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[Page 278]

An Album of Volkovysk Groups

Ed note: Because of the right-to-left Hebrew script, all names are given from right to left. The writer of the captions seems to have restricted the ‘right-to-left’ designation to the first mention only. Consequently, a right-to-left enumeration is assumed for all rows in a picture, even if not stated explicitly.


A Group of Volkovyskers

Right to left, sitting: Pesach, Sarah Giller, Sarah Slapak:
Standing: Mulya Kwiat, Deborah Reznitsky, Elkeh Ogulnick, Avreml Wallach


A Group of Young People on 1920

Right to left, first row, from the bottom: Itkeh Panter, William Yerusalimsky (son of the Shokhet)
Second row: Shepsel Zelitsky, Gittl Bayer, Sonya Kastrinsky, Mottel Khmelnitsky, Moshe Yanovsky
Third row: Chana Novick, Abraham Kalman Lev, Rachel Moorstein, Chana Bialsky, Avreml Sidransky, Israel Hubar, Fei'tcheh Gallin, Shmuel Rogov


A Group of Volkovyskers in 1921

Right to left first row seated: Sholom Tzerkavich, Lyuba Halpern, Tevel Smazanovich, Sonya Kastrinsky, Sioma Gallin, Anya Grodzinski, Rivka Lev, Shepsel Zelitsky
Second row: Avreml Shapiro (from the factory), Miss Glembotsky, Fanya Kaplan, Yitzhak Kaplan, Yitzhak Merkin, David Solomon


A Group of Friends, Photographed with Tzivia Kaminsky
Prior to Her Departure for America in 1920

Right to left first row from the bottom: Mereh Lev, Sarah Kaminsky, Rachel Kaminsky
Second row: Mottel Adef, Shayna Bayer, Abraham Farber, Israel Aaron Bulgatch, Tzivia Kaminsky, Rachel Galiatsky, Israel Gurevich, Chava Rones Lev, Alter Weiner
Third row: Pess'l Rozhansky, Babish Maranchik, Shayn'dl Lev, Abraham Kalman Lev (from Kakhelnya), Israel Weiner


Members of the Volkovysk Metal Society in 1937

Right to left first row seated: Bebel Kushnirovsky (the Tinsmith), Shimon the Blacksmith (from Zamoscheh), Dubitsky the Blacksmith (from beneath the Barg), Abraham Kaganovich, Ze'ev Glatzer (the Coppersmith), Yud'l Rubinstein (the Locksmith), Solomon (the Watchmaker)
Second row: Unrecognized individual, Shifran, Epstein (of the wagons), Pisetsky (the Watchmaker), Leizer Shiff, Uryonovsky, Kravchik, Yunovich the Jeweler


Translator's footnote:
  1. There is one more name than person, indicating some sort of error. Return


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