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[Columns 1913-1916]

Daugielishki Necrology

(Naujasis Daugùliškis, Lithuania)


Transliterated by Beryl Baleson


Family name(s) First name(s) Gender Marital status Father's name Mother's name Name of spouse Remarks & additional family Page
ABELAVITCH Joseph M married Dina 4 children 1913
ABELAVITCH Dina F married Joseph 4 children 1913
ABELAVITCH Laiv M married Nalka 1913
ABELAVITCH Malka F married Laiv 1913
ABELAVITCH Haya F Laiv Malka 1913
ABELAVITCH Braina F Laiv Malka 1913
ABELAVITCH Israel M Laiv Malka 1913
ABELAVITCH Shlomo M Laiv Malka 1913
USHPAL Abraham M married Haya Pesa 1913
USHPAL Haya Pesa F married Abraham 1913
USHPAL Rivka F Abraham Haya Pesa 1913
USHPAL Yekutiel M married Haya 1913
USHPAL haya F married Yekutiel 1913
USHPAL Shmuel M Yekutiel Haya 1913
USHPAL Necha F Yekutiel Haya 1913
USHPAL Liba F Yekutiel Haya 1913
USHPAL Hava F Yekutiel Haya 1913
USHPAL Shaul M married Esther 1913
USHPAL Esther F married Shaul 1913
USHPAL Yochevet F Shaul Esther 1913
USHPAL Velvel M Shaul Esther 1913
USHPAL Hana M Shaul Esther 1913
ARON Aba Zelig M married Shaina his son-in-law & grandchildren 1913
ARON Shaina F married Aba Zelig her son-in-law and grandchildren 1913
ARON Faiga F Aba Zelig Shaina 1913
ARON Shaina F Aba Zelig Shaina Possibility first name is different 1913
ARON Yehuda M married Musa 3 children 1913
ARON Musa F married Yehuda 3 children 1913
BERMAN Alter M married Ela 1913
BERMAN Ela F married Alter 1913
BERMAN Hirsh M Alter Ela 1913
BERMAN Tzvia F Alter Ela 1913
BERMAN Batya F Alter Ela 1913
GORDON Hirsh M married Rivka 1913
GORDON Rivka F married Hirsh 1913
GORDON Masha F Hirsh Rivka 1913
GORDON Haya F Hirsh Rivka 1913
GORDON Kayla F Hirsh Rivka 1913
GORDON Isaac M Hirsh Rivka 1913
GORDON Hana F 1913
GORDON Ethel F Hana 1913
GORDON Pesa F Hana 1913
GORDON Ita F Hana 1913
GORDON Haya F Hana 1913
GORDON Israel M married Haya 1913
GORDON Haya F married Israel 1913
GORDON Hirsh M Israel Haya 1913
GORDON Hasia F Israel Haya 1913
GORDON Moshe M 1913
GORDON F Mother of Moshe Gordon 1913
GORDON F Sister of Moshe Gordon 1913
GAITZIN Rachel Baila F 1913
GAITZIN Shlomo M Rachel Baila 1913
GAITZIN Sarah F Rachel Baila 1913
DOITCH Gershon M married Ita 3 children 1913
DOITCH Ita F married Gershon 3 children 1913
VINAKOR M married Deborah child 1913
VINAKOR Deborah F married child 1913
VINAKOR M his aunt 1913
VINAKOR M his aunt 1913
VINAKOR M his aunt 1913
VINAKOR F Mother of three brothers Vinakor 1913
ZAGAJI Aba Hirsh M married Rivka 1914
ZAGAJI Rivka F married Aba Hirsh 1914
ZAGAJI Liba F Aba Hirsh Rivka 1914
ZAK Bentzion M married Shulamit 1914
ZAK Shulamit F married Bentzion 1914
ZAK David M Bentzion Shulamit 1914
ZIV Melech M married Malka 2 children 1914
ZIV Malka F married Melech 2 children 1914
ZILBER Mendel M married Gita 1914
ZILBER Gita F married Mendel 1914
ZILBER Aba M Mendel Gita 1914
LEVIN Zelig M married Ela 7 children 1914
LEVIN Ela F married Zelig 7 children 1914
MELAMED Moshe M married Bat Sheva 1914
MELAMED Bat Sheva F married Moshe 1914
FAIGEL Hayyim M 7 children 1914
FAIGEL Yerachmiel M married 3 children 1914
FAIGEL F married Yerachmiel 3 children 1914
CINMAN Zalman M married Yochevet his son-in-law and grandson 1914
CINMAN Yochevet F married Zalman maiden name LIPSCHITZ. With her son-in-law and grandson 1914
CINMAN Rachel F Zalman Yochevet 1914
CINMAN Shulamit F Zalman Yochevet 1914
CINMAN Tzirl Miriam F Zalman Yochevet 1914
CINMAN Shlomo M Zalman Yochevet 1914
CINMAN Jacob M married Leah 1914
CINMAN Leah F married Jacob 1914
CINMAN Shmuel M Jacob Leah 1914
CINMAN David M Jacob Leah 1914
KAGAN Faiva M married Ita 2 children 1914
KAGAN Ita F married Faiva 2 children 1914
KORITZKY Velvel M married Kayla 1914
KORITZKY Hayla F married Velvel 1914
KORITZKY Joseph M Velvel Kayla 1914
KORITZKY Berel M Velvel Kayla 1914
KORITZKY Moshe M 1914
KORITZKY Moshe M married Gita Hesha 1914
KORITZKY Hesha F married Moshe 1914
KORITZKY Gita F Mother of Moshe 1914
KORITZKY Hinda F Moshe Hesha Sister of Moshe 1914
RODNITZKY Hana M married Chiena 1914
RODNITZKY Chiena F married Hana 1914
Rivka F married maiden name RODNITSKY. With her husband 1914
RAIN Haya Feiga F 1914
RAIN Pesa F Faiga 1914
RAIN Nehama F 1914
RAIN Baila F Nehama 1914
RAIN Zusman M Nehama 1914
Sarah F Sister of Isa 1914
Isa F Sister of Sarah 1914
GURVITCH Pesa F 1915
ZAIDEL Moshe M married Nehama 1915
ZAIDEL Nehama F married Moshe 1915
ZAIDEL Arye M Moshe Nehama 1915
KATZ Abraham M family 1915
KATZ Ita F family 1915
KATZ Fruma F Ita 1915
KATZ Velvel M married Baila family 1915
KATZ Baila F married Velvel family 1915
KATZ Joel M family 1915
KATZ Mair M family 1915
LIPENHALZ Jacob M married Sarah 1916
LIPENHALZ Sarah F married Jacob 1916
LIPENHALZ Laiv M Jacob Sarah 1916
LIPENHALZ Pesa F Jacob Sarah 1916
LIPENHALZ Henech M Jacob Sarah 1916
PASTAVSKY Isaac M married Michla 1916
PASTAVSKY Michla F married Isaac 1916
PASTAVSKY Batya F Isaac Michla 1916
PASTAVSKY Moshe M Isaac Michla 1916
PASTAVSKY Mattel M Isaac Michla 1916
PASTAVSKY Shaina F Isaac Michla 1916
KRIL Moshe Isaac M married Zelda 1916
KRIL Zelda F married Moshe Isaac 1916
KRIL Nehama F Moshe Zelda 1916
KRIL Alter M Moshe Zelda 1916
KRIL Hava F Moshe Zelda 1916
KRIL Ita F Moshe Zelda 1916
KRIL Deborah F maiden name MATZKIN 1916
KRIL Ela F Deborah 1916
KRIL Rasha F Deborah 1916
SHARPMAN Mairam M married Nehama 1916
SHARPMAN Nehama F married Mairam 1916
SHARPMAN Zalata F Mairam Nehama 1916
SHARPMAN Michla F Mairam Nehama 1916
SHARPMAN Braina F Mairam Nehama 1916
SHARPMAN Leah F Mairam Nehama 1916


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