The Staszów Book

50°33' / 21°10'

Translation of
Sefer Staszów

Edited by: Elhanan Erlich

Published in Tel Aviv, 1962



Project Coordinator

Jean-Pierre Stroweis


Permission by: Shimon Tuchman z”l, Chairman, Irgun Staszów in Israel.

This is a translation from: Sefer Staszów (The Staszów book), Editor: E. Erlich,
Tel Aviv, Former Residents of Staszów in Israel and in the Diaspora, 1962 (H,Y,E, 690 pages).

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Staszow

Purchase details for a printed copy of this translation can be found at

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Staszów synagogue

תרגום לעברית

Tłumaczenie na język polski


Translated from the Hebrew and Yiddish by Jean-Pierre Stroweis and Ruth Rotenberg

(Y = Yiddish; H = Hebrew; E = English)

Photo: The Synagogue in Staszów   5
Table of Contents   7
Map of the Town of Staszów Shoshana Shabbat (Fuchs) 13
Ner Tamid - An Eternal Light (Editor's Words) (H, Y & E) Elchanan Erlich 13, 16
What Willpower Can Achieve (H, Y & E) Shlomo Heiman 20, 21
History of the Jews in Staszów
History of Staszów, Poland and its Jewish Community (H & Y) Dr. N. M. Gelber 25, 47
Staszów, Interim Residence of the “Chacham Zvi” (H) Meir Shimon Geshuri 36
The Maggid of Kozhnitz, Author of “Responsum on the Agunah” (H) Meir Shimon Geshuri 38
The Kehilla (H) Zvi Goldberg 41
Dates and Events (H) Elchanan Erlich 43
Staszów of the Soul (Y) Rabbi Dr. David Graubart 61
Dates and Events (Y) Elchanan Erlich 63
How Staszów looked in the 19th century (Y) Herszel Pomerancblum 68
Financial Branches and Institutions
The Cooperative Bank (H) Zvi Goldberg 71
Social Action during World War II (H) Tzvi Goldberg 72
The Shoe Industry (Y) Menachem Lifshitz 74
The Jewish Craftsmen's Union (Y) Meyer Weber 78
Purchasing Agents (Y) Moshe Rotenberg 80
Watchmakers and Goldsmiths (Y) Moshe Rotenberg 83
Hatmakers (Y) Moshe Rotenberg 85
Statistical Data on Staszow (Y) Elchanan Erlich 87
A Boycott Proclamation from 1935 (Y) Elchanan Erlich 89
Torah and Rabbinical
Rabbi Mordechaile Pardes (H) Meir Shimon Geshuri 93
In the “Pardes” (Orchard) of the Tzaddikim (Righteous) (H) Meir Shimon Geshuri 96
Reb Shmuel, Parnas and Leader and Rabbi Yehuda Leib (H) Meir Shimon Geshuri 102
Rabbi Yitzhak David Szpiro (H) Meir Shimon Geshuri 103
Rabbi Abraham'ele of Porisov (H) Meir Shimon Geshuri 104
The Kosher Butchers of Staszów (H) Meir Shimon Geshuri 109
The “Rav,” Rabbi Yehuda Leib Graubart (Y) Nachman Shemen 111
Rabbi Moshe Shealtiel Gerszt, the Moreh Hora'ah (Y) Dr. David Graubart 130
Cultural Organizations and Institutions
The Zionist Movement and Its Offshoots (H) Elchanan Erlich 135
Hashomer Hatzair (The Young Guard) (H) Ya'akov Shiloni 153
Hashomer Hatzair in the 1930s (Y) Meir Blausztajn 157
Our Troop / Den – Esteemed in Poland (H) Frida Ajzenberg 160
The Mizrachi and the “Torah Ve–Avoda” Movement (H) Meir Shimon Geshuri 162
Hashomer Hadati–The Religious Scouting Movement (H) Yosef Blusztajn 168
The Agudas Israel Organization (H) Elchanan Erlich 169
The “Bund” in Staszów (H) Ya'akov Shiloni 175
The “Peretz” Library (H) M. Wajnbaum-Fiszof 179
Charity Institutions in Staszów (H) Elchanan Erlich 181
Hashomer Hatzair (The Young Guard) (Y) Chaim Bulwa 185
Hashomer Hatzair (The Young Guard) (Y) Ruven Blank 193
The Beginnings of Mizrachi and Tseirei Mizrachi (Y) Rabbi Benyomin Groybart 196
The Mizrachi [Religious Zionist] Organization in Staszów (Y) Yosef Blusztajn 198
The Left Poalei Zion [Labor Zionists] (Y) Khaye Solnik 204
The Poalei Zion [Labor Zionist Movement] in Staszów (Y) Ya'akov Buchman 207
Staszów Workers in Independent Poland (Y) Yeshayohu Lowczyk 211
The Sport Club “HaKoach” [“Strength”] (Y) Yonatan Tochterman 213
Amateur theater and Drama Circles (Y) Moshe Rotenberg 216
Memories and Folklore
Childhood and Youth in Staszów (H) Yechezkel Kirszenbaum 221
From My Childhood Days in Staszów (H) Pinchas Szirman 230
Election Campaign in Staszów (H) Yitzhak Grinbojm 235
From Staszów to Israel (H) Ya'akov Shiloni 237
My Father's Home (H) Bina Nusbojm 242
The 20th of Tammuz–Herzl's Memorial Day (H) David Goldwasser 244
What Staszów Was Like (Y) Hershl Pomerancblum 245
Herzl's Memorial Day in Staszów (Y) I. Sztajnbojm 260
Memories (From 1905 to 1923) (Y) Nusyn Ajdelsberg 264
The Bloody Yom Kippur (Y) Avraham Josel Rotenberg 271
Memories and Observations (Y) Pinchas Goldhar 274
Our Childhood Years (Y) Moshe Rotenberg 286
Musicians, Cantors and Music Lovers (Y) Moshe Rotenberg 295
Sabbath in the Dusk (Y) Moshe Rotenberg 299
Memories (Y) Ruven Blank 300
A Memorial to Our Home Town (Shtetl) (Y & E) Shlomo Heiman 309
There once was a Town Called Staszów (Y) Yehiel Wajnsztok 311
I take my leave of Staszów, my hometown (Y) Khaye Solnik 314
The Golejów Woods (Y) Itsik Kozuchowicz 316
Personalities and Events in the Town (Y) Michael Czapnik 318
Staszów, My Town (Y) Chaim Wagner 321
Intellectual Staszów (Y) Reizel Bukszpan 323
The Hidden Boxes (Y) Shprintse Varger 325
Superstitions and Folk Sayings (Y) - 327
Personalities and special individuals
Cantor Pinchas Szirman–Child of Staszów (H) Meir Shimen Geshuri 331
Cantor Abraham Isaac Szirman (H) Meir Geshuri 336
Reb Benyamin Tochterman (H) Meir Geshuri 337
Reb Shimen (Shimele) Melamed (H) Elchanan Erlich 338
Reb Tzvi Goldberg (H) Elchanan Erlich 340
Getzel Erlichman (H) Aharon R. 341
David Sznifer (H) Meir Blusztajn 343
Moshe Rawed (H) Tzipora Szniper 346
The Kirszenbaum Exhibit in Paris (H) Israel N. 348
Notable Staszówers: Men of Property, Enlightened Thinkers, and Pious Jews (Y) Moshe Rotenberg 349
Chaim Berish Rosenmuter (Y) Reuven Blank 359
Reb Hershel Wolman (may God avenge his blood) (Y) Sara Zalcman 361
Reb Alter Buchwald (Y) Michael Zalcman 363
Hershel [Tsvi] Lewowicz (Y) Elchanan Erlich 364
Cantor Motel Goldfarb, 1881-1946 (Y) Mrs. Tilly Gewirtz 365
The Shoah
In the Path of Anguish and Cessation (H & E) Elchanan Erlich 369
A Small Child's Revenge, Even Satan Has Not Yet Devised (H) Chana Bursztajn 396
As Beasts in the Woods (H & E) Gabriel Singer 398
With Aryan Papers to Germany (H) Zahava Lebowicz 404
A Memorial for Those Who Have No Memorial (H) Elchanan Erlich 406
Diary from the Ghetto (Y & E) Joseph Goldstein 417
The Last Struggle (Y & E) Menahem Lifshitz 449
Memories and Facts (Y) Szmuel Saniecki 458
Yizkor [Memorial Prayer] for a Polish Town (Y) David Eydelsberg 472
Witness to Destruction (Y) Ya'acov Buchman 475
A Seder Night in Auschwitz (Y) Sabina Ajdelsberg–Wiszlitcka 486
Poems (Y) Yizhak Kozuchowicz 489
Cursing (poem) (Y) Chaim Wagner 491
Revenge! (poem) (Y) Yakov Szternlicht 491
Survival in the Forest (Y) Meyer Bydlowski 492
From Skarżysko, to Omler, and Into the Woods (Y) Natanael Erlich 494
For Ten Kilograms of Sugar (Y) Perl Goldflus 499
How We Wandered (Y) Yehuda Felberg 502
Our Polish Neighbours (Y) Avraham Zylbersztajn 506
A Memorial Candle for My Murdered Family (Y) Menachem Lifshitz 507
Vision of the Dry Bones (Yechezkel) (Y)   512
When a Community Vanished (H, Y, E) Elchanan Erlich 513
When a Community Vanished (Y) Elchanan Erlich 519
Victims' Pictures and Announcements Section (Y)   526
Necrology List (H)   612
Yizkor (Remembrance) (H)   622
Around Staszów
Alas, Children of Osiek! (H) Shlomo Groshaus 625
Sons and Daughters of Osiek Victims of the Nazi Enemies (H)   632
My Town, Plontch (Połaniec) (H) Dovid Schnipper 633
Pictures of Polaniec and Necrology List (H)   642
Kurozwęki (Y) Zachariah Kozienicki 644
Rytwiany (Y) Mordechai Sosevicz 646
Szydłów (H) Issachar Wicznik 648
Associations of Former Staszowers in Israel and the World
Association of Former Stashovers in Israel (H) Tuvia Nisengarten 653
In Memory of the Stashovers Who Fell in Israel's War of Liberation (H) Tuvia Nisengarten 657
The Toronto Staszów Young Men's Society: The Social and National Mission of the “Society” (Y) Nachman Shemen 661
Our Landsmanshaft in Los Angeles (Y) Ya'akov Bekier 672
The Stashover–Rakover Landsmanshaft in Argentina (Y)   674
Our Society in São Paulo (Y) Pinye Ajzenberg and Haim Wagner 677
Stashovers around the World (Y) M. Sosewicz 681
Publishing this Book (H & Y) Yoel Fiszof 687
A “Shehecheyanu” (Thanksgiving) Blessing (H) Elchanan Erlich 688
English Section
Ner Tamid - An Eternal Light (Editor's Words) (H, Y & E) Elchanan Erlich V
What Willpower Can Achieve (H, Y & E) Shlomo Heiman VI
The Destruction of a Congregation (Y & E) Elchanan Erlich VIII
A Memorial to Our Home Town (Shtetl) (Y & E) Shlomo Heiman XIII
As Beasts in the Woods (H & E) Gabriel Singer XV
The Final Struggle (Y & E) Menahem Lipshitz XXII
A Ghetto Diary (Y & E) Joseph Goldstein XXV
In the Path of Anguish and Cessation (H & E) Elchanan Erlich XXXVI


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