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[Columns 1933-1934]

Stojaciszki Necrology

(Stajetiške, Lithuania)


Transliterated by Beryl Baleson


Family name(s) First name(s) Gender Marital status Father's name Mother's name Name of spouse Remarks & additional family Page
ABEL Bentzion M married child 1933
ABEL F married Bentzion child 1933
ABEL Hada F 1933
ABEL Tzerna F Hada 1933
ABEL Jacob M married Haya 3 children 1933
ABEL Haya F married Jacob 3 children 1933
ABEL Cluina M married Shasa 1933
ABEL Shasa F married Cluina 1933
ABEL Shmuel M married Esther 1933
ABEL Esther F married Shmuel 1933
ABEL Idel M Shmuel Esther 1933
ABEL Israel M Shmuel Esther 1933
ABEL Malka F Shmuel Esther 1933
BAIGEL Laiv M married Pesa child 1933
BAIGEL Pesa F married Laiv child 1933
BAIGEL Raiza F 1933
BAIGEL Israel M Raiza 1933
BAIGEL Shmuel M married Esther 2 children 1933
BAIGEL Esther F married Shmuel 2 children 1933
GEDUD Abraham M married Liba 1933
GEDUD Liba F married Abraham 1933
GEDUD Aba M Abraham Liba 1933
GEDUD Jacob M married Sarah 1933
GEDUD Sarah F married Jacob 1933
GEDUD Meir M married Malka 2 children 1933
GEDUD Malka F married Meir 2 children 1933
GEDUD Eliyahu M married Leah 1933
GEDUD Leah F married Eliyahu 1933
GEDUD Tzvi M Eliyahu Leah 1933
GEDUD Meir M Eliyahu Leah 1933
GEDUD Nehama F Eliyahu Leah 1933
GEDUD Rivka F Eliyahu Leah 1933
GLASS Eliezer M Sarah 1933
GLASS Shmuel M Sarah 1933
GLASS Haya F Sarah 1933
GLASS Sarah F 1933
GROISDORF Shlomo M married Lipsha 3 children 1933
GROISDORF Lipsha F married Shlomo 3 children 1933
GANTAVNIK Baruch Isaac M married 6 children 1933
GANTAVNIK F married Baruch Isaac 6 children 1933
GANTAVNIK Gedalyahu M married Rachel 1933
GANTAVNIK Rachel F married Gedalyahu 1933
GANTAVNIK Zalata F 1933
GANTAVNIK Reuben M Zalata 1933
GANTAVNIK Hayyim M married Sarah 1933
GANTAVNIK Sarah F married Hayyim 1933
GANTAVNIK Eliyahu M Hayyim Sarah 1933
GANTAVNIK Israel M married Baila 1934
GANTAVNIK Baila F married Israel 1934
GANTAVNIK Shalom M married Kieana 1934
GANTAVNIK Kieana F married Shalom 1934
GANTAVNIK Moshe M Shalom Kieana 1934
GANTAVNIK Israel M Shalom Kieana 1934
GANTAVNIK Miriam F Shalom Kieana 1934
GANTAVNIK Shimshon M married Ita Shaina 1934
GANTAVNIK Ita Shaina F married Shimshon 1934
GORDON Tzvi M married Esther 1934
GORDON Esther F married Tzvi 1934
GORDON David M Tzvi Esther 1934
VALIAK Cluina M married Shasa 1934
VALIAK Shasa F married Cluina 1934
VALIAK Laiv M married Eida 7 children 1934
VALIAK Eida F married Laiv 7 children 1934
VALIAK Laiv M married Sarah 2 children 1934
VALIAK Sarah F married Laiv 2 children 1934
VALIAK Nahum M married Raichel 1934
VALIAK Raichel F married Nahum 1934
VALIAK Raizel F Nahum Raichel 1934
VALIAK Nehemya M married Fruma 1934
VALIAK Fruma F married Nehemya 1934
VALIAK Braina F Nehemiya Fruma 1934
VALIAK Esther F Nehemiya Fruma 1934
VALIAK Faivish M married Baila 2 children 1934
VALIAK Baila F married Faivish 2 children 1934
VALIAK Shmuel M married Liba 6 children 1934
VALIAK Liba F married Shmuel 6 children 1934
VALIAK Shepsel M married Glicka 6 children 1934
VALIAK Glicka F married Shepsel 6 children 1934
SALAVEITSHIK M married Esther 3 children 1934
SALAVEITSHIK Esther F married 3 children 1934
SALAVEITSHIK Isaac M married Rachel 1934
PEREVASNIK Rachel F married Isaac 1934
PEREVASNIK Pinchas M married 2 children 1934
PEREVASNIK F married Pinchas 2 children 1934
KATZIZNA Shmuel M married Sima 1934
KATZIZNA Sima F married Shmuel 1934
KATZIZNA Faiva M Shmuel Sima 1934
KATZIZNA Sarah F Shmuel Sima 1934
RODNITSKY David M married Frada child 1934
RODNITSKY Frada F married David child 1934
SHPAIER Joseph M married Sarah Gitel 3 children 1934
SHPAIER Sarah Gitel F married Joseph 3 children 1934


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