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The Yizkor Book committee
Translated by Ala Gamulka
Ye shall be gathered one by one. O ye children of Israel (Isiah 27:12)
But in Mount Zion there shall be those that escape and it shall be holy (Obadiah 1:17)
While we were searching for ways of strengthening the ties among our former residents in Israel and abroad, we came up with the idea of publishing the names and addresses of our townspeople in all countries. We intended to publicize, at the very least, the partial lists in our possession or those we could obtain. Our townspeople in the Diaspora stopped us from doing it, with good reasons. We were obliged, therefore, to limit our effort to Israel. Still, we are not prepared to give up on the idea. However, it is not for this book. We contacted our active members in the United States, Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Cuba and European countries. We asked them to find a way to prepare these lists and to send them to us. We will look after their publication either in another booklet or as an addendum to this book.
In Israel, there areaccording to the enclosed list about 90 households of townspeople ( in many of them, both members of the couple came from Ustiluh). Many of them made Aliyah in the period between the two wars. Some arrived after the Holocaust and a very few were here before WWI. Our people are scattered throughout the country, in towns, settlements and kibbutzim. A great majority are in Haifa and surrounding areas. Most of them are workers: artisans, laborers, farmers, clerks, teachers, etc. There are a few in business and industry.
Once a year, on 19 Elul, we gather in one of the larger towns to hold a Memorial Assembly for our Holocaust victims. We also discuss issues pertaining to the organization. In addition, there are occasional meetings and celebrations when visitors come from abroad. Members from the entire country come to these events. Also, we have many occasions to celebrate together weddings, Bar Mitzvahs, etc.
This mutual feeling of closeness is also evidenced in collective help to the needy. We do not have a specific fund for this purpose. However, when the need arises we can collect the funds. For some time, to our great delight, there was no need for such a fund. Two years ago, a family of survivors arrived. They were in poor health and we must support them. It is probably a good idea to create a permanent fund for this case and other future ones. Let us hope we will not need it!
Translated by Ala Gamulka
AHARONI, Leah, 15 Habanim, Ramat Gan AVINADAV (Tabakhandler), Aryeh, Kfar Ganim B., Petach Tikvah BEN-YOCHANAN (YOKHENZON), Menashe, 29 Hagefen, Haifa BEKER, Avraham, Uziel street, Kiryat Motzkin BERGENZON, Hava, 83 Sheinkin, Givatayim BERGER, Mendel, Shikun Motzkin, Bloc 6, Apt. 3, Kfar Saba BINSHTOCK, Yafa, 25 Grandos, Ramat Gan BITERMAN, Yaakov, Shikun Noah Zait 69, Lod BLECHMAN, Miriam, Haifa BOIM, Shmuel, Bustan Hagalil, Doar Haifa DIMANT, Shmuel, Gan Warburg, Azor DROR (SHOVALEV), Leah, 71 Daled, Kiryat Haim EICHENBOIM, Yehoshua, 5 Sde Boker, Givatayim EIDELSHTEYN, Manis, Hamatmid 19, entrance 3, Ramat Gan EIDELSHTEYN, Eliezer, 28 Hacherut, Ramat Gan EIDELSHTEYN, Bella, 36 Fireberg, Tel Aviv EIGER, Gershon, 6 Yekhezkel, B'nei Brak EINIS, Baruch Zvi, 15 Gideon, Haifa EINIS, Yosef, 46 Hatavor (Michael), Haifa FARBER, Yitzhak, 15 Yael, Kiryat Motzkin FEFER, Esther, (KREMER), 66 Kibbutz Galuyot, Haifa FLEISHER, Mordechai and Tzila, 162 Ibn Gevirol, Tel Aviv GOLDHOVER, Yosef, 29 Reines, Tel Aviv GOLDHOVER, Avner, 18 Bar Giora, Haifa GOLDMAN, Menucha, 6 Hevron, B'nei Brak GROBER, Rivka, Neve Shaanan, near Haifa GUR-ARYEH, Sara, 28 Anzio Sereny, Givat Rambam GURFINKEL, Malka, 10/1 Akiva, Shikun Rasko, Holon HADARI (POMERANTZ), Zvi, Kibbutz Amir, Upper Galilee post HALPERIN Betzalel and Penina, 104 Bialik, Ramat Gan |
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HARKABY (REITER), David, 53 Nachmani, Tel Aviv HERBST, Ben Zion, 20 Gruzberg, Tel Aviv HOVAL, Issachar, 44 Vav, Kiryat Haim ILAN (Boim), Shmuel, Kibbutz Rosh Hanikra, Western Galilee post KARSH, Eliyahu, 5Aleph, Azor KATZ, Shmuel, 10 Hahashmonaim, Tel Aviv KATZ, Miriam, 19/4 Shikun Rasko, Kiryat Motzkin KESSEL, Menachem, Bustan Hagalil, Doar Haifa KHAZENWALD, Yaakov, 21 Alexander Yanai, Tel Aviv KOHAN (FLEISHER) Devorah, 91 Abas, Haifa KORNFELD, Hillel, Atlit KORNFELD, Shlomo, 2 Pevsner, Haifa KORNFRACHT, Moshe Aryeh, Shikun Hapoel Hamizrachi A, Shal Street, Kfar Saba KREITZER, Bracha, 40 Atzmaut, Bat Yam KRIGSHER, Moshe, 26 Sderot Chen, Tel Aviv KOKVA, Sheindel, 15 Kaplan, Kiryat Ono KOPIT, Esther, (née VURTZEL), 27 Yehuda Hanasi, Kiryat Tivon LANGA, Bluma (nee GOLDHOVER), 91 Derech Hashalom, Yad Eliyahu, Tel Aviv LICHTMAN, Yaakov, 36 Hatzipornim, Kiryat Tivon LIPINSKI, Libel, 25 Hatichon, Neve Shaanan, Haifa LIPINSKI, Shmerl, 2 Betzalel, Haifa LISHTCHENKER, Mordechai, 58 Hatavor (Michael), Haifa MASTBOIM, Etel, 47 Moshe Shapira, Ramat Yitzhak MATEH (SHTEKN), Yeshayahu, Kibbutz Afek, Doar Haifa MELTZMAN, Yeshayahu, Kfar Hamesubim (Hiria), near Tel Aviv MILLER, Avish, 42 Hashiluach, Haifa MIROTZNIK, Moshe, 71 Shikun Ein Hatchelet, Netanya OVENTAL, Zeev, Carmela Hotel, 8 Deganiot, Tivon PERLMUTER, Elchanan, Rabbi, 48 Shikun Ezrachi, P.B. 23, Hadera |
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POMP, Zvi, Shikun Zafon 26/3, Acco RAFNER, Yona, 30 Haportzim, Ramat Gan REITER, Peretz, 7 Hanotrim, Holon ROSENFELD, Natan, Shikun Oved Ben Ami, Netanya ROSMARIN, Binyamin, 45 Gideon, Ramat Gan ROTENBERG (GOLDBERG), Sima, 44 Vav, Kiryat Haim ROTENSHTEYN, David, Talmei Yechiel, Doar Na, Hof Ashdod SAPIR-CHEN, Yehudit (nee HELFMAN), 4 Betzalel, Tel Aviv SCHARBROT, Menashe, 19 Aliya, Bat Galim, Haifa SHTIMER, Aryeh, 69 Shlomo Hamelech, Tel Aviv SHTIMER, Mordechai Zvi, Marmorek St., Tel Aviv SHMUKLER, Esther, 2 Aminadav, Ramat Yitzhak, Kiryat Borochov SHLECHTER, Eliyahu, 20 Zhabotinsky, Acco SHLECHTER, Nissan, 15 Zayin, Kiryat Haim SHEINMAN, Zvi and Mina, Kibbutz Afek, Doar Haifa SHPRINGER, Rashi, 62 Keren Kayemet, Kiryat Bialik SHLESINGER, Malka, 3 Betzalel, Hadar Hacarmel, Haifa SHNEIDER, Feiga, 20 Balfour, Bat Yam SOBOL, Bluma, 4 Pinat Herzl, Haifa SOBOL, Miriam STOLIAR, Azriel, 11 Ben Ziv, Ramat Gan B STOLIAR, Haim, Kibbutz Tel Amal, Doar Beit Alfa TAGERMAN, Pinchas and Leah, 27 Yehuda Hanasi, Tivon TERNER, Eliezer, 59 Yahalom, Ramat Gan TESSLER, Bella, 60 Sheinkin, Tel Aviv TVOL, Yosef, 7 Hanotrim, Holon VEIGER, Moshe, Beit Hakerem, Shikun Amami, Bloc B, entrance 7, Jerusalem VINSHEL, Yosef, 75 Kaf Het, Kiryat Haim VOPNIARSKY, Moshe, 30 Arlozorov, Holon ZEHAVY, Shamai, 25 Kish, Netanya ZEMEL, Moshe, Atlit ZMIRIN, Golda, 24 Samech Bet, Kiryat Haim |
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