[Page 267]
Translated by Ala Gamulka
Yaakov Bir (Feivel's) |
[Page 268]
Meir Terner (Fenik) and his family. Alive is Eliezer Terner. |
Aharon Goldberg and his family |
[Page 269]
Shlomo Goldschmidt, the cantor, and his family |
[Page 270]
Hershel Goldhover and Yeshayahu, son of Gitel |
Tcharna Goldhover and her family. Still living is Bluma. |
[Page 271]
Michael Krakover and family |
Krakover children. Still alive-Penina. |
[Page 272]
Betzalel Eiger and family |
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Updated 11 Sep 2021 by JH