Translation of
Toldot ha-kehilot be-Transylvania
Edited by Yehuda Shvartz
Published by the Memorial organization of Transylvanian communities (Hadera, Israel 1976)
Project Coordinator
This is a translation from: Toldot ha-kehilot be-Transylvania (History of the communities of Transylvania)
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Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.
Introduction | 5 |
From Genesis to Holocaust | 7 |
What is the Community? | 8 |
From the Babylonian Diaspora Until the Holocaust | 9 |
The Hungarian Communities, the Community and its Services | 11 |
The Rabbinical Torah Study | 12 |
The Yeshiva, Jewish Elementary School, and Conditions for Emancipation | 13 |
The Law of Equality | 14 |
Reform and the Jewish Congress, the Right of Orthodox vs. Neologs | 15 |
The Mistake of the Secular and Orthodox | 17 |
Anti-Semitism and the Jewish Defense Units | 18 |
The National Hebrew Union | 19 |
The Political Situation | 20 |
The Jewish Party, the Jews in Transylvania | 21 |
The Regional Centers of the Communities | 22 |
Communication Among the Communities in Romania, the Legal Status of the Jewish School | 24 |
Education, SocietyCulture and Welfare Organizations, Jews in Industry | 25 |
Secular and Rabbinical Literature | 26 |
Judaism and Zionism, Religion and Study Books | 27 |
Newspapers and Magazines | 29 |
History of Jewish Settlement in Transylvania | 30 |
Anti-Semitism and Pogroms, the State of South Transylvania Jews | 33 |
Chasids and Rabbis in Transylvania | 35 |
The Spread of Chasidic Culture | 36 |
Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews | 37 |
Rabbis and Chasids Stand During the Holocaust | 38 |
Rabbinical Centers in Israel of Transylvanian Rabbis | 39 |
The Yeshivas | 42 |
Bibliography | 45 |
The Communities | |
Jud. Cluj/Kolosz Megye | 47 |
Kolozsvar/Cluj | 48 |
[16 pages of photographs] | [unnumbered] |
Mociu/Mocs | 53 |
Sarmas/Nagysarmas | 53 |
Sarmaselul/Kissarmas | 54 |
Calatele/Kiskalota | 54 |
Jud. Somes | |
Gherla/Szamosujvar | 55 |
Iclean/Iklod | 56 |
Hida/Hidalmas | 56 |
Jud. Huedin/Hunyad Megye | |
Huedin/Banfayhunyad | 57 |
Szolnok Doboka Megye | |
Dej/Dezs | 59 |
Beclean/Bethlen | 65 |
Tg. Lapusului/Magyarlapos | 66 |
Reteag/Reteg | 68 |
Ilanda/Ilonda | 69 |
Marghita/Margita | 70 |
Crasna/Kraszna | 73 |
Orisor/Alor | 74 |
Besztercze Naszod Megye | |
Nasaud/Naszod | 74 |
Jud. Turda/Torda Megye | |
Turda/Torda | 76 |
Campia Turzii/Aranyosgyeres | 76 |
Ludus/Ludas | 77 |
Jud. Mures/Marostorda Megye | |
Tg. Mures/Maros-Vasarhely | 78 |
Naznanfalva | 80 |
Haromszek Megye | |
Sf. Gheorghe/Sepsziszentgyorgy | 81 |
Jud. Tarnava Mica/Dicso Megye | |
Tarnaven/Dicsoszentmarton | 82 |
Blaj/Balazsfalva | 83 |
Reghin/Szaszregen | 84 |
Bozodujfalu | 84 |
Jud. Tarnava Mare | |
Bistrita/Besztercze | 85 |
Sibiu/Szeben | 86 |
Medias/Medgyes | 88 |
Sighisoara/Segesvar | 90 |
Fagarasi/Fogaras | 90 |
Jud. Huedin/Hunyad Megye | |
Deva | 92 |
Brad | 93 |
Hunedoara/Vajda Hunyad | 93 |
Hateg/Hatszeg | 94 |
[16 pages of photographs] | [unnumbered] |
Jud. Satmar/Szatmar Megye | |
Satu Mare/Szatmar | 97 |
Carei Mare/Nagy Karoly | 102 |
Baia Mare/Nagy Banya | 104 |
Somcuta Mare/Nagy Somkut | 106 |
Arded/Erdod | 106 |
Seini/Szinervarolya | 107 |
Halmeu/Halmi | 107 |
Turt/Turcz | 108 |
Kisgercze | 109 |
Jud. Maramures/Maramaros Megye | 110 |
Sighet/Maramaros Sziget | 114 |
Borsa | 120 |
Viseul de Sus/Felsoviso | 124 |
Havas Mezo | 126 |
Csarda | 126 |
Berbesti/Bardfalva | 129 |
Kovlica | 129 |
Szervis | 130 |
Szaplonca | 130 |
Jud. Bihor/Bihar Megye | 132 |
Oradea Mare/Nagyvarad | 132 |
Tiliagd/Mezotelegd | 137 |
Jud. Silaghi/Szilagy Megye | |
Simleul Silvaniei/Szilagysomlyo | 138 |
Szilagycseh | 141 |
Tasnad | 142 |
Valea Lui Mihai/Ermihalyfalva* | 145 |
Secueni/Szekelyhid* | 146 |
Beius/Belenyes* | 147 |
Ceica/Magyarcseke* | 148 |
Tinca/Tenke* | 149 |
Beliu/Bel* | 149 |
Salonta Mare/Nagyszalonta* | 149 |
Bihar Nagybom* | 151 |
Derescke* | 151 |
Barodul Mare/Nagybarod* | 152 |
Salard/Szalard* | 153 |
Jud. Arad/Arad Megye | 154 |
Zerind/Nagyzerend | 160 |
Cermiu/Csermos | 160 |
Sebis/Szaszebes | 160 |
Buteni/Kokosbokeny | 161 |
Curtici/Kurtos | 161 |
Rovina Pecica/Vilaagas Pecska [Magyarpecska] | 161 |
Pancota/Pankota | 161 |
Gurahont/Honczto | 162 |
Nadlac/Nagylak | 162 |
Jud. Timis/Temes Megye | |
Timisoara/Temesvar | 163 |
Buzias/Buziasfurdo | 168 |
Ciacova/Csak | 169 |
Jimbolia/Zsombolya | 169 |
Deta/Detta | 169 |
Resita/Resicabanya | 170 |
Lipova/Lippa | 170 |
Sanicolaul Mare/Szentmiklos | 171 |
Orastie/Szaszvaros | 172 |
Jud. Severin | |
Lugoj/Lugos | 172 |
Faget/Facsad | 174 |
Oravita/Oravicabanya | 174 |
Orsova | 175 |
Caransebes/Karansebes | 176 |
[8 pages of photographs] | [unnumbered] |
Jud. Alba | |
Alba Iulia/Gyula Fehervar/Karlsburg | 177 |
Aiud/Nagyenyed | 178 |
Uioara/Marosujvar | 179 |
Teius/Tovis | 180 |
Vinteul de Jos/Alvincz | 180 |
Brasov/Brasso | 181 |
Jud. Hunedeoare | |
Lupeni/Lupeny | 183 |
Vulcani/Vulcan | 183 |
Petrusani/Petruzseny | 183 |
Petrula | 184 |
*Jud. Bihor/Bihar Megye | |
A List of Additional Communities | 185 |
A List of Rabbis from Transylvania Who Died Over Kidush Hashem | 186 |
Jewish Resistance During the Holocaust | 189 |
Anti-Semitism in Hungary | 190 |
The Nazi Might Folds | 193 |
Liberation | 194 |
How It All Started | 195 |
A List of Ghettos in Hungary | 196 |
Conditions in the Transylvanian Ghettos | 198 |
Under Szalasi Rule | 200 |
The Beit Din in Budapest | 202 |
The Condition of the Jews in Transylvania | 204 |
The Attempt to Save Jews and Its Failure | 205 |
The Stand of Observant Jews in the Ghettos | 210 |
Preparations for and Attempts at Resistance in Hungary and Transylvania | 212 |
The Resistance Action in the Capital | 213 |
The Zionist Youth in Helping Save Jews | 216 |
The Brave | 219 |
The Pope and Saving Jews | 224 |
Attempts to Save Jews in the Transylvanian Capital | 225 |
Organizing Help in Southern Transylvania | 226 |
Help Attempts in Bucharest | 228 |
Israeli Paratroopers | 229 |
Jewish Help from Israel | 231 |
The Runaway TrainDr. Kastner | 235 |
The Tragedy of Hungarian Jews Presented in the Israeli Parliament | 237 |
The USSR, the Demise of European Jewry, and the Allies | 238 |
A List of Ghettos in Transylvania | 241 |
Numbers of Destruction | 243 |
Dates of Transportation and Yahrtzeit | 244 |
In Israel (Messenger of Zion) | 247 |
Hungarian and Transylvanian Jews in Israel | 248 |
Dreaming and Fighting | 253 |
List of Fallen IDF Soldiers from Hungary and Transylvania | 261 |
Plans for the Archive of Dr. Marton, zl | 264 |
Bibliography | 267 |
List of Authors on the Subjects of Torah and Talmud | 269 |
List of Authors on the Subjects of Judaism and Zionism | 273 |
List of Authors of Historical Literature, Novels and Dramas | 276 |
List of Journalists, Newspapers and Magazines | 279 |
Dates and Events | 281 |
List of Subscribers | 284 |
List of Photographs of Synagogues in Transylvania | 286 |
List of Photographs of Community Rabbis | 287 |
Alphabetical List of Communities | 289 |
[Table of Contents] | 292 |
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