Woe to me over my hurt. My wound is grievous.” (Jeremiah 10:19)


My sister Reizel (Shoshana), her husband Yitzchak Gelman, and their children


Perpetuator: Yehuda Chaim Kotler (United States)

[Page 8]

Wand-Polak Family


Dr. Hirsch Rozenstein, daughter Esther,
and his wife Yocheved (Yatza) (nee Wand-Polak)
Riva Sheiniuk (Nee Wand-Polak)
Nechama Wand-Polak


Dr. Rozenstein, a native of Riga (Latvia), graduated medicine from the University of Prague (Czechoslovakia). He came to Volozhin in 1932 and married Yocheved (Yatza), the daughter of Mr. Michael Wand-Polak. When he was in the Volozhin Ghetto, he extended medical help to all in need of such. He was murdered during the third slaughter.

Perpetuators: The Wand-Polak, Schwartzberg, and Kaminer families

Translator's footnote:
  1. A paraphrase of the Shefoch Chamatcha prayer of the Passover Seder. Return


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