Tarnopol Volume
(Ternopil, Ukraine)

49°33' / 25°35'

Translation of

Edited by: Dr. Ph. Korngruen

Published in Jerusalem 1955


Project Coordinator

Moshe Kutten

In memory of my grandmother Josephine Pessie Mattel Edelstein (nee Apter) (and my grandfather Shmuel), my great uncle, Heinrikh (and his wife Mania), natives of Ternopil, my great uncle and aunt, Shmuel Baar and Laura-Etka Baar (nee Apter), and their children Richard and Eric natives and residents of Ternopil who perished in the Holocaust.


Our thanks to Sondra Ettlinger for extracting the pictures
from the original book, enabling their addition to the project.


This is a translation from: Tarnopol (Tarnopol Volume),
ed. Dr. Ph. Korngruen, The Encyclopaedia of the Jewish Diaspora, Published in Jerusalem 1955 (474 cols, H,Y,E)

Purchase details for a printed copy of this translation can be found at http://www.jewishgen.org/yizkor/ybip/YBIP_Ternopil.html

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Initial pages
Historical Chapters
The History of the Jews in Ternopil Dr. N. M. Gelber 21
The History of the Zionist Movement in Ternopil Before the First World War Dr. Ph. Korngruen 109
Dr. Israel Waldman (A Biographic Note) 147
The “Young Zionism” in Austria Meir Khartiner 149
Memories from the period 1914-1919 Dr. Khaim Gilad (Shmeterling) 157
Ternopil During the First World War Sh. Ansky 163
From an Austrian to a Ukrainian Regime Ben-Tzion Fett 167
During the Days of the Ukrainian Regime A. Weisglass 173
Memories of A Jewish-Ukrainian Soldier Moshe Guliger 175
The Zionist Movement During the Years 1919-1939 Dr. Tzvi Parnas 181
Parties and Youth-Movements
The Zionist Labor Party “Hit'akhdut” [“Union”] Arye Avnon - Bronstein 209
“Poalei Tzion” [“Workers of Zion”] Tzvi Weisbersht, Dr. A. Avishur (Werber) 219
The Z. P. S – “Bund” - The Jewish Socialist Party Arnold Himelbrandt & Israel Grinberg 221
“HaMizrakhi” Tova Sanhedrai (Dimend) 223
“Tif'eret Hadat” [“The Splendor of Religion”] and “Agudat Israel” Dr. Hillel Zeidman 227
Youth Movements
“HeKhalutz” [“The Pioneer”] – A Turning Point for the Ternopil's Youth A. Mesh 229
“HaShomer HaTzair” [“The Young Guard”] Avraham Amernet 237
“HaNoar HaTzioni” [“The Zionist Youth”] A. Dolin 243
“Gordonia” Arye Avnon-Bronstein 247
“Histradrut HaNoar HaLomed” [“The Union of Young Students”] – “HaShakhar” [“The Dawn”] A. Dolin 249
“Histadrut HaNoar HaLomed” [“The Union of Young Students”] – “Kadima” [“Forward”] Khaim Harari (Goldberg) 251
The Religious Life
The Rabbis of Ternopil
The Rabbis of Ternopil During the 18th and 19th Centuries(1) Dr. Hillel Zeidman 261
R' Ya'akov Kapil Landman ZTz”L Rabbi Zusia Landman 267
Ternopil – A City of “Minkhat Khinukh” - [“Offering of Education”] Dr. S. B. Feldman 267
Haredi Jews in Ternopil Hillel Zeidman 271
The Synagogues in Ternopil
The Old Synagogue Engineer, Architect Zeev Porat (Oks) 275
Houses of Prayer and Batei Midrash Dr. Hillel Zeidman 277
Cantors and Cantorship M. Sh. Geshuri 281
Educational and Cultural Institutions
Hebrew Educational Institutions in Ternopil
“Tarbut” [“Culture”] School Mordekhai Deutsch 293
“Tarbut” Association and its Activities Nathan Ostern 297
The Kindergarten of “Tarbut” Masha Ostern 301
The Jewish Theater in Ternopil Dr. Moshe Fiyol 305
Wolfstahl Family
“Wolfstahl Orchestra” M. Sh. Geshuri 311
Khone Wolfstahl Karl Rothaus 313
Folklore Chapters
As Told by the People A. Landfish 317
Words in the Name of their Sayer [Verbatim Quotation] M. Deutsch 319
To the Khupa Meir Khartiner 321
Ternopil Throughout the Year Avner Avnon-Bronstein 329
The Sports Clubs in Ternopil
The Athletic and Physical Culture Zionist Association – “Beitar”   341
The Sports Club “Yehuda” Dov Niman 341
Economy and Welfare
On the Economic and Social Image of Ternopil Dr. Tzvi Parnas 349
Destruction and Holocaust
Yizkor Meir Khartiner 377
Ternopil During the Second World War Avraham Oks 379
From the Depths… Slomia Luft (Oks) 403
My Experiences in Ternopil Ghetto Janet Margolis 413
Common Grave of the Martyrs of Ternopil   427
Name Index 429
Note: The pictures of the old synagogue in the introductory pages and on page 381 are from the collection of pictures of Engineer Alexander Oks


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Contact person for this translation Moshe Kutten
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld

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Updated 29 Jan 2024 by LA