Memorial book of Tluste
(Tovste, Ukraine)

48°51' / 25°44'

Translation of
Sefer Tluste

Editor: G. Lindenberg

Published in Tel Aviv 1965


Many thanks to Sara Mages for voluntarily translating all the Hebrew articles in this book
and to Douglas Hykle for his meticulous editing of these translations

Our sincere appreciation to Yad Vashem
for the submission of the necrology for placement on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation of: Sefer Tluste (Memorial book of Tluste),
Editor: G. Lindenberg, Association of Former Residents of Tluste and Vicinity in Israel and the USA, Published: Tel Aviv 1965 (H,Y 289 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Tluste

Purchase details for a printed copy of this translation can be found at

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Title Author Page
Introduction to the Book
Oh, Tłuste my tiny little town (a poem) S. Meltzer 7
Tłuste My Little Town L. Ilani–Sternlieb 8
The Organization of former residents of Tłuste in Israel S. Fiderer 9
The “Landsmannschaft” of former residents of Tłuste in the United States W. Hausfeld 10
Preface by the Editor G. Lindenberg 11
To you, my town Tłuste (a poem) [Y] S. Meltzer 12
The town of my childhood [Y] L. Ilani-Sternlieb 13
Preface by the Editor [Y]   14
The town and its People
Life in Jewish Tłuste Dr. A. Stupp 17
Early History and Memories Y. Sternlieb 31
From the Distant and Recent Past of Our Town S. Fiderer–Margulies 33
Rabbis, Homeowners, Hasidim, and Scholars Y.H. Chodorov 35
The Defeat of Frank in Tłuste M. Teiber 36
In the Old Cemetery (a poem) S. Meltzer 37
The Baal Shem Tov in Tłuste G. Lindenberg 37
Between Tluste the Town and Tluste the Village (a poem) S. Meltzer 40
Hasidut in Tłuste at the Outset of the Century M. Sternlieb 41
One winter night (a poem) S. Meltzer 42
Reb Velvel Melamed Y. Shechner 43
The Beginning of the Zionist and the Socialist Movements in Our Town S. Fiderer–Margulies 44
The Period of the War Between Poland and the Ukraine Ben–Shlomo 45
The San Remo Celebration and the Zionist Activity S. Fiderer 47
The Hebrew School K. Spector 50
The Hebrew Language in our Town A. Segev (Teiber) 51
The “Gordonia” Branch in our Town M. Teiber 52
The “Beitar” chapter in our town N. Maimon 53
Zionist activity and pioneer training E. Albin 56
A last visit to Tłuste D. Hendel 57
Tluste's Public Goat (a poem) S. Meltzer 58
The Town and its People
[Yiddish Section]
Life in Jewish Tłuste Dr. A. Stupp 59
A Short Walk through the Streets of Tłuste S. Margules 77
Rabbis, home-owners, Hasidim and scholars Y. H. Chodorov 80
Legends and Events Shmuel Fiderer-Margulies 82
Tluste during the First World War S. An–sky 84
The Beginning of the Zionist and the Socialist Movements in Our Town S. Fiderer–Margulies 86
The Period of the War Between Poland and the Ukraine Ben–Shlomo 88
The Bet–Ha'am [Meeting House] that was never built S. Fiderer 90
How we performed hazzan S. Trembovelski 91
Memories of a bygone home W. Hoyzfeld 92
The Organization of former residents of Tłuste in Israel S. Fiderer 94
The “Landsmannschaft” of former residents of Tłuste in the United States W. Hausfeld 95
The Destruction of the Town
Five years of war and destruction Berl Glick 99
The Book of Lamentations of the town of Tłuste Y. Schechter 121
The “Great Aktzya” and afterwards S. Trembowelski 131
Tłuste and in Roshanovka L. Drohobitzer 137
How I was saved from extermination A. Goldhaber 142
In the Labor Camp in Kamionka E. Albin 147
How I survived the Great Aktzya T. Koch 149
The Great Aktzya of May 1943 B. Shoham 151
What I saw and heard Y. Gertner 153
The testimony of a doctor Dr. B. Milch 154
Memories from the Holocaust era C. Rosenblatt 155
A night of horror – one of many D. Pfeffer 156
From the days of the Holocaust L. Teiber 156
What I went through during the German occupation Z. Wachstein 157
An eleven–year–old girl who fought for her life S. Margules–Alterman 158
The liquidation of the Jewish community in the village of Tzapowitz [Szypowce] Y. Rosen 159
The Jews of the village of Hinkovtza S. Kimelmann 160
In Lashkewitz and in Tłuste T. Kimelmann–Hanin 160
Survivors' Testimonies
The sequence of events during the war H. Kenigsberg 161
The farm in Tłuste during the war M. Kenigsberg 164
In Tłuste and in Rozanowka camp K. Shatil 168
The story of the cave in Hinkovtza K. Spector 169
The testimony of a native of Buchach Y. Schwartz 172
With Russian partisans S. Eisen 174
A resident of Zalishchyky [Zaleszczyki] and Tłuste B. Doller 175
In Tłuste and in Lisowtza M. Schulman 176
In Lvov and in Tłuste R. Landmann 177
In Tłuste and in Holovtshintzh M. Spiegel 178
A native of Horodenka who survived in Tłuste R. Bermann 179
The minyan in my town, the town of Tluste (a poem) S. Meltzer 180
The Destruction of the Town
[Yiddish Section]
Five years of war and destruction Berl Glick 185
The Book of Lamentations of the town of Tłuste Y. Schechter 215
My road of pain and wandering Rokhl (Rose) Rubinstein-Tenenbaum 226
From the days of the Holocaust L. Teiber 230
Memories and Experiences Shmuel Fiderer (Ben-Moshe) 231
Various Memories Eliyahu Albin 235
The liquidation of the Jewish community in the village of Tzapowitz [Szypowce] Y. Rosen 236
The Jews in Hinkevitz [Hińkowce] Sarah Kimmelman 237
The End of the Swidowa Jews Rokhl (Rose) Rubinstein-Tenenbaum 237
Mama (a poem) Chaim Fiderer 238
Personalities and Figures
Personalities and Figures   239
Seeing Tłuste from afar D. Sedan 244
The author of “The Dybbuk” under our roof Shimshon M. 248
My Teachers S. Meltzer 249
Michael Mesing z”l Shlomo Mesing 261
A story of blowing the shofar M. Tabori (Teiber) 264
The refugees from Jarosław in Tłuste Yisrael–Isar Yakter 264
The hospitality of Tłuste's people Dr. A. Droks 265
The devotion of a Tłuste doctor Rachel Landman 265
Types and Figures
[Yiddish section]
Personalities and Figures   266
Michael Mesing z”l Shlomo Mesing 273
A story of blowing the shofar M. Tabori (Teiber) 276
The devotion of a Tłuste doctor Rachel Landman 276
The refugees from Jarosław in Tłuste Yisrael–Isar Yakter 277
The dying pains of Jewish Tłuste Dr. B. Milch 278
List of Martyrs from Tovste, Ukraine   279-287
List of Martyrs from Surrounding Villages   287-289


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