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Training group of the “Hechaluts Hamizrachi” in Sopotkin (1934)
Standing first row (right to left):
1. Samuel Pikover, 2. Joseph Abilevitch, 3. Avrohom Yitschak Sidranski,
4. Faytl Doktorski, 5. ?, 6. Yaakov Klibanski, 7. Vinitski

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The Chamber of the Youth Movement “Hashomer Hatsair”
in Sopotkin
First row (from right to left):
1. Perl Liptchak, 2. Acha Idinskl
Second row (from right to left):
1. Mordechay Perestownski, 2. Esther Yudilevitch, 3. Reuven Niselkovski (Egozi),
4. Nechama Samborski, 5. Berl Perestonski (Ephrati), 6. Chayele Rosenshtat, 7. Henia Lanski
Third row (from right to left):
1. Sara Dulski, 2. Shlomo Niselkovski, 3. Blume Dulski, 4. Aryey Ivashkovski,
5. Leah Flaskovski, 6. Bela Reyzner
Fourth row (from right to left):
1. Meier Dvorsky, 2. Chaya Yenta Idinski, 3. Elka Gezes, 4. Keyla Flaskovski,
5. Eliyahu Shadzunski, 6. Tsipora Rupetski, 7. Keyla Flatkovski,
8. Nechama Liptchak, 9. Nechama Lanski, 10. Miriam Yaglovski
Fifth row (from right to left):
1. Yekensiel Glikson, 2. Moshe Mentchinski (Manor), 3. Eliezer Shadzunski (Marvik*),
4. Chonon KLeynbort (Eylati**), 5. Yisrael Perestouski, 6. Tsevi Reyzner,
7. Zeer Kravits, 8. Aleksander Mentchinski (Manor***)

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Adolescents of the “Hashomer Hatsair” movement (1925)
Standing first row:
1. Aryey Ivashkovski, 2. Tsiporah Pupetski, 3. Shlomo Niselkovski,
4. Beyle Rashvam, 5. Aryey Samborski, 6. Chaya Yenta Idinski
Sitting (from right to left):
1. Zeev Kravits, 2. Leah Platkovski, 3. Samuel Kovmanski, 4. Sara Polak,
5. Shlomo Platkovski

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Younger members of “Hashomer Hatsair” movement (1931)

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