Table of Contents

Captions of Pictures

Page Captions
157 The Mitnagdim (non-chassidic) synagogue
157 The Lyubisher synagogue
158 The Stoliner Rebbe and Rabbi Yosef Glick leaving the Stoliner synagogue
158 Telekhany Jews reciting Tashlich. The first man with the beard on the left is Alter the carpenter
159 A class from the Jewish religious school. The religious Hebrew school “Horeb”
159 A class from the Polish Public School. 46 of the students are Jews. Three survived and live in Israel.
160 The Telekhaner Drama Club. In a performance of The Brothers Luria
160 The last photo of Telekhany Jews. The community attending a performance of the Jewish drama club on a Sabbath evening in 1939.
161 Telekhany youth, members of Poalei Zion. With Moshe Grub, a representative of the Central Committee
161 Hechalutz movement in Telekhany (1930) [in photo:] The Telekhany Hechalutz Association, 8/10/1930.
162 The Yiddish Public School in Telekhany [Volksschule] (1936). Two of the children survived and are in Israel, 1) Motty Reuven Gurstel; 2) Yaakov Meltzer, son of Moshe the tailor.
162 A group of Chalutzim from Telekhany (1930)
163 The Free Loan Society Committee in Telekhany
163 Moshe Vichnes' family (a description of Moshe Vichnes in on p. 153)
164 The parents and family of Jenny Bloomberg. They all perished except for Golda Buchman (indicated with an arrow). She lives in Chicago.
164 (bottom left) Shlomo Landman
164 (bottom right) Moshe Landman [Moshe Landman helped his family move to Israel.]
165 Shmuel Godiner; a famous Jewish-Soviet writer. Killed fighting the Nazis in World War II
166 [in photo:] “Telekhaner klezmer group” 1908. [Right to left:] [Right to left:] Hershel Melnick, Nissel Melnick, Feivel Arkes Kagan. Feivel Kagan now lives in Hollywood and is a distinguished member of the music world.
167 Yisrael Moshiach with his wife Sarah and neighbors. All perished.
167 Chaim Reuven and his wife Reizel and son Eliezer. All perished.
167 (Bottom left) Chaim Yeshayahu Schneidman
167 (Bottom right) Gershon Meir Yankels
168 (Top left) Family of Ezriel the Mute
168 (Top right) Ezriel the Mute (Ezriel Eisenberg), photographed in 1904.
168 (Bottom left) Leibel Eisenberg (when he served in the Polish army).
168 (Bottom right) Zvi Eisenberg, son of Ezriel and Minka. Died in a work accident in Israel.
169 (Upper left) Daughter Chaya
169 (Upper right) Shmuel Chaim Eisenberg
169 (Lower left) Son, Motka, (Mordechai). Now an official in Israel.
169 (Lower middle) Son, Zvika, badly wounded in War of Independence
169 (Lower right) Son, Yaakov, died in Israel War of Independence
170 (Upper left) Everyone in the photo perished except for Leibel Eisenberg from Brazil, indicated with an arrow. He visited them in 1934.
170 (Upper right) A group of neighbors who perished, except for the partisan Dina Godiner, indicated with an arrow. She lives in Lodz.
170 (Lower left) Malka Kupo (Aharon Moshka's daughter) [A member of the Yizkor Book committee. She died in Los Angeles]
170 (Lower middle) Herschel Eisenberg [Hershel Eisenberg edited the original manuscript of the history of Telekhany].
170 (Lower right) Khatsha Bernstein Mendel's mother

Table of Contents

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Updated 23 Apr 2015 by LA