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Welcome to Strzyzow

Map of Galicia Strzyzow (also known as Strizev in Yiddish and Strezow in German) is today a major town in southern Poland (it was in Galicia, an Imperial Province of Austria Hungary, from 1776 to 1919). The earliest known Jewish community appeared in the 16th century, but it was not until the 18th century that the synagogue was built. Strzyzow is located in the Rzeszow region at latitude 49 52', longitude 21 48', 40 km south of Rzeszow, 75 km west of Przemysl. Today there are no Jews in Strzyzow.

My great grandmother Frieda Necha KANDEL was born in Strzyzow in 1860 (the photo is from 1913). Frieda married Josef SCHEINER, a Schochet from the nearby town of Dubetsk. They emigrated to the United States in the late 1890s. Frieda Necha Kandel Scheiner
In loving memory of those who lived and died there, and of those who ventured out, I have created two web pages, one devoted to the town (on JewishGen's Shtetlinks), and this one, devoted to the Yizkor Book.
Sefer Strizhuv, the Yizkor Book

The Yizkor Book, Sefer Strizhuv, was published in 1969 in Tel Aviv. It has 480 pages; mostly Hebrew and Yiddish. In 1990, Harry Langsam translated it into English, and published it in Los Angeles, entitling it "The Book of Strzyzow and Vicinity". Harry Langsam has given JewishGen permission to reproduce the contents on this web page. To date, I have entered the table of contents, the list of names, the index and a few of the most poignant stories. With time, I will add other stories to this page.

I hope you will find this interesting and helpful. Please contact me if you have questions or comments. As with any genealogical research, this is an evolving project.

Phyllis Kramer z”l

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The Book of Strzyzow and Vicinity

published by the “Natives of Strzyzow Societies” in Israel and the Diaspora;

edited by Itzhok Berglass, and Shlomo Yahalomi-Diamand;

supervised by the publishing committee:

Itzhok Berglass, Shlomo Yahalomi, Pinchos Aloni, Simcha Langsam,
Leah Loos, Moshe Mussler


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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld

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Updated 5 Apr 2015 by LA