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To Perpetuate
The Memory of the Hundred Years of
From Its Settlement
To Its Final Martyrdom


This Memoir is Dedicated
Our Grandchildren
All Grandchildren Everywhere



We extend heartfelt thanks to all the many friends who have helped with information, with leads and above all with encouragement:

Baruch Bernstein, Chassia and Irving Lutsky, Joseph Criden, Harry Criden, Bertha Aleck, Avraham Ben Herut, Anna Newman, Amy Newman, Morris Wagner, Hyman Shuman, Isidor Rosenberg, Selig Adler, Isadore Kranzel, Morris Glanz, Rabbi Isaac Joel Rabinowitz, Rabbi Nossson Scherman, Nathan M. Kaganoff, Morris U. Schappes, Theodore Machiw, Sidney Troy, Dorothy Troy, Seymour and Blanche Logvin, Irving and Gertrude Logvin, Mildred and John Zimmerman, Sheila and David Cheimets, esther and Ben Feldstein, Janet and Sol Feldstein, Joanne and Martin Feldstein, Leona Zarsky, Arthur Kurzweil, Sheila and Max Lidz, alexander and Helen Kraidin, Fanny and Benjamin Goodman

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Many books, and not nearly enough, have been composed to tell the story of the Holocaust of 1933-1945, and in a sense, this book is part of that story. But the saga of the struggle, suffering and survival begins long before then, and will surely not be ended very soon.

This is the story of a shtetl which had a life of barely a hundred years, of simple hard working people, who each night gave thanks they had managed to live through one more day, said their krias-sh'ma and went to bed. Even so, they had a story of their own, from which are here preserved only a few moving chapters, which we put together as a testimony instead of a tombstone, as a beacon.

7th Day of Av, 5743

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Family group picture taken in Sokolievka 1912 on the eve of the departure for America of newlyweds David Feldstein (1884 – 1964) and Adella Logvin Feldstein (1892-1973)
Standing left. Seated center, Adella's parents, David Logvin (d. 1916?) and Blume Leah Logvin (d. 1937, Brooklyn): she was blinded in a 1919 pogrom.
Behind them, infant Leo Troy (d. 1981, Scranton), in the arms of his mother, Adella's sister Maryam Troyaker (later Firdman) who was killed in the Nazi Holocaust with her other children.
Standing right, Adella's brother Lazar Logvin (d. 1969, Buffalo) with his wife Esther Krenzel Logvin (d. 1918).
Their children, front, Seymour Logvin, Gertrude Logvin Strebrenik and Irving Logvin, escaped from the pogroms to America, and with their families are still contributing to this country's cultural and economic well-being (see p. 66 and note 74)


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