Table of Contents


Name Index

An asterisk (*) indicates a woman's married surname.

Surname Given name Page
[not given] Aharon Shlome [musician] 502
[not given] Algirdas [Grand duke of Lithuania] 16
[not given] Alter [convert] 422, 450
[not given] Arke [“Little Key”] 418, 429, 430
[not given] Asher Yoel [teacher, father of Rabbi Moshe] 172, 440
[not given] Avraham [R', Baal Shem Tov] 416
[not given] Avraham Itsi [son of Moshe Shuele's] 477, 478, 479, 480
[not given] Avraham Senik's 508
[not given] Avraham Yenkel [doctor] 389
[not given] Avrahamtsik [wedding jester] 456, 457, 458
[not given] Avrumche/Avrahamski/Avrahamtsi [teacher] 160, 440, 453
[not given] Ayzik 418
[not given] Ayzik [blacksmith] 101
[not given] Ben–Chayim [husband of Sore Roynik] 233
[not given] Berel [son of Moshe Aron] 124
[not given] Berel [son of Zekharye] 434
[not given] Bunim [son of Shimon Chayim Shimon] 445
[not given] Chaye–Tove [butcher's wife] 266
[not given] Chayim Itsikel 29, 160, 172
[not given] Chayim–Hersh [“Little Key”] 498
[not given] Dmitro 57
[not given] Dvosye Binimin's 508
[not given] Elki Tsipe's 508
[not given] Feyge 165
[not given] Feyge Tsipe's 508
[not given] Feyge Yosel the Terek's 452
[not given] Feygele [singer] 461
[not given] Fradele [orchard–keeper's wife] 442
[not given] Frenkeliavakhe 438
[not given] Gdalye “Gedoyle” 209
[not given] Gitashe 450
[not given] Hershel [“Air”] 452
[not given] Hershel [Moshe Shuel's son–in–law] 508
[not given] Hershel [son of Sender] 170, 391
[not given] Hertsel [“Face”] 435
[not given] Hirsh Lekales 168
[not given] Itsi [of R' Itsi's Synagogue] 429, 430
[not given] Ivan 73
[not given] Ivan the Terrible 18, 408
[not given] Kopel 182
[not given] Krishtal 449
[not given] Leybush [rabbi of Tshaner Synagogue] 430
[not given] Leyzer [barber] 120
[not given] Lintil 182
[not given] Livushke [cheder teacher] 160
[not given] Matel [“Head”] 460, 461
[not given] Matis [son of Rivke] 111, 112
[not given] Matus [beadle] 469, 470
[not given] Meir 182, 185
[not given] Meir 459
[not given] Meir the Deaf 458
[not given] Mekhel Shames [teacher] 440
[not given] Mendel 477, 478, 480
[not given] Mendel [pharmacist] 457, 462
[not given] Mendel [tailor] 461
[not given] Mendel [wagon–driver] 452
[not given] Mikhel [sexton of Great Synagogue] 446, 447
[not given] Mikhilo 73
[not given] Monomakh, Prince 11
[not given] Moshe [teacher; son of Asher Yoel] 172, 440
[not given] Moshe [training kibbutz member] 165
[not given] Moshe Aharon [yeshiva teacher] 160
[not given] Moshe Aron [father of Berel] 124
[not given] Moshe Shoyel's 507
[not given] Moshe Shuel [Hershel's father–in–law] 508
[not given] Moshe Shuele's [miller] 477, 483
[not given] Moshe the Blind 472
[not given] Motel [dance floor owner] 461
[not given] Motel [son of Mendel the wagon–driver] 452
[not given] Noach [grandfather of Avraham Blum] 414
[not given] Pawel I 17, 18, 409
[not given] Rachel [daughter of Yudel from Mishkovtsy] 488, 489
[not given] Rivke [fish seller] 111
[not given] Sender Shmuel son of Yosel Radiviler 476, 482
[not given] Shaul [son of Moshe Shuele's] 477, 478
[not given] Sheyne–Beyle [bride] 458
[not given] Shifra 449, 450
[not given] Shimon Chayim Shimon [innkeeper] 388, 391, 437, 445
[not given] Shmelke [bass player] 458
[not given] Shmelke [pear tree owner] 455, 456
[not given] Shmuel [son of Moshe Asher Yoel's] 440
[not given] Sore 10
[not given] Stanislaw August, King 12, 17, 18, 409
[not given] Timka 488
[not given] Tsivye [wife of Moshe Shuele's] 477, 483
[not given] Udye–Reyzel 459
[not given] Vanka [the redhead] 105
[not given] Vasye 64, 65, 71
[not given] Volke 459
[not given] Volke [with the crutches] 460, 461
[not given] Witold [Prince ] 18, 408
[not given] Yakov [son of Rabbi Yitschak] 39
[not given] Yankel Asni–Beyle's 460
[not given] Yankel Harun [teacher; son of Mekhel] 434, 440
[not given] Yankel Leybele's 473
[not given] Yanko 76
[not given] Yehoshue 112
[not given] Yenkel [teacher] 440
[not given] Yentil 183
[not given] Yeshue Lanevitser 477, 483
[not given] Yisrael 418
[not given] Yisrael Chaye Sheyndel's 507
[not given] Yisrael Feygeles [town judge] 70
[not given] Yitschak [brother of Leyzer the barber] 120
[not given] Yitschak [rabbi] 39
[not given] Yosef Kopel's 507
[not given] Yosel Pesi's [president of the orphans' home] 462
[not given] Yoske the carpenter 473
[not given] Yudel/Idel from Mishkovtsy 488, 489, 502
Agsi * Shoshana [nee Zak] 540
Agsi * Shoshana [nee Zak] 540
Aharonson Aharon 192
Alef M. 496, 498, 515, 530
Anotova [not given] 125
Anski Sh. 447
Apelboym Chaye 484
Averbukh Avraham 418, 527
Averbukh Eliyahu 276
Averbukh Meir [see also Or, Meir] 10, 21, 136, 155, 220, 222, 228, 229, 238, 282, 428, 452, 455, 493, 499, 523
Averbukh Todros 418, 475
Averbukh Yosef 387, 389
Ayzenberg [not given] 197
Ayzenberg Etil 507
Ayzenberg Shimon 25, 194 [photo], 194–195, 196, 197, 221, 469
Ayzenberg Shlome 68, 145
Ayzenberg Yakov 29, 180, 181, 507
Badasiuk Gnadke 250, 251
Badasiuk Yashke 391, 392
Balch Shmuel 137
Balmelakhe Duvid 155
Balter Shmuel 450
Barak A. 191
Baral Chayim 501
Baral Meir 517
Barbak Berel 168, 541
Barkay Chayim Zev 25, 147, 203, 226 [photo], 226–227
Barkay * Leyeke [nee Shpigelman] 226, 227
Barlas [not given] 273
Batsavski [beer tavern owner] 435
Beker Yente 167
Ben Yeshurun Yakov [see also Kitaykesher, Yakov] 155, 161, 163
Benari [not given] 180
Ben–Tsvi Azriel 225
Ben–Tsvi Mordekhay [rabbi; see also Blekh, Mordekhay] 224, 228
Ben–Tsvi Yitschak [see also Shimshelevits, Yitschak] 191, 192, 219
Ben–Tsvi * Sime [nee Chachkis] 222, 224, 225
Beren Levi 168
Beren Nachum 25, 111, 142, 155, 166, 168, 182, 199–201
Bernad Shmuel 2
Berstovski [not given] 89
Beteners Mordekhay 391, 542
Beteners Simche Hirsh 387, 542
Betshinsky [not given] 171
Binyamin Dvosi 98
Bisker [family] 508
Bisker Avraham 202 [photo], 202–203, 501
Bisker Beyle 501
Bisker Blume 501
Bisker Gitel 501
Bisker Hersh 107, 486–490, 499, 501–503
Bisker Leye 501
Bisker Rachel 501
Bisker Shlome 501
Bisker Shprintse 501
Bisker * Malke [nee Grinbarg] 501
Biv Nitse 41
Blayshteyn Meir 525
Blekh Mordekhay [rabbi; see also Ben–Tsvi, Mordekhay] 224, 228
Blekher Kopel 507
Blinder Azriel 155
Blum Avraham 413
Borovitser Chayim 482
Boykis Yosel 445
Boytiners Mordekhay 391, 542
Boytiners Simche Hirsh 387, 542
Brik Chayim Volf 25, 147, 203, 226 [photo], 226–227, 524
Brik Rachel 524
Brik * Leye [nee Shpigelman] 226, 227, 524
Brimer Menashe 52
Chabas B. 175
Chachki [not given] 142
Chachkis Henye 222, 224
Chachkis Sime 222, 224, 225
Chachkis Yakov 137, 154, 173, 180, 216, 538
Chatski Leyb 97, 541
Chatski Tova 155
Chatski Yakov 137, 154, 173, 180, 216, 538
Chazan M. 476, 486
Chazan Yakov 93
Chazan Zalman 27, 282 [photo], 282–283
Chazan * Bat–Sheve 27, 27 [photo], 282 [photo], 282–283
Chezkelyovna [sisters] 141
Chinik [not given] 89
Chinik Duvid 438
Chmielnitski Bogdan 416, 436, 447
Choish Kalman 107, 108, 109, 129, 247
Demidov [General] 18, 412, 433, 423, 436, 437, 438
Derbaremdiker Levi Yitschak [rabbi of Berdichev] 141, 281, 430, 499–500, 542
Derbarimdiker [family] 141
Derbarimdiker Batye 213
Derbarimdiker Chayim 281
Derbarimdiker Meir 54, 302
Derbarimdiker Moshe 281, 499–500
Derbarimdiker Motye 499–500
Derbarimdiker Shlome Zalman 500
Derbarimdiker Yisrael 52, 499–500
Derbarimdiker * Nechame 281
Dobrovitker Kopel 142, 167, 179, 180
Dzhigen [not given] 121
Egosi * Shoshana [nee Zak] 540
Elyovich Chayim 40
Emden [grandson of Yakov] 123
Emden Yakov 123
Epshteyn Yakov 243
Epshteyn Zalman 243
Erlikh [teacher] 475
Erlikh Yosef [rabbi of Vishnevets] 53, 54, 62, 142, 143, 148, 182, 251, 430
Fayer Yisrael 506
Fayerman [ritual slaughterer's son] 445
Fayerman Avraham 167, 168
Fefer Arye Leyb [Leybtsi] 167, 168, 181,183, 184 [photo], 184–185, 541
Fefer Rivke 167
Feldman [carpenter] 243
Feldman Duvid 64, 257
Feldman Hershel Duvid 58
Feldman Moshe 251
Feldman Niume 243
Feldman * Hentsi 251
Fishman [not given] 536
Fishman Efraim 475
Fishman Kalman 109, 110
Fishman Mikhel 510, 510 [photo], 510–512
Fishman Mordekhay 296, 474
Fishman Moshe 117
Fishman Yakov 148
Flok Moshe 507
Flok * Reyzel 507
Fodem Manis 508
Fodem Shprintse 508
Fodem Yosel [town starosta] 434, 461
Frayer Avraham 507
Frayer Miryam 137, 507, 538
Frayer * Dobtse 507
Frenkel Ester 81, 82
Freylekh Avraham 484
Freylekh Avraham Yakov 459
Freylekh Hersh 484, 485
Freylekh * Beyle–Yente 459
Freylikh Avraham 484, 517
Freylikh Hirsh Yontel 517
Fridland [family] 191
Fridland Sore [Sonye] 192
Fuks Moshe [teacher] 440, 442, 460
Fuks * Rachel [nee Sobol] 79, 326
Furman [not given] 243
Geler Avraham 156
Geler Moshe Yosef 115, 117, 124
Geler Shike [see also Ron, Yehoshue] 169, 207
Geler Zeyde 163
Gilboa [not given] 194
Ginzburg [Baron] 496
Girany Mengli 18
Gnip [not given] 111, 112
Gnip Duvid 137, 508, 538
Gnip Yisrael 53
Gold (Vatnik) Pesach 507
Goldberg Lipa 194, 197
Goldberg Mikhael 232
Goldberg Mordekhay 154, 194
Goldfaden Avraham 416
Goldman Aharon 154, 155, 243
Goldshteyn [not given] 447, 448, 449
Goldshteyn [public health nurse] 120
Goldshub Moshe 60, 230 [photo], 230
Gomen Commander 206
Gordon [flourmill owner] 221
Gorenshteyn [not given] 182
Gosol * Batye [nee Derbarimdiker]
Grenovski [not given] 26
Grinbarg Arye 501
Grinbarg Malke 501
Grinberg Motye 64
Grinberg Shimon [the Soldier] 64
Grinberg Uri Tsvi 431
Grinberg * [nee Shimkovits] 64
Grinboym [not given] 148
Grinboym Shike 73
Grinboym * Fride [nee Yakira] 73, 74
Grintsvayg [Dr.] 389
Grocholski [not given] 259
Grocholski Baron 17, 412
Grozinov [flourmill owner] 107, 108, 109, 168
Gruber Avraham 111, 112, 114, 129
Gruber Chana 111, 112
Grubian Motel 123
Guber Avraham 107, 109, 110
Guber Shmuel 107, 110
Gun Idil 124
Hadari Izye 216
Hadari Neta 216, 216 [photo]
Hadari * Rachel [nee Rozen] 216
Hamut Hikhel 508
Harpaz Neta 192
Hauser Gideon 523
Heker Yitschak 174
Heler Yom Tov Lipman [rabbi of Ludmir] 19, 409, 410
Holtser Rozye 120
Honerchuk Holanda 83
Hun Idil 124
Ilyador Vitaly 421
Ingel [author] 123
Jabotinsky Zev 163
K. Yakov 153
Kagan Reyzi 168
Kahan Moshe 33
Kaminski Ester–Rachel 167, 445
Kamtsan Y. 124
Kamtsen Yisrael [“Ally”] 425
Kamtsen Zeyde 425
Kantor Shmuel 123
Kardash [not given] 120
Karminik [sisters] 452
Kartman * [not given] 483
Katsap [brothers] 450
Katsnelson [Dr.] 19, 409
Katz Avraham Leyb 142, 142, 167
Katz Avraham Yehuda 204 [photo], 204–205, 504–506
Katz Cherne 271
Katz Hershel 168
Katz Tsvi 204
Katz Yosef 205
Kecholy Yitschak 196
Kechum Mordekhay 207–208
Kelner * Rachel 524
Kheslivker Mordekhay 418
Kirshenboym Henik 77
Kirshenboym * Sore [nee Kitaykesher] 72, 163, 336
Kitaykesher Duvid 265
Kitaykesher Gitel 168
Kitaykesher Hersh 72
Kitaykesher Sore 72, 163, 336
Kitaykesher Yakov [see also Ben Yeshurun, Yakov] 155, 161, 163
Kitsis [not given] 192
Klayn Yente 56
Kleynberg Zisye 517
Kleynboym [not given] 148
Kleynman Maltsye 508
Klinman Aba 66
Kokorozhe Vasil 457
Koler Tsvi 155
Kolmbren [not given] 86, 87
Koniecpolski Mikolai [Count] 18, 408
Kop Avrahamtsi 526
Kopels Sender 462
Koren Aharon Mekhel 434
Koren Mishe 8, 167, 291, 433, 438 [photo], 433, 451 [photo]
Korenfeld Mendel 204
Korin [not given] 142, 182
Korin Avraham Leyb 168
Korin Chayim 114
Korin Leyb 142
Kornfeld [not given] 142
Kornfeld Chayim 391
Kornfeld Shalom 155
Kornfeld* Tsipora [nee Shlayen] 145, 148 [photo], 164
Korybut Algirdas 410
Korybut Dymitr 16, 18, 408, 410
Kotliar Itsi 479
Kovalski [not given] 251
Kovilis Idel 70
Koylenberner [Judenrat leader] 68, 80, 254
Krasnov Zev [Willian] 25, 518
Kraus [not given] 74
Kremenetski Makhlye 515, 515 [photo], 515–516
Kremenetski Yitschak [Itsik the Tall] 453, 472
Kremenetski * Miryam 473
Krepl Zishe 453
Krigsehver Mitye 110
Krigsehver Yakov 110
Kripitser [not given] 507
Kripke Leybush 460
Krupnik Shaul 438
Kubrik Azriel 191 [photo], 191–193, 197, 219
Kubrik Moshe Aharon 191
Kubrik * Miryam Leye [nee Shatski] 191
Kubrik * Sore [Sonye; nee Fridland] 192
Kuts [family] 267
Landesberg [Dr.] 65, 253
Landoy [Dr.] 26
Layter Alter 68, 81, 256
Layter Malke 167
Layter Noske 130
Lekhetitser Nachum 443
Lemish Avraham 421
Lerer [not given] 243
Lerer Duvid 142
Lerner [not given] 137, 243, 538
Leshed Moshe 160, 161 [photo]
Lev Avraham 335, 352
Levanon* Sonya [nee Shats] 30, 126, 393
Levinson Yitschak Ber [RYB”L] 416, 434
Lifishuv [not given] 82
Lifshits [brothers] 112
Lifshits [family] 111
Lifshits [not given] 85, 111
Lifshits Shimon 107, 109, 426, 475, 508
Losgos Yehoshue 120
Lyabetski [policeman] 479
Lyoyita [not given] 154
M. M. 275
Machit Shmuel 435
Mafshit Yisrael 168, 433
Maliv * Miryam [nee Frayer] 507, 538
Maltseyev [not given] 388
Mandelboym Duvid 168, 440
Marchbeyn Chaye 222
Marchbeyn Hirsh 244
Marchbeyn Yakov [Yekil] 67, 68, 256, 265,267, 268
Marder [family] 508
Margaliot Hershel 68, 267, 389, 390, 391
Margaliot Tsvi 265
Margalit Yehuda 107, 382
Margolis Chayim Anshel 478
Margolis Yosel [“Ostrer”] 430, 469
Margolis * Sore [“Ostrer”] 207, 208, 430, 469
Margolius Hershel 389, 390, 391
Markhbeyn [family] 267
Markhbeyn F. 155
Markhbeyn Moshe 160, 161 [photo]
Markhbeyn Yakov [Yekil] 67, 68, 256, 265, 267, 268
Markhbeyn * Eti Rachel 267
Mazur [not given] 124
Mazur Beni 68, 268
Mazur Chayim Hirsh [Tsvi] 141, 168
Mazur Y. 119, 353
Mazur Zisa 256
Melis Shmuel 538
Meliv * Miryam [nee Frayer] 137, 507, 538
Melksnits [tailor] 266
Mikolski [not given] 74, 77
Miler [not given] 87, 112
Miler Tsvi 124
Mindzar Vasil 268
Mishne Avitsur 213
Mishne Betsalel 213, 213 [photo]
Mniszech Marina 17, 412
Mniszech Michal Wandalin 17, 411
Mniszech * Katarzyna 411
Mniszech * Urszula 411
Mofshit Chave 243
Mofshit Chayke 168
Mofshit Ozer 145
Mofshit * Dora 145, 146
Mormits Zigmunt [Dr.] 16, 410
Nek Kalman 107, 108, 109, 129, 247
Nelkis Yisrael 507
Nets Yone 435
Niuk Yisrael 447
N––s Y. 206, 243
Nudel G. 111, 379
Nudel Yakov 173
Nudler Moshe 508
Ochitel [not given] 123
Olshteyn * Bat–Sheve 281
Or Meir [see also Averbukh, Meir] 10, 21, 136, 155, 220, 222, 228, 229, 238, 282, 428, 452, 455, 493, 499, 523
Or Sore 199
Orlovich Mstislav [Dr.] 16, 410
Osherovits Hirsh 123
Ostrers Duvid [see also Rotenberg, Duvid] 142
Ostrovski [pork dealer] 462, 538
Ostrovski Yakub 54, 60, 61, 113, 137, 251, 302, 462, 538
Parnas Levi/Louis 516 [photo], 516B, 517, 525, 534
Pientkovski Pavele 388
Pientkovski * Anelka/Anelkin 388, 391
Piotrkovski Yozef [Dr.] 16, 410
Plater Andrzhei [Baron] 16, 411
Pliata [Baron von] 486, 489, 490
Plotkin Yakov 219
Poslevski [not given] 60
Presman [not given] 182
R. Ts. 240
Rabin Chayim 1, 11, 12, 284, 287, 401, 408, 409
Rabin Moshe 181
Rabin Yitschak 181, 222, 229
Rabin * Cherne [nee Katz] 271
Rachmani Shlome [see also Derbarimdiker, Shlome] 281
Radiviler Yosele [rabbi] 14, 34, 275, 471, 476–483
Radiviler * Chane 482
Rashavski [pharmacist] 421, 435, 443
Ratman Louis 471
Remez Duvid 194
Reyzels Chayim 173, 181
Reyzels Shmuel 124
Reyzels Yitschak 155, 172, 175, 181
Reyzin Avraham 527, 529
Ritske Duvid 458
Romel [not given] 85
Ron Y. 147, 207, 209
Ron Yehoshue 1, 169, 287
Ron Yone 10, 167, 189, 272
Rosenberg Avraham 538
Rosivkier Mordekhay [“the holy”] 418
Rotenberg Duvid [see also Ostrers, Duvid] 142
Rothschild Anshel 496
Rothschild Baron Binyamin (Edmund) 523
Rotman Levi 518
Rotman Leybel 526
Rotman Simche Ayzik 22, 224, 275 [photo], 275–277, 278, 280, 434, 438, 440
Roynik Duvid 25, 197–198, 198 [photo], 220 [photo], 220–221, 231, 514
Roynik Sore 232–234, 541
Roynik Tsvi 141
Roynik * Zelde [nee Shniribeker] 197
Roytkoytel Niuni 117
Roytman Louis/Leybele 25, 534
Rozen Rachel 216
Rozenberg Avraham 39, 137
Rozenberg Gdalye 93–96, 346
Rozenberg Manya 94, 95
Rozenberg Mendel 93, 94, 95
Rozenboym Avraham 124
Rozenhek Sh. 25, 143
Rozental Moshe 391, 392, 438
Rozental Tikve 231
Rozental Tova 168
Rozental Yankel–Barukh 189, 189 [photo]
Rozental Yehuda 231, 231 [photo], 541
Rozental Yisrael 189
Rozental Yitschak 149
Rozental * Chane Malke 189 [photo], 189–190, 493–495
Rozental * Ester [nee Zbarizher] 189
Rozental * Sore 231, 231 [photo], 541
Rozin Yehuda 204
Rozumny [Torah reader] 208
Ruach Alter 61, 247
Ruach Makhtsi 61, 247
Safir Yisrael HaKohen 476, 481, 486
Sana [see also Kleynboym] 148
Schiffer Y. [Dr.] 11, 12
Segal Chayim Zev 430, 542
Segal Hersh Matis flyleaf, 97, 474
Segal Matus/Matisyahu 430, 475
Segal Moshe flyleaf, 1, 10, 97, 287, 363
Senders Elkane 149
Sendler Rachel 64, 252
Servetnik Nisan 154, 181
Servetnik Yerachmiel 129, 130, 168
Serwacy Oginska 409
Serwacy Zamoyska 409
Shag Aharon 508
Shag Eliezer 181
Shag Tovye 107, 112, 449, 450
Shag Yudke 56
Shapiro [not given] 137, 538
Shapiro [ritual slaughterer] 79
Shapiro Chayke [ritual slaughterer's daughter] 79
Shapiro Rozye 168, 181
Shapiro Yehuda [Idel] 25, 142, 143, 143 [photo], 147, 203, 513, 513 [photo]
Shapiro Yosef 67, 111
Shapoval [chief of police] 251, 254
Shats Eliezer 126, 127
Shats Sonya 30, 126, 393
Shatski Miryam Leye 191
Shatski Yosef 525
Shayer Froyke [rabbi, teacher] 141, 142, 431, 434, 440, 460
Shayklis Yenkel 507
Shenker Nisel 502
Sherer Bentsi 266
Sheteras [not given] 389
Sheyner Nurit 41
Sheyner Sh. 514
Sheyngold Yakov 472
Sheynke Feyge 168
Shimkovits Avraham 64
Shimshelevits Tsvi 191
Shimshelevits Yitschak 191
Shkoler Eliezer 508
Shlayen Tsipora 145, 164
Shnayder Mendel 507
Shnayder Zalman 507
Shniribeker Moshe 197
Shniribeker Zelde 197
Shochet Yisrael 469
Shpigelman [family] 111
Shpigelman Leye 226, 227, 524
Shpigelman Moshe 524
Shpigelman Motye 508
Shpilberg [not given] 273
Shprintsak [not given] 273
Shtayger [not given] 26, 55
Shteyn Shike 119
Shteynberg Moshe 152
Shteyner Rafal 457
Shulder Feyge 168
Shumakher [not given] 121
Shuster Moshe 462
Shvarts Shaul 84–92
Shvats [teacher] 155
Shvedki Yevdokim 59
Sirota Gershon 208
Sklod* Tikve [nee Rozental] 231
Slutski [not given] 273
Sobol Hene 56
Sobol Motel 53
Sobol Rachel 79, 326
Sobol Rivke 56
Sobol Zev 52, 137, 138, 298, 538, 539
Sofer [brothers] 235
Sofer Asher 163, 240, 240 [photo], 240, 271–274
Sofer Dov 173
Sofer Issakher 62, 238, 247, 272
Sofer Leyb 115
Sofer Moshe 115
Sofer Motil 115, 130
Sofer Shakhar 508
Sofer Shlome 273
Sofer Yakov 238 [photo], 238–239
Sofer Yoel 273
Sofer Yosef 237, 237 [photo], 273
Sofer* Lola 237
Sos Issakher 475
Spirt Yosef 271
Storozh [not given] 113
Sudman [not given] 243
Tabenkin [not given] 154
Tarberider Nachum [teacher] 440
Taytelman [son–in–law of Hirsh Bisker] 490
Tenenboym [not given] 168, 243
Tenenboym Barukh 53
Tenenboym Moshe 53
Tenenboym Sender 53
Tenenboym Yakov 129, 168
Ternikov [not given] 141, 168
Teslier Yokil 266
Teyer A. Y. 247
Tirnikov [not given] 141, 168
Todreses Rekhil 508
Todros [family] 111
Toporof Ester 501
Toporof Ruven 501
Toporof * Blume [nee Bisker] 501
Tsemach Uri 480
Tshaytshinetski [not given] 536
Tshervinski [not given] 388
Tsimberg Lusik 149
Tsimbler Avraham 67, 68, 86, 250, 252
Tsimbler Yone 64
Tsinberg Eliezer 148, 148 [photo], 202–203
Tsinberg T. 111
Tsinberg Yosef [Dr.] 53, 54
Tsitrin Yenkel 387
Tsizen [not given] 243
Tsur Ben–Tsion [Bentsi] 214 [photo], 214–215
Tsvik Avraham 132
Tsvik Menashe [Moisey Abramovits] 132, 244
Tunrider Nachum 460
Valdman Mikhael 244
Valdman Moshe 245
Valker * Shprintse [nee Fodem] 508
Valkes Shune 507
Vayngarten Itsikel [rabbi] 431
Vayngarten Rachel 431
Vayngarten * Chane 431
Vaynman Yakov 516
Vaynman Yekhezkel 515
Vaynman * Makhlye [nee Kremenetski] 515, 515 [photo]
Vays Zioma 79
Vaytsman [family] 250
Veloshin [not given] 67
Venshil Moshe 264
Venshitska–Kreshitska Yohana 72, 76, 77
Verdi Chayim 157–159
Verdi Yitschak 155, 157, 172, 175
Vilinski [not given] 113
Vilsker Leybel 155
Vitels Avraham 206
Volinsky Ivan 389
Volk [school principal] 142, 168
Walker Arthur 425
Wisniowiecki Jeremi [prince] 16, 17, 35, 408, 411, 412, 425, 436
Wisniowiecki Katarzyna 411
Wisniowiecki Korybut 18
Wisniowiecki Michal Serwacy 18, 409, 411, 415
Wisniowiecki Soltan 18, 408
Wisniowiecki * Oginska 18
Wojtskovski [president of Poland] 26
Worth Nathan 526
Y. Ch. 179
Yafe [Dr.] 192
Yafe Edna 49, 295
Yakira [not given] 536
Yakira Efraim 170
Yakira Fride 73, 74
Yakira Shike 85, 251, 265
Yakira Yakov 168
Yenkel Avraham 389
Yenkevits [not given] 75
Yingerleyb [see also Yunger Leyb] Meir Nachum [rabbi of Vishnevets] 49, 51 [photo]
Yonitsman [Dr.] 273
Yuger Tsvi 60, 138
Yunger Leyb Chane 442
Yunger Leyb [see also Yinger Leyb] Meir Nachum [Gur Arye, rabbi of Vishnevets] 135, 431, 442
Zak Dov 540
Zak Shoshana 149, 540
Zak Simche 147, 228 [photo], 228–229
Zak * Hentsye [nee Zeyger] 1, 150, 237, 287, 540
Zaltsman [family] 165
Zamoyska Urszula 17, 411
Zbarizher Ester 189
Zelber Pati 243
Zelber Zelde 243
Zeydenokhi [not given] 435
Zeyger Chaskel 168
Zeyger Fanye 168
Zeyger Hentsye 149, 540
Zeyger Leyb 430
Zeyger Mordekhay 151
Zeyger Yehoshue 222, 223, 224, 420, 420 [photo]
Zimbel Moti 64
Zinger Kopel 208
Zinger Mendel 84
Zinger Yehuda 168
Zolozitser Shmuel 469, 470
Zusman Yoel Akiva 504


Table of Contents

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