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[Columns 1927-1928]

Lintup Necrology

(Lyntupy, Belarus)


Collected by Kh. Matskin-Brauman

Translation from Yiddish by Dr. Sonia Kovitz

Donated by Irene Mauber Skibinski

Surname Given name Family members
BAK Elye wife: Beyle, children: Shmuel, daughter
BUKOVSKI Max wife: Sorah, children: Khavah, Zelde
BERKI Zalman sisters and brothers
GOTMAN Frume son: Moshe
GILINSKI Abram wife: Teybe, children: Sonye, Khayah, Zlate, Aharon
GILINSKI Aharon wife: Sonye, children
GILINSKI Leyzer wife: Khanah
GILINSKI Dovid wife: Dinah
KHANAH [no surname]  
KHODOS Zelde husband and children
TSHERNOTSKI Pinkhas wife and children: Leyb, Yakov
YAVITSH Rive Zlate  
YAVITSH Motl wife: Masha, daughter Beyle
YAVITSH Yakov wife: Rokhl and child.
YUDEVSKI Rabbi Leyb wife: Khavah, son Mendel
KHAIMOVITSH Mere children: Yakov, Berl
KHARMATS Hirsh [this name is listed twice exactly as transcribed here]
KHARMATS Hirsh wife and child
KHARMATS Motel wife: Khayah and child
KHARMATS Malkhah daughter Rivke
KHENTSIANSKI   Lyube, children: Khayah, Leyb, Khaim, Aharon, Yosef
LEYZEROVITSH Fayve wife: Reykhl, children: Freyde, Khaim
LEYZEROVITSH Tsivye children: Shefes, Etl, Berl, Khayah
LEYZEROVITSH Zalman wife: Beyle, children: Leyb, Tsife
LEVIN Levi wife: Feyge, children: Raye, Abram, Sorah, Zelde
MAUBER Yudel children: Liepe, Meilach, Monya, Boris (Borukh)
MAUBER Moshe wife: Rokhl, children: Ester, Hirsh, Zalman
MAUBER Sule Pese  
MEIR the smith [no surname] wife: Bunye
MATSKIN Sholem  
MILIKOVSKI Ruven wife: Khanah Rokhl
NODL Leybe wife: Shprintse
SANDAK Abram wife: Lube and children
SVIRSKI Berl wife: Lube, children: Motl, Yakov
SVIRSKI Refael wife: Berte
SANDAK Dovid wife: Leah and children
SANDAK Libe daughter: Kreine
POSHEMENSKI Mine children: Khaim, Leyzer, Yitzkhak, Leyb, Fayve
KATSKOVITSH Leyb wife: Rivkah, children: Basye, Ester, Reyze
KATSKOVITSH Khaim wife: Malkhah, children: Dovid, Moshe, Basye, Feyge, Itl, Motl, Pinkhas
RIMER Yitskhak wife: Tsivyeh and children
RUDNITSKI Mendel children: Pese, Sime, Khayah, Ite
SARAFAN Hene children: Mirl, Feyfe, Khayah, Khanah
SARAFAN Yakov wife: Rivke, children: Hirsh, Khayah
SARAFAN Leyb Yakov wife: Bas-Sheve
SARAFAN Leyzer wife and child
SHAPIRO Aharon wife: Khanah, daughter: Miriam


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