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ABRIVELE DER MAMEN | A letter to my mother. Yiddish folk song |
AGUDAT ISRAEL | Hebrew for Union of Israel. Orthodox Jewish Movement |
AL CHET | Hebrew for the sin, confession prayer recited on Yom Kippur |
AL HANISIM | A prayer which is recited on Hanukkah and Purim |
ALIYAH | Hebrew for immigration to the Holy Land |
ALIYAH BETH | Clandestine immigration to the Holy Land |
ALIYAH L'TORAH | Ascent to the platform where the Scripture reading takes place |
AMALEKITES | The descendants of Amalek the grandson of Esau. Exodus ch.17 |
AMIDAH | Silent prayer which is recited thrice daily |
ASMODEUS | An evil spirit in Jewish legends |
AVINY MALKEINU | Hebrew for our Father, our King. A prayer which is recited on the High Holidays. |
BAIS YACOV | A religious school for girls |
BAAL SHEM TOV | Israel, the son of Eliezer. 17001760. Founder of a pious movement |
BAR MITZVA | A Jewish boy who has reached thirteen. The age of religious duty and responsibility |
BARTENURA | Meaning Rabbi Ovadia from Bartenura. A commentator of the codification of Jewish oral law |
BARUCH ATA | Hebrew for praise Thy Name. The beginning of every blessing |
BEIT HAMIDRASH | House of prayer and place of study of sacred books |
BELVEDERE | The residence of the Polish Head of Government |
BIMAH | Platform in a synagogue on which stands the desk from which the Scriptures are read |
BLUE WHITE BOX | Collection box distributed by the Jewish National Fund |
BNOS AGUDAT ISRAEL | Young women's section of the Orthodox Jewish Party |
BRIT | Short for BRIT MILAH. The religious rite of circumcision. |
CAPO or KAP | A concentration camp inmate in charge of other inmates |
CHADGADYAW | Aramaic song which is sang during the Passover Seder |
CHALLA | A traditional loaf of rich white bread for the Sabbath |
CHEDER | Hebrew for room. A oneroom religious school |
CHEVRA KADISHA | Hebrew for Holy Society who takes care of the deceased |
CHMIELNICKI | A Ukrainian massacre organizer, especially of Jews in the seventeen century |
CHOL HAMOED | Light holiday on Passover and Sukkoth between the first and the last days of the holiday |
CHOMETZ | Leavened foodstuff that may not be eaten on Passover |
CHOSHIVER | Yiddish for Your Reverence |
CHULENT or TCHULENT | Yiddish for food stored in the oven for the Sabbath noon meal |
CHUMASH | The first five books of the Bible |
CHUPPA | Wedding canopy |
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ELUL | The last month of the year in the Jewish calendar |
ERETZ ISRAEL | Hebrew for the Holy Land |
EREV PESACH | On the eve of Passover |
EREV YOM KIPPUR | On the eve of the Day of Atonement |
ETROG | A yellow citrus fruit resembling lime used during procession in the synagogue on the Harvest Festival in the autumn |
GELT | Yiddish for money |
GEMARA | The second and supplementary part of the Talmud |
GOY | Gentile. Plural Goyim |
GYMNASIUM | Secondary school in Poland |
HACHSHARA | Hebrew for preparation. Training before immigrating to Israel |
HAFTORAH | Hebrew for conclusion. It is the lesson from the Prophets recited immediately after reading from the Pentateuch on the Sabbath |
HAGGADAH | Narrative of the Exodus read at the Passover seders |
HAGANA | Jewish selfdefence during the British mandate in Palestine |
HAKAFOT | Procession inside the synagogue during the celebration of rejoicing the ending and beginning of reading the Scriptures |
HALACHA | Laws or ordinances not written down in the Scriptures but based on oral interpretation |
HALLEL | A part of the Jewish religious services consisting of Psalms 113118 inclusive recited or sung on certain festivals |
HALUTZ, plural HALUTZIM | A Jewish pioneer in agricultural settlements of modern Israel |
HAMAN | A Persian official who sought destruction of the Jews and was hanged when his plot was exposed |
HAMAVDIL | A Saturday night song which is sung after the departure of the Sabbath |
HANUKKAH | Jewish festival commemorating the redemption of the Temple on 165B.C |
HASSIDIM | Members of pious Jewish sect originated in the 18th Century in Poland |
HASHOMER | The watchman |
HASKALA | Hebrew for enlightenment. A movement among the Jews in the other half of the 19th Century |
HASMONAIM | A High Priest with his sons who revolted against the Greeks |
HEIMISH | Yiddish for friendliness |
HORA | Lively Israel folk dance |
HOSHANA RABA | The 7th day of the Harvest Festival |
HOSHANOT, plural HOSANNA | Hebrew for praise to Gd |
IN SHUL ARAAN | Yiddish. A early morning call from the sexton to come to the synagogue |
JUDENRAT | German for Jewish Council appointed by the German authorities to administer the ghetto |
KABBALA | An occult philosophy of certain Jewish Rabbis in the Middle Ages |
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KADDISH | A mourner's prayer praising Gd |
KAPAROT, plural KAPARAH | A symbolic ceremony taking place before the day of Atonement in which the sins of a person are transferred to a fowl a white hen or rooster |
KAPO | See Capo |
KASHRUTH | The dietary regulations of Judaism |
KEHILLAH | The leadership of a Jewish Community |
KIDDUSH | Benediction recited over wine |
KINDERLECH | Yiddish for children in an endearing manner |
KLEZMORIM | Yiddish for orchestra |
KLOIZ | Yiddish for house of prayers |
KOL CHAMIRA | A prayer which is recited on Passover Eve while clearing away the leavened food |
KOL NIDREI | The prayer of atonement recited at the opening of the Yom Kippur services |
KOSHER | Fit to eat according to the dietary laws |
KREPLACH | Yiddish for small casings of dough filled with ground meat, boiled and served usually in soup |
KRIAT SHEMA | Declaration of the basic principle of Jewish belief recited thrice daily |
KUGEL | Sabbath delicacy. A crusty baked pudding made of potatoes or noodles |
KVITTEL | Yiddish for note. Folded note addressed to a Rabbi containing a special request or wish that the Rabbi should pray for |
LAG B'OMER | A Jewish holiday observed on the 18th day of the month of Iyar |
LANDSMAN, plural LANDSLEIT | Fellow countryman/men |
L'CHAIM | To live, cheers |
LECHA DODI | Hebrew song welcoming the Queen of Sabbath |
LEVIATHAN | Bible, sea monster or a whale |
LULAV | Hebrew for palm branch used in the procession in the synagogue during the Harvest Festival |
MINYAN | Hebrew for quorum. A properly constituted group for a public Jewish prayer of at least ten Jewish males |
MISHLOACH MANOT | Hebrew for sending gifts, a tradition observed on Purim holidays |
MISHNAYOTH | The first part of the Talmud containing traditional oral interpretation of scriptural ordinances |
MITZVA | Fulfilling a commandment |
MIZMOR SHIR | Hymn from the Psalms (Ps.ch.30) sung on Hanukkah |
MIZRACHI | A religious Zionist Organization |
MUSSAF | The last part of the Sabbath and holiday services |
MAARIV | Evening prayer |
MAFTIR | The last part of the Scripture reading on Sabbath and holidays |
MAIMONIDES | Rabbi Moshe Ben Maimon. 11351204. Physician and philosopher in Egypt |
MAH NISHTANA | Hebrew for what is different? The beginning of the four questions asked by a child at the ceremony celebrated on Passover night |
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MAOZ TZUR | A Hanukkah song |
MAROR | Hebrew for bitter herbs eaten during the ceremony on Passover night |
MARANOS, plural of MARANO | In the Spanish Inquisition, a Jew forced to profess Christianity in order to escape death |
MATZA, plural MATZOT | Flat unleavened bread eaten during the Passover |
MEGILLAH | Hebrew for scroll. The story of Esther which is read on Purim is called Megillah |
MELAMED, plural MELAMDIM | Hebrew for teachers |
MELAVEH MALKA | Literary: escorting the Queen. A Saturday night meal in honour of the outgoing of the Sabbath Queen. (Sabbath is endearingly called the Sabbath Queen) |
MENORAH | Seven branch candelabrum. A traditional symbol of Judaism |
MENTCHEN, plural for MENTCH | Yiddish for a human being |
MIDRASH | Rabbinical commentaries and explanatory notes on the Scriptures |
MIKVA | Ritual bath in which Orthodox Jews immerse themselves for ritual purification |
MINCHA | Afternoon services |
NEILAH | Concluding services on the Day of Atonement |
NKVD | Soviet Secret Police |
NETILAT YADAIM | Blessing which is recited during hand washing before a meal |
NETUREI KARTA | An extreme religious sect in Jerusalem |
NU! | Yiddish expression. Well! Come on! |
OR HAGANUZ | Ancient Hebrew Hanukkah song |
PILSUDSKI JOZEF | Polish General and statesman. 18671935 |
PINKAS plural PINKASIM | Daily Journal of a Jewish Community |
POGROM | Russian for an organized persecution and massacre |
PURIM | A Jewish holiday. The feast of lots celebrated on the 14th of Adar |
PUSHKE | Yiddish for collection box |
RAMBAM | Abbreviation of Reb Moshe Ben Maimon. See Maimonides |
REB | Hebrew title for Sir or Mister |
REBETZIN | A Rabbi's wife |
RESPONSA | A compilation of questions and answers on Jewish laws |
REVEE | Hebrew for forth the fourth person called to the reading of the Scriptures on Sabbaths and holidays |
ROSH HASHANA | Jewish New Year |
SABBATH GOY | A gentile who helps to do things that Jews are forbidden to do on Sabbath and holidays such as starting a fire or turning lights on |
SEDER | Ceremony celebrated at table in the home on Passover night |
SHA GOYIM | Be quiet! A scolding expression when people converse during religious services |
SHALOM ALEICHEM | Peace to you. Traditional Jewish greeting |
SHAVUOTH | The Feast of Weeks. A Jewish holiday |
SHEIGATZ | Yiddish for impudent boy |
SHEKEL | An ancient monetary unit |
SHEMA ISRAEL | The opening of the declaration of the basic principle of Jewish belief proclaiming the absolute unity of Gd |
SHEMINI ATZERET | The eightday of solemn Assembly celebrated after the seventh day of Harvest Festival |
SHEOL | (Bible). A place in the depths of earth conceived of as the dwelling of the dead |
SHMALTZ | Yiddish for fats |
SHOCHET | Ritual slaughterer |
SHOFAR | A ram's horn blown in synagogues on Rosh Hashana and at the end of Atonement Day |
SHOMREI SHABOS | Jews who strictly observe the Sabbath |
SHUL | Same as synagogue |
SHTETL | Yiddish for a little town |
SHTREIMEL | Fur hat worn by some Orthodox Jews on Sabbaths and holidays |
SIMCHAT TORAH | Rejoicing the Torah. A Jewish festival that marks the end and the beginning of Scripture reading |
SLICHOT | Midnight or early morning services beginning a week before Rosh Hashana |
SPIEL | Yiddish for play |
SUKKAH, plural SUKKOTH | A Temporary structure with a roof of leaf boughs or straw built by Jews for the Harvest Festival commemorating the tabernacles of the exodus |
TALIT, plural TALEITIM | Jewish prayer shawl |
TALMUD | The collection of writings constituting Jewish laws |
TALMUD TORAH | Institution where Jewish children are taught the Scriptures |
TANAI | Learned person who participated in the collection of writings and establishing the Jewish law after the destruction of the Second Temple |
TASHLICH | A prayer which is recited on the second day of Rosha Hashana near a water or sea |
TEFILIN | Phylacteries. Small leather cases containing passages from Scripture and affixed to the forehead and to the left arm by male Jews during morning services on weekdays |
TISHA B'Av | The ninth day of the month of Av. A fast day commemorating the destruction of the First and Second Temples |
TORAH | The whole body of Jewish religious literature |
TOWN DRUMMER or ANNOUNCER | Ordinances were made known by using drums in the market place in order to gather all the inhabitants |
TUV B'SHVAT | Jewish Arboretum Day observed in the Holy Land |
TZADIK, plural TZDIKIM | Righteous people |
TZITIT or TZITZIOT | Woollen fringes attached in the four corners of a prayer shawl or small ritual garment |
UNETANEI or UNESANEI TOKEF KEDUSHAT HYOM | An important prayer during the High Holiday services |
UR KASDIM | An ancient Babylonian place where the Patriarch Abraham was born |
YARMULKE | Scull cap worn by Jewish males |
YEHUDA HALEVI | A Hebrew poet |
YESHIVA | A college for Talmudic studies |
YID | Yiddish for Jew |
YIDDISHE MAME | Jewish mother |
YIDDISHKEIT | Jewishness, spiritual feeling of being Jewish |
YITGADAL VEYITKADASH SHMEI RABA | A prayer, praising Gd, recited in synagogue by mourners and also during the burial of a family member |
YIZKOR | Memorial Services for the departed |
YOM KIPPUR | Day of Atonement |
ZAIDE | Yiddish for grandfather |
ZION | The hill in Jerusalem on which the Temple was built |
ZIONISM | Movement for reestablishing and at present supporting the Jewish national State of Israel |
ZLOTY, plural ZLOTYS | Monetary unit of Poland |
ZOHAR | Mystical commentary on the Pentateuch |
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