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Chapter 3 {Cont.}

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“Hashomer Hatsair” celebration of Lag Baomer

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Beytar Organization (Revisionists Zionists) in Sopotkin

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Beytar members, 1932
Standing first row (from right to left):
1. Bat-Sheva Shadzunski, 2. Moshe Staykovski, 3. Ephraim Rubin, 4. Zalman Kaminetski (Arni),
5. Berl Doktorski, 6. Samuel Shadzunski, 7. Moshe Dimishevitski, 8. Hirshl Berkovski,
9. Zelig Kuchner, 10. Sheynke Shadzunksi
Second row (from right to left):
1. Avraham Doktorski, 2. ?, 3. Chayke Fayerman, 4. Feygl Vaynshteyn,
5. Hershl Rubin, 6. Joseph Shrayber
Sitting third row (from right to left):
1. Chaim Shepsl Feyshtchanski, 2. Abraham Shadzunski, 3. Peshke Shrayber,
4. Gedalyahn Nimtchanski, 5. Chatskl Friedkovski

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The Youth Movement

The "Hechaluts Hatsair" (The Young Pioneers) co-ordinate their members mainly as a working force, while the majority in the movement of "Hashomer Hatsair" (The Young Guard) was on the learning side.

After a short period of time arose a religious youth movement "Hashomer Hdati" (Religious Guard) and later came to being "Brit Trumpeldor" (Beytar) – Zionists Revisionists.

Each one of these movements had a house where the members used to come for meetings, lectures, comradeship, songs and dances.

It seems that the young people did not live here permanently. Their life and stay in the town was on a temporary basis. They waited for the movement to be able to leave for the land of Israel. This was a wonderful youth which grew up on the face of surrounding nature and beauty. The young people in the town grew up on the bosom of the nature, breathed the fresh air of the mountains and forests and felt that they were a part of the fields and rivers. The young people were happy, strong in body and spirit.

Beautiful and charming was the landscape of the town and the surroundings. Here was the "forest-yasidova" and nearby a small, charming lake hidden among the trees. Water flowers covered the water of the lake and everything was shining in the sun.

This was their appointed meeting place, their rendezvous. There the young people spent their free time in the field and woods, breathing the air of the beautiful nature… until stones thrown at them by the gentile boys reminded them that this place was not theirs. They must create their own scenery, their own landscape and it must be the land of Israel.

The Hebrew language was heard more often in the street and in the evenings Hebrew songs were sung by the happy youngsters whose dream was Erets Yisrael (Land of Israel).

The atmosphere of the land of Israel filled up the life of the entire town.

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The stream of Aliya (going up to the land of Israel) did not stop since 1920. On the contrary, more and more young people went to the land of Israel. And every time when a simple person or a group of youngsters made "Aliya" (went to Israel) the following same picture repeated:

The older people escorted the immigrants with tears in their eyes and with lips whisper: "We will not make it, the war is approaching, but our children must do it fast in order not to miss the opportunity to reach our Holy Land." The little children saw themselves as partners in redeeming the land of Israel by contributing their pennies to the Jewish National Fund (J.N.F.). By wishing the immigrants the best in their future life in Israel, they express their hope to come to the land of Israel. This was their dream. But most of them did not make it.

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