[Page 502]
Memorial Pages (cont.)
Necha Diamand, daughter of Zalman
Chana and Shlomo Zalman Diamand
from the village Wysoka
Reisl Diamand,
daughter of Shlomo Zalman |
Aryeh Leibush Diamand with his bride on their wedding day. He was the son of Shlomo Zalman. |
Shmaryahu Diamand from Lutcza |
[Page 503]
Joseph Chaim Federbush,
the son of Eta and Aryeh Leibush |
Joseph Chaim Diamand, his wife Dvoray
with her mother, Chana Katz
and children Shlomo and Heschel |
Eta and Aryeh Leib Federbush |
Hinda, the wife of Heschel Diamand
and boys |
[Page 504]
Nathan Kornreich, his wife Gnendl, née Diamand, and their children |
Eta Hacker née Landesman, granddaughter Shlomo Diamand |
Rabbi Israel Frenkel, his son Samuel, Nachaum, daughter Rachel, son Shlomo and his wife Esther née Diamand |
[Page 505]
Yacov, the son of Aryeh and Pearl Diamand, his mother, his sister and brother |
Dr. Akiva Samuel Milgraum-Diamand, the son of Joseph |
Yacov (Yantche) Hagel and his wife Golda |
[Page 506]
My father Wolf died in 1939, my mother Chana Dvora née Rubin, my sister Feidzi, her husband, her little daughter. My brother Alter Chaim, his wife and his little daughter – they all perished in the Holocaust. Also my sister Breindl who died in Strzyzow in 1941 |
Joseph Weinberg, the only survivor of his family, inscribed this monument in this memorial book for his martyred family |
Alter Chaim Weinberg |
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Strzyzow, Poland
Yizkor Book Project
JewishGen Home Page
Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld
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Updated 20 Mar 2022 by LA