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Local News
(Heimishe Inyonim)

Reuven Rutchik, ז”ל

(Excerpts from Volkovysker Leben)

Jews, it is a festive day today
And a holiday for the town,
Is this a small matter? – It would appear
That we have a Yiddish periodical!

How many days and years
Have we become used to
Sitting, and looking at what people
Write from afar.

All weddings and circumcisions –
You will immediately be the first to know,
And what anyone does or makes,
Whether by day or night,
Will not be withheld from you –
Everything will be told.

Apart from that, you will find
In the Volkovysker Leben
Every Friday, quite early
Everything worth relating,
Always, energies permitting,
From what has transpired in every week.

And to this, my friends,
Let us raise a glass,
And let us wish L'Chaim.
Let us live to reach the New
Year and let it be possible
To publish her daily,
Full of details, clean and pure.
Indeed, fit for proper gentlefolk!

Number One, August 1926


There is great festivity in town right now:
There is going to be a set of elections
To the municipal government, to the beloved one
That must be selected
And also be freshly renewed.

Heaven, earth and candidates!….
All we do is take counsel with one another,
And we argue and dispute with each other
With an impetus that is both solid and strong –
All because of the new mark.
A mark here, and a mark there:
“A Bog: – “One”, “One” – “Bog”…..

Number 40, July 1927


Nobody dreamt it
Nobody, really nobody!
The first edition
Surprised everyone,
Even though it was modest
And small in it s format –
And what will you say now
To number one hundred?
It is a jubilee!
And such an occurrence –
Is a real joy among friends,
As to enemies – let their gall bladders burst….

What a journey it was! –
Laid out with blocks…
All we saw continuously
Were turned up noses…
The noses of the printers
The noses of the typesetters
The noses of the writers
The noses of the readers.
Let it be said, my friends,

[Page 479]

What critics!
It is, after all, a holiday today –
So we toast L'Chaim!
Let us gather strength
And move on the journey,
Prepared to serve the reader,
Again being true to him.
We did something
And great was the result
Volkovysker Leben
May you live long! Vivat!

Number 100, Year 1929


God does not abandon our town,
Does not let her fall into crisis –
Doles out success with a shovel
And a living – in substantial quantity …
Everyone's mind is at ease,
The belly also has no complaints…
The world is talking about some crisis,
We – we have nothing to say of this nature!…

And the tongues also wag…
All we do is talk and talk…
Wheels are standing, and we complain
And it is difficult only to part.
Is there a lack of subjects? –
God does not abandon us
Here is a bench – a fortune!
Here, go kill yourself for glory,
Or – just for the hell of it….

Our beloved Magistrate wants,
Only to provide us with aggravation
And [he] wants the few storekeepers
To be deeply drowned in the muck…

Two cantors now hold
Our city in a tight vise –
Both are wanted for the High Holy Days
To be retained in the Great Synagogue.
This is good – except it is the Devil's handiwork
(There are no lack of wagging tongues in town)
Shortcomings are researched and surfaced
Indeed, in connection with both singers.

And what? About one it is said,
That… (a spiteful thing, a whopper!)
On the Holy Day, Yom Kippur,
He tasted some food…
And the second one – at the Hairdresser's
(so he said),that he
Demanded his beard be shaped to a tip
“This should be left for the Boors”….

The town is spinning on wheels
And this finally reached The Rabbi –
The Rabbi lays down an exposition,
And pours his wrath out on both of them.

Number 173, August 1930


Well, it has been sinned already, thank God,
Also the little market of the town,
It has been sealed that way already,
It looks like the list was long…
Shout there and shout here –
Nothing helps any longer

It is quiet in the street, no one is to be seen
Let the wagons come from the villages
And set themselves up here –
Whoever with wheat, and whoever with rye,
Whoever with seeds, whoever with flax –
Nobody comes to town.
Not a calf and not a cow,
No fowl and no grain,
Out with onions and potatoes –
There is nothing for succor!
No gentile woman brings even an egg –
Everything is lost – oh, woe!
Stores stand silent as if orphaned
The storekeepers sit, sunk in worry;
An executor enters –
An now first one hears a song,
He writes here, he writes there –
The ‘merchant’ turns green with gall.

[Page 480]

The town becomes “sanitized,”
Magically clean without a dust mote;
The house swept clean of all the mud
Everywhere, in each and every corner.

Everything in the tub, and everything in the wash,
Clean in the streets, and the pockets cleaned out…

It isn't going well for the teachers,
Pity, it's not in their minds,
I am referring here to the Tarbut teachers,
Find no solace for themselves:
The committee has let them go
And left them a drift.
The “Committee of Two Protagonists” contends
Against old, loyal servants
Doesn't think a great deal, and imports
New teachers for the school.
It doesn't seem like it's too bad
And go figure out who is right.
Classes stand tightly locked;
The pupils wander around all over;
All the children – for the veterans!
For the veterans – all are “Good Fellows!”…
Locks are torn off .
And in the committee and among the pedagogues
A full-blown fight starts
And blows are traded… After a fine meeting,
The parties are brought together…
And the dispute – proceeds further,
A new committee will be selected,
Studies will resume again –
Everything will be exactly as it was.

The personnel have won –
Hurrah! Hurrah! The conflict is over!
What a time! – Even teachers
Make more and more progress.
Fighting for their existence
Nothing like, indeed – teachers!
(The teacher will have to forgive
What doesn't end in a rhyme).

Number 175, September 1930


The issue of cantorial style
Was bruited about town for a long time.
Now we have yet a different tune –
“Let us sing a song about the Rabbi of the town”…


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