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Sopotkin’s Fire Fighter Brigade

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Dramatic Society of Sopotkin
Standing in the first row (from right to left):
1. Faytl Doktorski, 2. Golda Berkovski, 3. Zlatke Friedman, 4. Batyah Lipski,
5. Rachel Berkovski, 6. Todl Dulski
Sitting second row (from right to left):
1. Samuel Ayzik Levine, 2. Yehuda Leyb Idinski, 3. Reyzl Ivashkovski,
4. Toybe Friedman, 5. Aba Shadzunksi, 6. Tsivyah Dulski
Sitting third row (from right to left):
1. Yekusiel Gezes,, 2. Ben-Zion Zavl Shadzunski, 3. Chaim Ozer Poret

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Memorial Monument for the
Holy Martyrs of Sopotkin

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