[Page 110]
Map of the Cemetery
[Page 111]
Pictures Taken by one Tomaszow's Resident during War in 1940
The photographs were given to Yaari and Birensztok during their stay at
Tomaszow in 1996.
Jews at compulsory labour at the river of Wolborka in Tomaszow - 1940
Jews taken to forced labour within the Ghetto - 1940
The great Synagogue of Tomaszow Mazowiecki being dismantled after it was
outlawed by the Germans - 1940
[Page 115]
To Benjamin...
by Urszula Trocha
To Benjamin,
When you came to me a year ago
We spent long hours talking in the night
You wandered through the streets of the city of your birth
With a smile on your face and sorrow in your heart
You told me in deepest sadness
That you saw in the city two cemeteries
As if from two different worlds
And then you ran to buy a basket full of flowers
And you scattered them over the headstones
And in that very moment you girded your strength
You decided to come again a year from now
And in that time you never stopped working
You made plans, you wrote letters, you talked to people here and there
After a year you came back and everything was ready
And what could I , a simple woman, add to this,
That all this was designed in a very pleasant atmosphere
Inside a month we built an international family
And what had seemed impossible
Became a fact - and I am sure
That this bond will grow stronger
Over the course of years
And I wish you from all my heart
To you and to Shlomo - who is called "the Uncle"
That your efforts will be fruitful -
And you will indeed accomplish what you started
Amen and amen
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Tomaszow, Poland
Yizkor Book Project
JewishGen Home Page
Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
This web page created by Max Heffler
Copyright © 1999-2025 by JewishGen, Inc.
Updated 20 Dec 2002 by LA