Mosty-Wielkie Memorial Book
(Velyki Mosty, Ukraine)

50°14' / 24°09'

Translation of
Mosty-Wielkie – Most Rabati, sefer zikaron

Moshe Shtarkman, et al.

Published in Tel Aviv 1975-77




Our sincere appreciation to Yad Vashem
for the submission of the necrology for placement on the JewishGen web site.

Our sincere appreciation to Susan Dressler
for typing up the English text to facilitate its addition to this project.

This is a translation of: Mosty-Wielkie – Most Rabati, sefer zikaron (Mosty-Wielkie memorial book),
Editor: Moshe Shtarkman, et al., Mosty Wielkie Societies in Israel and the United States,
Published: Tel Aviv 1975-77 (H,Y, E 2 volumes)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Velyki Mosty

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Translated by Yocheved Klausner


Hebrew and Yiddish Section
Generation of the refugee remnants (poem) Anda Amir 8
Introduction Editors 9
Why a Memorial Book? Moshe Starkman 12
History of the Jewish Community of Mosty-Wielkiefrom its Early Beginnings to Its destruction Avraham Ackner 14
Memories of a Mostyite Dr. Jacob Roth 28
The General Heder in our Town Yosef Mund 53
The Synagogue Building in our Town Yosef Mund 54
My Town A. L. Binot 59
Between the Walls of the Bet Hamidrash Shmuel Kasner 67
Rabbi Shmarya and his Nephew, Reb Mordechai Peltz A. A. 71
Reb Mordechai Peltz Yosef Falk 75
Rabbi Yehiel Mund Yosef Mund 85
These I Shall Remember Avraham Ben-Pazi-Goldberg 87
A Memorial Candle to the Dear Ones of Our Town Shmuel Kasner 91
Forty Years Later Rivka Silberman (Gerner) 93
Our Father's House
My Father's House Yosef Mund 97
My Father, of Blessed Memory Avraham Ben-Pazi-Goldberg 101
My Grandfather's House Leah Koch 104
Shmarya Shtickler Bella Rodenburg 106
A Memorial Candle to my Family Shprintze Katz 108
My Father's home Mendel Roth 109
Glorious Were the Sons of the Fathers Avraham Ackner 111
I Know (poem) [Yiddish] Avraham Ackner 116
I Know (poem) [Hebrew] Avraham Ackner 117
It is a “Mitzva” to Tell A. L. Binot 118
Community Leaders and Activists Avraham Ackner; A. L. Binot 124
Under Russian rule Under World War I A. L. Binot 131
Jewish Life in our Town Avraham Ben-Pazi-Goldberg 132
Political Parties, Institutions and Organizations
Ha'or Organization A. L. Binot 137
Ahva Organization A. L. Binot 142
The Zionist Wokers' Party Hitachdut Avraham Ackner 147
The Gordonia Youth Movement Avraham Ackner 155
Memories of Gordonia Helena Shmuel (Katz) 159
Ha'Oved Michael Tobish-Yannai 161
The Betar Movement Shalom Shteger 163
“Hachshara” Battalions in Mosty Avraham Ackner 165
The Hebrew School nd Its Teachers Avraham Ackner 170
The Drama Society Ben-Shlomo 177
The Jewish Community House (Beit Ha'am) Avraham Ackner 182
The Free Loan Fund (Gmilat-Hassadim) in Our Town Avraham Ackner 184
We Shall Remember and Not Forget
To the Memory of the Missing Ones Avraham Ackner; A.L. Binot 189
On Ruch'che Mund, who is no Longer with Us Moshe Starkman 194
On the First Anniversary of Rachel Mund's Death A. L. Binot 196
Hayim Silber, of Blessed Memory Dr. Jacob Roth 200
Hayim Silber, of Blessed Memory Avraham Ackner 203
Hayim Silber, of Blessed Memory Moshe Starkman 206
Ya'kov Rappoport Prof. Dov Sadan 210
Moshe Starkman Prof. Dov Sadan 216
Moshe Starkman, Master of Two Literatures G. Kressel 222
The man, Moshe Avraham Ackner 223
Moshe Starkman, of Blessed Memory Dr. Jacob Roth 228
Moshe Starkman, Writer in Two Languages “Ha'Doar” 229
Literature of 'Going Down' and of Ressurection Moshe Starkman-Hazkoni 230
Moshe Starkman, May He Rest in Peace Dr. Azriel Knox 233
Moshe Starkman, Noted Writer “Forwards” 236
Moshe Starkman, May He Rest in Peace “Forwards” 237
Moshe Starkman, May He Rest in Peace Simon Weber 239
Moshe Starkman, of Blessed Memory G. Kressel 241
At the Newly-Dug Grave of Moshe Starkman “Canadian Adler” 243
Famous Writer Moshe Starkman Dies “Canadian Adler” 244
Moshe Starkman Has Passed Away “Letste Nayes” 245
To the “Shloshim” after Moshe Starkman's Death “Freye Arbeter Shtime” 245
Moshe Starkman, May He Rest in Peace “Yivo” 246
Starkman, Moshe-Yohanan Zalman Reisin 246
In Sorrow at Moshe Starkman's Passing Rabbi Shlomo David Goldfarb 248
A Memory of Moshe Starkman I. Yakobowitz 249
Sorrow at the Death of Moshe Starkman I. L. Peretz Writers' Union 250
Sorrow at the Death of Moshe Starkman Yiddish Pen Club 250
Sad Memories on the Occasion of the Death of Moshe Starkman World Farband of Jewish Journalists 251
Nissan Aksler, of Blessed Memory Avraham Ackner 252
The Mosty-Wielkie Society in Israel Avraham Ackner; A.L. Binot 257
Guests in Israel Avraham Ackner; A.L. Binot 261
Holocaust and Destruction
Day of Revenge Mordechai Gebirtig 275
In the Valley of Slaughter Tony Gutman 276
In the claws of the Nazis Henya Grobart 282
Only I Remained Tova Lichter (Selig) 292
On the Aryan Side Dr. Kuba Katz 293
In the Bunker in the Lumberyard Erna Nass 301
Nightmare Hella Rettman (Katz) 303
My Memories of Mosty Yehudit Glazer (Gleicher) 304
Land Do Not Hide Their Blood Ben-Yosef 306
Lovely is the Place Where the Righteous Dwell Fishel Hardt 309
The Memorial Book Appears Shlomo Reiter 311
Mosty in the Eyes of Those Rescued from the Holocaust Avraham Ackner 313
The Annual Memorial Meeting of the Victims of the Holocaust Avraham Ackner 317
The Memorial Meeting on the 5th of Adar 5734 (1974) Moshe Starkman 319
Memorial Pages
My Town, Mosty: Poem Fishel Ackner 329
To the Memory of the Martyrs of Our Town: Poem Avraham Ackner 330
We are indebted to You Avraham Ackner 331
Memorial Pages - List of Names of the Martyred 377
Yiddish Section
We are Indebted to You (poem) Avraham Ackner 6
Foreword Avraham Ackner 7
In Lieu of Introduction Dr. Yakov Rate 9
In Memory of the Martyrs of our Town Avraham Ackner 11
In the Valley of Death Tony Gutman 12
The Nightmare Dream Hella Rettman 16
In the Claws of the Nazis Henya Grobart 18
In the Bunker in the Lumberyard Erna Nass 22
The Earth Would not Absorb the Spilled Blood Shmuel Ben-Yosef 24
Only I remained Tova Lichter 27
Mosty in the Eyes of a Holocaust Survivor Avraham Ackner 31
My Tragig War Experiences Tova Weiler 34
Melamdim in Mosty Shraga-Feivel Mandelkorn 39
At the Dedication of a Forest in Memory of the Mosty Wielkie Martyrs A. L. Binot 41
Words at the Ceremony of the Appearance of the Memorial Book A. L. Binot 46
Building the Synagogue A. L. Binot 48
“Prenumeranten” in Mosty Avraham Ackner 51
English Section
Mosty–Wielkie Memorial Book–Chapters on the Holocaust   IV
We Owe You Avraham Ackner IV
Forward   V
A Sort of Forward Dr. Ya'acov Roth IX
Holocaust and Destruction   XI
To the Memory of the Martyrs of Our Town   XII
In the Valley of Slaughter Toni Gutman XIII
Nightmare Hella Rettman (Katz) XIX
My Tragic War Experiences Tova Weller (Shpritzer) XXI
In the Clutches of the Nazis Henya Graubart XXVII
In the Bunker in the Sawmill Erna Nass XXXV
I Was the Only One Left Tova Lichter (Selig) XXXVII
A Town Abba Kovner VI
Introduction   VII
History of the Jewish Community of Mosty–Wielkie Avraham Ackner XI
Recollections of a “Mosty” Childhood Dr. Jacob Roth XXXIII
The Jewish community of Mosty–Wielkie that Is No More Dr. Maurycy Silber XLI
Land, Do Not Hide Their Blood Shmuel Ben–Yosef XLII
Mosty in the Eyes of the Survivors of the Holocaust Avraham Ackner XLVI
The Silber Family Avraham Ackner L
“that the next generation might know them” A. L. Binot LIV
A Few Details in the Portrait of the Late Charles Silber A. Ackner LV
On the Occasion of the “Shloshim” After the Death of Hayim Silber Moshe Starkman (Hazkoni) LVII
Tears Upon the Fresh Grave Avraham Ackner LX
A Letter to Mrs. Hayim Silber Robert Serkey LXII
The Late Prof. Maurycy Silber Clare Silber LXIII
The Silber Fund A. Ackner LXIV
The Man Moshe…A Portrait of the Late Moshe Starkman–Hazkoni Abraham Ackner LXIV
Moshe Starkman Dr. Elias Schulman LXIX
Memories From Childhood C. G. Silber LXX
This is Your Life: Mendel Gruber Lillian Gruber Sigal LXXVI
The Significance of Planting a Grove A. L. Binot LXX
The Late Moshe Starkman–Hazkoni A. Ackner LXVII
The Gross Moster Sick and Benevolent Association in America Sidney Silber LXXVIII
Fifty Years After LXXXIV


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