The founding of the Society took place in 1902.
Membership consisted of immigrants who arrived in the United States and found themselves in a strange land amidst strange surroundings.
They banded together with friends of Like background. This gave them a sense of security and they were able to solve their daily problems such as jobs and learning various trades. Finally, in 1906, they obtained a charter from the State of New York and under this Charter, the Society is functioning to this date.
The most active member at the time was: Mendel Pakula. His continual dedication and guidance was responsible for the progressive growth of the Organization. And, in appreciation, the Members name him the father of the Society. Meetings were held twice a month. Members attended and took part in the work of the Society.
The Constitution was printed in Jewish. Also, the bookkeeping was in Jewish. The Society was engaged in many social and welfare activities for the sole benefit of its members. The Constitution provided that sick members be paid benefit, also members had the option to borrow from the loan fund with no interest. The Society Physician gave physical check-ups to prospective members and their families free of charge. Also, medical service was provided to members at a reduced rate. Also, the Society conducted funerals to members at its own burial ground.
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When, more ground was needed, members loaned to the Society several thousands of dollars and the Society paid back in full.
Another pillar of the Society was Morris Weiss. His never-ending visits to the sick members together with his other activities, was a bright chapter in the history of the Society and membership who, in appreciation, named him mother of the Society. The Society prospered and attained a membership of 200. In the years 1919, the United Sisters of Tomashow was chartered. They prospered and grew to a membership of 175. They performed many social and welfare functions, sometimes independently and sometimes in collaboration with the men's Society.
Here are the officers currently of the ladies' Society.
Anna Sandowsky Honorary Life President
Mollie Rosenberg Vice-President
Ruth Corn Secretary
Bella Nussbaum Treasurer
Anna Karbowitz Hospitaler
After World War I, the Tomashow Relief Committee was busy sending various parcels to the needy in Tomashow. Mass meetings were held and reports given by newly arrived landesleit from Tomashow of the various needs to be taken care of. Membership responded generously and, Relief Committee Chairman, Abraham Nussbaum, offered his place of business as Headquarters for packing and storage of diverse items and, of course, the ladies' Society was a great help in this Relief Work. Finally, peace was restored ! ! !
The Society carried on and arranged various social functions for its members from time-to-time, and made contributions of funds to various charities of the City according to the advice of the Finance Committee.
After World War II, newly arrived Tomashow landsleit began to join the Society and displayed keen interest in everything and added new activities. Needless to mention that through the many years of the Society's work was achieved by a band of dedicated and loyal members who contributed generously of their time and ability and thanks to this group, the Society is appreciated and admired not only by its members but also by the friends and relatives of the members.
I suggested that the new generation of members continue to extol the history of the Tomashow Society as they see it. My suggestion was unanimously endorsed and accepted.
Approved by:Jack Markowitz Rec. Secy.
Abe Romanowitz President
Max Rajzbaum Vice President
Joseph Tennenbaum Treasurer and Chairman from Relief
Ben King Financial Secret
Maier Kleinberg TreasurerTomashower Society Paterson N.Y.
Felix Weiss Pres. (Skornicky)
W.M. Oper Vice Pres.
Harry Singer Secy. & Treas.
Mrs. F. Wald Recording Secy.
Ralph Ginsberg Exec.
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