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[Page 527]

Let us raise up the memory of the dear members of our families

Hendl Kushnir


Berl Zaretzki, his wife, Roshke [Kushnir], their children: Meishel and Chaim

Avraham Yitzhak Machtay


Moshe Aginsky, his wife Mera [Neifeld]

Chaya Swiranowski [Machtay]


Kalman Eventzik

[Page 528]

Let us raise up the memory of the dear members of our families

Leib Prusinowski


The family of Shlomo-Yosef Eichl
Yakov-Isaac, Chaya Rayzl, Shlomo-Yosef, Ben-Zion, Chaya, Rochl

Leah Aginsky


Chaim-Borukh, Tsinke, Rochl, Mordekhai, Yisroel, Sore, Avraham-Yitzhak

Itke, Yesheyahu, Chaim, Nachman, Alengold, and Chana Eichl


In the Kruglicer Forest
Sitting: Basha Aginsky, Chiena and Frada Mirski, Tinske's children, Shmerl Radunski, Feygl Feldman;
Standing: Tzivya from Swerznie, Sima Harkavy, Nechama Kantorowicz, Chava and Luba Wolfson.


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