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[Page 233 - Hebrew] [Page 136 - Yiddish]

The First Memorial for Tysmienica victims

Translated by Jerrold Landau

In 1955 I (I think this means Shlomo Blond) and my friend Jacob Korn decided to try as hard as we could to establish a memorial to Tysmienica Jews. We had a list of all the Jews from Tysmienica who lived in Israel – about 40 families, and we suggested to them that we should establish a Memorial for our beloved families.

A year later, in March 1956, the Memorial was established near Mount Zion in the Jewish section of Jerusalem. All the 40 families came to the inauguration of the Memorial established for our beloved people in our liberated State of Israel.

[Page 234 - Hebrew]


Translated by Jerrold Landau

[Yizkor boxes. Many of these memorials are accompanied by photos.]

In Eternal Memory

With awe, honor, and deep sorrow we remember the unlucky victims. And with deep hatred of the Nazi murderers who killed our dear fathers and mothers, our dear children, sisters and brothers, relatives and friends, together with all the martyred Jews of Tysmienica whose names I do not remember, and of whose families there were no survivors.

May they all rest in peace.

May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life

In memory of Tysmienica natives who died in Israel after the founding of the State, in the years 1948-1972:

Gelert Mordechai (Matia Grab)

Goldberg Leon

Weiss Mordechai

Litman Rachel (Ruchtzia Weiss)

Feier Yozek

Kreinis Malka

Kook Shmuel

Kook Yudes (Shisel)

Kook Ele

Korn Yaakov

Korn (Weiss) Salke

Shutz Genia (Lerner)

Frisch Efraim Fishel (Fishkele)

[Page 235]

For these do I weep -- my eyes drop tears

In memory of our dear sons



Who were murdered by the Nazis in the Stanislawow ghetto

In 1942

May G-d avenge their deaths

By: Pnina and Shlomo Blond

[Page 236]

In eternal memory of our beloved

Father: Mordechai Shmuel Blond died 1938

Brothers: Berel, wife and children, Avraham and wife Sara (Salka)

and their children: Rachel and Meir

Father: Berel Blond

Mother: Erne

Sister: Itke

Brother: Yaakov - Kova

Whom the Nazi murderers took from us and murdered.

The sorrowful survivors: Shlomo Blond, Margit Laubner

[Page 237]

We grieve over the murder of:

our father: Eliezer Shprechman (died 1938)

Mother: Ethel

Brother: Mendel (died 1925)

Brother: Peretz and his wife Fanka and their daughter Nusia

Brother: Israel (he was saved from the Nazis and died in 1958)

Brother: Hirsch (Henka)

Sister: Leitzie and her husband Yaakov Sommer (died 1929)

My husband: Moshe Ziser - Sofer and our daughter Lusie

Whom were killed by the Nazi murderers

The survivors: Peptzie Blond in Holon, Mania Sofer in Tel Aviv

[Page 238]

In Memoriam

My Father: Moshe (Mozes) Korn (died 1936)

Mother: Etel Beila

Brother: Berel (Bernhard) and his wife Dora and their children

Sister: Breindel (died 1939)

Sister: Giza and her husband Yozie Sommer

Sister: Sheindel

Sister: Tynka

By Lucy Bloom (Hartford Connecticut U.S.A.)

[Page 239]

In Eternal Memory of

Our Aunt: Gittel

and her husband: Fridel Lustgarten (who died before the war)

Their sons: Yosel and his wife Babe and children Shlomo, Peisia, Mendel

Their daughters: Esther, her husband and child, Hentchia, her husband and child, Ita

Our cousins: Salka Kuch and her husband and children

Who were murdered in sanctification of G-d's name. We are left with Sorrow in our hearts: Peptzie Blond, Mania Sofer of Israel

I perpetuate the memories of my beloved ones who were killed in the Holocaust

My uncle: Avraham Blond and his wife Pesel

their children: Eliezer (Leizer) and his family, Yaakov (Yankele) and his family

My aunt: Leitzie and her husband Abner Kook (died 1932)

their daughter: Mirchie and her husband Max Deutsch and their children

their sons: Yitzchak (Itzik) and his wife

Yaakov (Yankel), with his wife and children

Mordechai (Mottel) and his family

May G-d avenge their blood, and may their merits protect us:

The perpetuator: Shlomo Blond

[Page 240]

In memory of our beloved who were murdered in the Stanislawow Ghetto

Father: Pinchas Fistreich

Mother: Elka

Brothers: Avraham (died in the war in Russia)


Sisters: Ethel and her family, Maltzia and her family

Their memories will remain with us forever:

Tzipora Glata, Kibbutz Chulda

Ezriel Patrick (Fistreich) Holon

In loving memory of our dear ones who were killed by the Nazi murderers

Father: Leib Blond

Mother: Feiga (died 1954)

Brother: Yosef

Sister: Miriam - Matie and her husband Munia Spiegel

and their three children: Yuda Hersch, Rivka, Yosef

I will never forget them:

Lotke Small (Blond) of Springfield Connecticut U.S.A.

[Page 241]

In eternal memory, with honor I perpetuate my dear family

Father: Hirsch Horowitz

Mother: Malka

Sisters: Feiga and Mindel

Uncle: Yosef Kenigsberg of Stanislawow and his wife Sheindel

with their children: Mendel, Freida, Regina

Whom were killed by the Nazi murderers.

The memory of their dear souls will always remain engraved in my memory.

Sender Horowitz (Krum) of Givataim

[Page 242]

In eternal memory of my beloved parents:

Jakob and Sheindel (Korn) Sobel

and my dear sister: Roza

who were killed in sanctification of G-d's name in the Lemberger Ghetto (Lvov).

By Bronia Hacken, Lyon France.

[Page 243]

A monument to my beloved ones.

My father: Moshe Udelsman, one of the prominent Chassidim of Burstyn

My mother: Esther Malka (died 1913)

My brothers: Israel, a lawyer and teacher

Natan (Nusele) an activist in the Zionist workers organization.

Sisters: Bracha, Rachel, Hodia

Uncle: Avraham (Avramele) Udelsman

his wife: Malka (who died before the war)

my cousin: Mordechai Mendel and his family

my cousin: Rochtzia and her husband Mundzio Provizer and their children

Father-in-law: Tzvi (Hershel) Grab, a righteous man -- died 1935

his wife: Nechama (nee Bikel)

Sister-in-law: Batya (Besia) and her husband Yosele Shochet and their children.

Who were killed by the Nazis in the Holocaust. May G-d avenge their blood.

The perpetuator: Zunia Gelert (nee Udelsman)

In memory

My parents: Yitzchak the son of Avraham Kreinis (died in Tysmienica in 1935)

Malka (died in Israel in 1972)

Sisters: Fani and her husband N. Urman

Regina and her husband Yone (Yonas) Fefer

who were killed by the Germans. May G-d avenge their deaths.

Perpetuated by: Ita Markovitz, Dora Kreinis in Israel. Genia Wagenberg in U.S.A.

[Page 244]

[four photos relating to previous item]

Yitzchak ben Aharon Kreinis

Malka Kreinis

Dora Korn and Regina Kreinis

Fania Kreinis

[Page 245]

We will remember the holy memory of our dear relatives

Father: Shlomo Fisher (the last head of the community)

Mother: Zelda (died naturally)

Brothers: Yosef and family, Mendel and wife

Sisters: Ruchtzia and husband, Bronia and husband, Nusia and husband who were killed by the Nazis

By: Pesachyahu Fisher, Haifa

In memory of my beloved ones who died in the Holocaust

Father: Avraham Gishe (died 1940)

Mother: Chaya the daughter of Mordechai (died 1937)

Sisters: Amlia and husband Leon Halperin and son Moshe

Perpetuated by Dora Lautman, Kiryat Gat

[Page 246]

With deep sorrow I perpetuate my dear family

Parents: David and Hinda Shevach

Brother: Eliahu and his wife Rachel (nee Udelsman)

Uncle: Mechel Greif and wife with sons Yankele, Feivele, Itzia, with their wives and children

who were killed by the Nazi murderers.

By: Gershon Shevach, New York

[Page 247]

In eternal memory of

My dear parents: Yantzie and Riva Papik

Brother: Shmuel and his family

Sister: Rachel (Regina)

My first husband: Rachmiel Kramer

My only son: Max Kramer, born 1922, died 1945

Perpetuated by: Yeti Rosenblum of Miami Beach.

[Page 248]

[three photos relating to previous item]

Max Kramer

Rachel (Regina)

Rachmiel Kramer

[Page 249]

In eternal memory!

I perpetuate my family members who died in the Holocaust

Father: Yosef Lasberg (died naturally)

Mother: Chaya (daughter of Reb David Shevach)

Brothers: Yitzchak (Izio), and Israel

Sister: Salka and her family

Relatives: Yachne Shisel, Chana Shisel, Yehudit (died in Israel), Miriam, Eizik Shisel and his family.

May they all rest in peace!

May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life.

By: Tonka (nee Lasberg) Beinstock, Ramat Gan, Israel

[Page 250]

In eternal memory!

We remember with deep sorrow our families:

My parents: Leib and Toiva Fishbein

My sister: Henchie with her husband Yitzchak Scheiner and children

My uncles: Israel Fishbein, Chaim Fishbein, Fishel Rater

Aunt: Roize Shrager and her two daughters

cousins: Menashe Fishbein, Eidel Haler, Yozif Rater

and their families who were killed in the Holocaust

Perpetuated by Yaakov Fishbein of Warsaw.

[Page 251]

In memory of my dear family:

Parents: Gershon and Sheindel Evenstein (died before the war)

Brothers: Shmuel and family, Shlomo and family, Shimon and family

Sisters: Itka, Genia, Esther and families

May they memories be a blessing!

By: Bella Ramrez (nee Evenstein) Ramat Gan

In eternal memory

Parents: Pinchas and Sara Gottesman

Brother: Hersch (Tzvi)

Aunt: Miriam Horowitz

her son: Shlomo (who fell in the defence of Stalingrad)

Perpetuated by: Shlomo Golan-Gottesman, Kvutzat Shiller

May G-d remember the souls of:

Our father: Reb Meir

Mother: Feiga

Grandfather: Reb Aba Yuda Melamed

Grandmother: Roiza

(the above died in Tysmienica)

Brothers: Moshe and his family, Levi, wife Ethel and son Meir

Brother-in-law and sister-in-law: Leichia and Gershon Karger

Uncle: Leib Yoel and family

Aunt: Rachel Freida and family

who were killed in sanctification of G-d's name.

May their souls be bound in the bonds of eternal life.

Perpetuated by: Nathan Leister, Bnei Brak; Freidel Leister, Tel Aviv

[Page 252]

In eternal memory!

Parents: Baruch and Ethel Zeman

Brother: Max (Nunek) and his wife Sidunia

Paternal grandparents: Hirsch and Lea Zeman

Maternal grandparents: Binyamin and Gittel Segal

Uncles: Bernhard Segal, Eliezer (Leizer) Nechbalger, Yaakkov Zeman and his wife Fanny

Aunt: Bertha and her husband Adolf Shpirer

cousins: Nathan Nechbalger and family, Hirsch Shpirer, Hirsch Knoll and family, the Diringer sisters

The Lustig family

May their memories be a blessing!

By Giza Bir (nee Zeman)


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