[Page 545]
(Tartakiv, Ukraine)
50°28' 24°24'
Translated by Rita Friedman
Gitter Asher son of Moshe
Gitter Eliazer son of Asher
Gitter Yakov son of Asher
Gitter Mordekhai son of Asher
Gitter Leibish son of Asher
Gitter Malka daughter of Shimon
Gitter Alter son of Eliazer
Gitter Sima daughter of Eliazer
Gitter Henia daughter of Yoel
Gitter Michael son of Baruch
Gitter Hinde daughter of Baruch
Gitter Rachel daughter of Asher
Krantz Shmuel son of Yakove Mordekhai
Krantz Libe daughter of Asher
Krantz Leah daughter of Shmuel
Mach Matel daughter of Hersh
Alter Shmerel son of Zev
Alter Esther daughter of Asher
Alter Walke son of Shmerel
Byk Hana daughter of Asher
Byk Yakov son of Yitzkhak
Byk Chaim son of Yitzkhak
Byk Eita daughter of Shimon
Byk Shimon son of Chaim
Byk Bile daughter of Matel
Byk Mendel son of Yitzkhak
Byk Sara Heni daughter of Yakov
Byk Israel son of Ahron
Byk Feige daughter of Israel
Byk Eitztik Leib son of Israel
Byk Hersh son of Israel
Byk Tzhril daughter of Israel
Byk Tzvia daughter of Israel
Rubinstein Shprynza daughter of Ahron
Rubinstein Chaya daughter of Ahron Shmuel
Rubinstein Mishulem son of Ahron Shmuel
Rubinstein Yitzkhak son of Ahron Shmuel
Evister Yitzkhak Zev son of Moshe
Evister Elter son of Yitzkhak Zev
Evister-Bilig Shprynza daughter of Yitzkhak Zev
Abars Eitzti son of Shmuel
Abars Heitzi daughter of Asher
Abars Emalia daughter of Eitzti
Abars Yenti daughter of Eitzti
Krigshaber Moshe son of Shmuel Zelig
Krigshaber Mintzhe daughter of Israel
Pasternak Mania daughter of Israel
Kraus Nathan son of Mordekhai
Rocker Zev son of Moshe Ahron
Grosman Yuda son of Shimria
Grosman Drisel daughter of Feibish
Grosman Shimria son of Yahuda
Shimplter Abraham son of Yosef
Zisman Chaim Moshe son of Abraham
Babad Hershel (HaRav) son of Yitzkhak
Giter Leibish son of Yitzkhak
Zoyerbroym Moshe son of Ahron Zelig[Page 546]
Katz Yoel son of Leibish
Karet Shmuel Wolf son of Meir
Byk Yakov son of Noach
Byk Yuhdit daughter of Abraham
Linsker Yuhshuah son of Nachman
Linsker Tzipora daughter of Hana
Linsker Freida daughter of Abraham
Linsker Tzerne daughter of Avigdor
Gruber Mosher Eliazer son of Elihou
Linsker Israel son of Israel Yuoze
Linsker Zeleg son of Yuozu
Linsker Moshe son of Youzu
Eizen Esther daughter of Yakov
Eizen Bernard son of Arieh
Eizen David son of Arieh Leibish
Eizen Shmuel son of Arieh Leibish
Shepel Kehat son of Shmuel
Shepel Henia Pearl daughter of Kehat
Eitzen Benjamin son of Arieh
Eizen Leah daughter of Michael
Eizen Nina daughter of Benjamin
Beri Brunia
Beri Bertha
Levgoy Yitzkhak
Levgoy Hana
Levgoy Mirril
Levgoy Sara
Ziskind Benjamin son of Shimeon
Ziskind Esther daughter of Baruch
Ziskind Rifka daughter of Benyamin
Ziskind Ahron Zelig son of Benyamin
Ziskind Yenti daughter of Benyamin
Ziskind Abraham son of Beyamin
Ziskind Kchaim son of Benyamin
Ziskind Zisel son of Benyamin
Kram Shlomo son of Yhushua
Kram Mindel
Kram Atil daughter of Shlomo
Kram Zlate daughter of Shlome
Kram Yhushua son of Shlomo
Kram Shalom son of Yhushua
Kram Chaya daughter of Mordekhai
Kram Leibish son of Israel
Kram Koppel son of Israel
Kram Henia wife of Shalom Grossman son of Shulem
Kram Yitzkhak son of Israel
Bruh Miriam daughter of Israel
Lakritz Sheindel daughter of Israel
Shtern Feige daughter of Israel
Koren Nachman son of Shpetel
Koren Beile daughter of Pinis
Koren Leizer son of Nachman
Koren Mordekchai son of Nachman
Koren Rueben son of Nachman
Koren Ahron son of Nachman
Koren Ahron son of Nachman
Koren Reize daughter of Hertz
Koren Rachel daughter of Eliazer
Koren Yakov son of Shpetel
Koren Yisheskar son of Yakov
Koren Leah daughter of Yakov
Koren Renshel son of Shpetel
Koren Hersh son of Shpetel
Koren Ettel daughter of Hersh
Shifmiler Yakov son of Eliazer
Kranetz Lipshe son of Hersh
Krantz Etel daughter of Hersh
Krantz Ronit daughter of Hersh
Krantz Chaya daughter of Hersh
Kranz Mordekchai son of Hersh
Vahar Mendel son of David
Vahar Beile daughter of Shpetel
Vahar David son of Mendel
Witkovski Ahron son of Pinkhus
Witkovski Chaya daughter of Ahron
Witkovski Shmuel son of Ahron
Geller Sarah daughter of Pinkhus
Geller Pinkhus
Baresh Eizick son of Hertz[Page 547]
Koren Chaya Rachel daughter of Yakov
Sheckter Beile daughter of Yhushua
Sheckter Nasia daughter of Abraham
Sheckter Yisaskel son of Abraham
Kram Rifka daughter of Yhushua
Kram Rachel daughter of Yhushua
Kram Leah daughter of Yhushua
Lempel Chayay daughter of Yhushua
Shifenboyer Leibish son of Israel
Lam Abish son of Abraham
Kram Israel son of Nakhum
Pottak Sarah son of Benyamin
Pottak Yakcha son of Ben Zion
Shuman Chaim son of Yakov
Shuman Yakov son of Shulem
Waks moshe son of Elihuo
Holtzman Hershel son of Nachman
Baved Meyer son of Yitzkhak
Baved Frankel Toiva daughter of Yitzkhak
Frankel Mevtzi daughter of Moshe
Fridman Shlomo son of Pinkhus
Rubinstein Hersh son of Yitzkhak
Sheckter Chaim Leibish son of Israel
Sheckter Yosef son of Chaim Leibish
Gleizer Elihuo son of Benyamin
Gleizer Meir son of Elihuo
Ginzburg Mordekchai son of Moshe
Ginzburg Israel son of Mordekchai
Vilder Lozer son of Pinkchus
Vilder Hese son of Lozer
Reiman Israel son of Hertzel
Reiman Shlomo son of Moshe
Gevirtz Shlomo son of Hersh
Gevirtz Sasha daughter of Hersh
Rimler Yakov son of Hersh
Rimler Wolf son of Hersh
Rimler Pradel daughter of Chaim Leibish
Ziskind Mordekchai son of Moshe
Ziskind Menashe son of Mordekchai
Ziskind Peige daughter of Mordekchai
Ziskind Hinde his wife
Ziskind Yakov son of Yishesker
Ziskind Milek son of Yishesker
Kranetz Hersh son of Leib
Kranetz Mendel son of Leib
Badner David
Kranetz Gitel son of Yakov
Adler Yosef
Kranetz Chava daughter of Ahron
Kranetz Chaya daughter of Ahron
Kranetz Golda daughter of Ahron
Kranetz Yakov son of Ahron
Felbel Mordekchai son of Yakov
Felbel Abraham son of Yakov
Shtrik Hesi son of Abraham
Shtrich Yiki son of Abraham
Shtrick Mordekchai son of Abraham
Adler Rifka daughter of Michael
Adler Michael son of Yosef
Blank Shmuel son of Meyer
Balnk Eita daughter of Asher
Blank Tzvi son of Shmuel
Blank Moni son of Shmuel
Kranetz Leib son of Mordekchai
Kranetz Rifka daughter of Asher
Kranetz Reize daughter of Leib
Kranetz Moni son of Leib
Bileig Chaim son of Shmelke
Bileig Hinde daughter of Chaim
Avister Shindel
Avister Shmuel son of Moshe
Avister Bashe daughter of Moshe
Avister Feige daughter of Moshe
Avister Brantzi son of Moshe
Potasher Barish son of Pesakh
Potasher Pesia daughter of Yishkhak Wolf
Potasher Luba daughter of Barish
Potasher Esther daughter of Barish[Page 548]
Potasher Hinde daughter of Barish
Daks Moshe son of Rueben
Daks Fibil son of Moshe
Daks Yosef son of moshe
Daks Sime Rale
Vilder Chana daughter of Avigdor
Vilder Etta daughter of Lozer
Rocker Rifka daughter of Moshe Ahron
Shifenboyer Shmuel son of Asher
Shifenboyer Bluma
Shifenboyer Shimeon son of Shmuel
Shifenboyer Sarah daughter of Shmuel
Ziskind Moshe son of Mordekchai
Ziskind Peige daughter of Mordekchai
Gorfinkel Daniel
Gorfinkel Feige daughter of Daniel
Gorfinkel Moshe son of Daniel
Baved Menashe son of Yhushua Vashil
Kraus Rifka daughter of Kopel
Kraus Shulem Yoel son of Natan
Kraus Mordekchai son of Natan
Kraus Abner son of Natan
Rocker Moshe Ahron son of Zeev
Rocker Rifka daughter of Moshe Ahron
Rocker Hinde daughter of Moshe Ahron
Rosenfeld Abraham son of Hirshko
Kraush Simkcha and Moshe sons of Shmuel Wolf
Kraus Kopel son of Shmuel Wolf
Kraus Moshe Leizer son of Shmuel Wolf
Kraus Matel son of Shmuel Wolf
Krause Chaya daughter of Shmuel Wolf
Sheckter Bachka daughter of Hersh
Rosenfeld Tebel daughter of Frida
Greidinger Gerson son of Yakov
Greidinger Beryl son of Yakov
Sheckter Sara daughter of Chaim Leibish
Alter Yakov son of Wolf
Ganoyer Zalman
Ganoyer Yenti daughter of Rueben
Witkabski Yitzkhak son of Rueben
Potak Efraim son of Shei
Rosenfeld Feibish son of Yirmihou
Rosenfeld Primeh son of Feibish
Post Yitzkhak Hersh son of Moshe
Post Sheftel son of Moshe
Glazer Ber son of Benyamin
Glazer Sime
Glazer Yenit daughter of Yitzkhak
Glazer Chaya
Arber Moshe son of Hersh
Markus Feibish son of Hertz
Berger Israel son of Asher
Berger Yishua David son of Asher
Berge Orie son of Yosef
Klein Yakov son of Michael
Edelstein Israel son of Yosef
Shifenboyer Hadel daughter of Ahron
Sholdiger Yitzkchak son of Yitzkchak
Shifenboyer Sarah Toybe daughter of Yakov
Byk Zalig son of Israel
Shifenboyer Yakov
Shifenboyer Abraham
Koren Shmuel son of Sheftel
Vilder Chana daughter of Avigdor
Abers Hinde daughter of Yitzkhak
Abers Tojbe daughter of Yitzkhak
Abers Chaim Shmuel son of Yitzkhak
Abers Ben Tzion son of Chaim Shmuel
Abers Benyamin son of Chaim Shmuel
Abers Abraham son of Chaim Shmuel
Abers Tojbe daughter of Hersh
(Varish, Warez TODAY Varyazh, Ukraine)
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Unger Mordekai son of Shimon
Unger Perel
Unger Zalman son of Mordekai
Unger Yitzkhak son of Mordekai
Unger Sheva daughter of Shmuel and their children
Acker Yosef
Acker Ronia
Acker Khaim son of Yosef
Eisenstein Meir and his wife
Eisenstein Perel daughter of Meir
Eisenstein Ahron son of Meir
Eisenstein Devora daughter of Meir
Eisenstein Necha daughter of Yitzkhak Izaak
Ortner Meir son of Uri
Ortner Eidel daighter of Moshe Flick
Ortner Gershon son of Meir
Ardman Pinckhas son of Shabtai and his faimly
Ardman Yihizkel son of Shabtai and his faimly
Anda Yona daughter of Pinckhas
Anda Pinkhas son of Yona
Anda Mindel daughter of Eitzick HeshelByk Eliazer son of Mordekai
Bet Return
Byk Gitel Blima daughter of Zev Lerner
Byk Shmuel son of Eliazer
Byk Gitel daughter of Moshe Shpiz
Berger Yosef son of Kahat
Berger Drizel
Berger Metel daughter of Yosef
Berger Eiptzeh daughter of Yosef
Berger Kalman Meir
Berger Yhudit daughter of Kahat
Berger Kahat son of Kalman Meir
Berger Siril daughter of Kalman MeirGristenfeld Yona son of Moshe Arieh
Gimmel Return
Girstenfeld Taoiva daughter of Shimon
Gristenfeld Mele daughter of Yona
Gilbert Yhuda
Gilbert Hana daughter of Shmuel Yhushua
Gilbert Zalman son of Yhuda
Gilbert Rachel daughter of Yhuda
Gilbert Zalman
Gilbert Taubatzeh daughter of Hendel Unger
Griner Hana
Griner Perel (Pearl) daughter of Israel
Griner Sheindel daughter of Israel
Griner Hersh (Tzvi) son of Moshe
Griner Khaya
Griner Yosef son of Hersh (Tzvi)
Griner David son of Hersh (Tzvi)
Gerbel Leib (Arieh) son of Shalom[Page 552]
Gerbel Breindel daughter of Arieh
Glentzberg Yona
Glentzberg Metel Leah daughter of Tzvi
Gelntzberg Yakov son of YonaDornberg Yitzkhak Izaak
Dalet Return
Dornberg Tishrene daughter of Moshe
Dornberg Tzvi Arieh son of Yitzkhak Izaak
Dornberg Mordekai Natan son of Yitzkhak Izaak
Dornberg Shimon son of Yitzkhak Izaak
Dornberg Gitel daughter of Yitkhak IzaakHefner Moshe Flik son of Gerhson and his wife
Hay Return
Hefner Elitazer son of Moshe Flik
Hefner Friba daughter of Moshe FlikWeitz Barish son of Yosef
Vov Return
Weitz Hendel son of Yosef
Weitz Ronia
Weitz Moshe
Velitzsker Khaya daughter of Shmuel Yhushua
Velitzsker Kresa daughter of Yona
Velitzsker Shmuel Yhushua son of Yona
Weitz Rachel daughter of Wolf Konstentin
Weitz Enshel son of Yosef
Weitz Michel son of Yosef
Weitz Golda daughter of YosefTeshessger Ahron Dov son of Israel
Tet Return
Teshessger Khaya Bela daughter of Abraham
Teshessger Yitzkhak son of Ahron Dov
Teshessger Reizel daughter of Ahron Dov
Teshessger Abraham son of Ahron Dov
Teshessger Libel son of Ahron Dov
Trechtenberg Israel
Trechtenberg Moshe son of Israel
Trechtenberg Moshe son of Israel
Trechtenberg Bela Golda daughter of IsraelLiperman Rachel daughter of Yihezkel and her husband
Lamed Return
Liperman Dov son of Yihezkel and his wife
Liperman Sara daughter of Yihezkel
Liperman Frida daughter of Yihezkel
Liperman Esther Hana daughter of Yihezkel
Liperman Shaul and his wife
Liperman Zakaria son of Shaul
Langer Hersh son of Moshe
Langer Hana Hinde daughter of Eliazer Neta
Langer Lipa son of Hersh
Langer Moshe son of Hersh and his two children
Langer Sara daughter of Hersh and her two children
Langer Sheva daughter of Khaim Hersh
Langer Yuta daughter of Moshe
Leifer Yhuda and his familyMeizels Asher son of Shmuel and his wife
Mem Return
Neizels Khaim son of AsherNeyer Yakov son of Arieh Leibish
Nun Return
Neyer Frimir daughter of Yona Grestenfeld
Neyer Abraham son of Arieh LeibishFox Natan son of Dov
Peh Return
Fox Shprinze daughter of Elhiou Zev
Fox Mechleh Rachel daughter of Natan
[Page 553]Fox Dov son of Natan
Fox Shlomo son of Natan
Fox Elhiuo Zev son of Natan
Fox Sheindel daughter of Shmuel Yhushua
Fox Rifka daughter of Dov
Fox Malka daughter of Dov
Friedman Eiber son of Shimon
Friedman Fisher son of ShimonTzwilinger Moshe Yhuda
Tzadik Return
Tzwilinger Hinde daughter of Abraham and their sonsKlein Yitzkhak son of Pesach and his wife
Kuf Return
Klein Pesach son of Yitkhak and his wife
Klein Yhushua son of Yitzkhak and his wifeRubin Shosha
Raish Return
Rubin Zelta daughter of Shulem
Rubin Sheve daughter of Shulem
Rubin Feibish son of Shulem
Reichman Avigdor son of Yosef Hersh
Reichman Bela daughter of Kalman Meir and their children
Reichman Yosef Hersh and his familyStrom Yhuda son of Elihou Zev
Sheen Return
Strom Meir son of Elihou Zev
Strom Malka daughter of Elihou Zev
Strom Khat son of Asher
Strom Rifka daughter of Hendel Unger
Strom Khaim son of Khat
Strom Khaya daughter of Khat
Shpiz Bela
Shpiz Simcha son of Moshe
Shpiz Israel Mordekai son of Moshe
Shpiz Yhuda Benjamin son of Moshe
Shpritzer Benzion son of Shalom and his sons
Shpritzer Hinde daughter of Moshe
Shpritzer Yosef son of Shulem and his wife
Shpritzer Yitzkhak
Shpritzer Freitzeh daughter of Enshel
Shpritzer Enshel son of Yitzkhak
Shpritzer Bilka daughter of Yitzkhak
Shpritzer Menia daughter of Yitzkhak
Shikler Mendel son of Israel
Shikler Israel son of Gershon
Strom Yhushua son of Abraham Eizeh and his family
Strauss Leibish and his family
Strauss Hersh and his family
Shifer Yhushua son of Hersh Leib
Shifer Roni Zelda daughter of Tzvi Doner
Shifer Sara daughter of Yhushua
Shechter Shulem son of Yakov
Shechter Gitel daughter of Moshe
Shechter Etil daughter of Shulem
Shechter Sara daughter of Etil
Shechter Yosef son of Yitzkhak Meir
Shechter But-Sheva daughter of Yakov
Shechter Khaya daughter of Yitzkhak Meir
Shechter Tzvi Hersh son of Yosef
Shechter Hana daughter of Yitzkhak Meir
Shechter Sara daughter of Yitzkhak Meir
Shechter Leah daughter of Yosef
Victims of the Shoah
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Family Names
Shtimpler,The Rabbi Mr..Yitzkhak, The Rabbi's wife, their sons and daughter and son-in-law The Rav Berech
Shtriker Shalom, his wife, sons and daughter and their families.
Nachus, his wife Rachel and their children.Alpent Yitzkhak, his wife Tultza
Alpent Yoel, his wife, his daughter and her family
Alpent Mosel, his wife and children
Brosh Moshe his wife Yhudit (Hodi)
Bet Return
Brosh Ephriam, his wife, their children, Tszvia, Sara, Rifka and Zisel
Brosh Motik, his wife, and their children: Neta, Zossia, Zisel
Brosh Usia and members of their family
Brosh Gershon (Geni) and members of their family
Brosh Sara (Distantsled and members of her family, their children: David, Yosel, Rachel
Brosh Mizia (Shapira) and their family
Brosh Bracha (Altzifrom Leizer) and their children, Hilda, Sara and their two sons.
Bruh Yankel, his wife Roza (from Khana family), and son Brish
Bochner Shimshon, his wife and members of their family
Brikensthein (Sthricker) Alter son of Reizer (born in Olsko)
[Page 558]
Gebler Abraham and wife Gitel
Gimmel Return
Gebler Israel son of Abraham and Gitel his wife Leah (Fink family)
Gebler Dov
Gebler Hana Bila daughter of Lipa
Gebler Zalman son of Lipa
Gebler Meir son of Zalman
Gebler Pinia son of Zalman
Gebler Israel son of Zalman
Gebler Khaya daughter of Yosef
Gebler Yitzkhak son of Yosef
Gebler Frieda and members of her family
Gebler Itzik, his wife Blima and their children
Grosten Ephraim, his wife Sheindel
Grosten Yitzkhak, his wife and children
Grosten Hirshel, his wife and children
Grosten Soshi
Grosten Brantzi
Groston Ronie
Grin Eita and her sons: Anshel and Yakov
Gutman Mordekai Yodel, his wife and children
Gutman Moshe son of Mordekai YodelDistenfeld Shlomo Levi, His wife Frieda Pasi
Dalet Return
Distenfeld Meir son of Shlomo LeviHarold Yiseskar and his family
Hay Return
Harold Shalom Shkene and his family
Helperin Sara and her family
Holtzman Yikutiel, his wife, their daughter Nessia and their other childrenVerbner Abraham Dov son of Yitzkhak and Khaya Sara
Vov Return
Verbner Pnina (from Riber family, born Kuti) and daughter Ruth
Verbner Metil daughter of Yitzkhak and Khaya Sara
Verbner Yosel son of Yhushua and Rachel
Verbner Hantzi (of Zinger family, from Yiritzov) their daughters: Sara, Golda and Kreindel
Verbner Shmuelik son of Yhushua and Rachel
Verbner Mindel (from Radzikov) and daughter Sheindel ( .)
Viner Lizer Libish (from Malotzitz near Sokal) and his wife Brena
Viner Yitzkhak son of Lizer Libish and Brena
Viner Yhushua son of Lizer Libish and Brena
Viner Hinde daughter of Lizer Libish and Brena
Vitkovski Zinbel, his wife Brena, and son Yodel ( .)
Waldman Moshe son of Abraham, his wife Sheindel and their children
Waldman Walki, his wife, daughters: Michli , Yhudit, and son GershonKharig Yhushua Mendel and extended family
Chet Return
Kharig Meir son of Yhushua Mendel and his family
Kharig Abraham son of Yhushua Mendel and his family
Kharig Baruch son of Yhushua Mendel and his family
Kharig Shifra (widow of Mr. Zev)
Kharig Baruch son of Sev and Shifra, his wife Hana (of Shtricker family)
Kharig Sara, her husband and children
Kharig Gitel daughter of Zev and Shifra, and her husband
Kharig Hinda daughter of Zev and Shifra
Kharif Moshe born in Loptin, his wife Atil (of Shtricker family) and their chidlrenKahana Lib, his wife Etil (of Shapira family)
Kof Return
Katz Yakov Matetahiu son of Nachman, his wife Hana Reizel[Page 559]
Katz Moshe son of Yakov Matetihiu
Katz Batya daughter of Shimson (Bochner family)
Katz Tzvi son of Baruch and Batya
Katz Nachman son of Baruch and Batya
Katz Eliazer son of Baruch and Batya
Katz Ahron son of Yitzkhak
Katz Hana daughter of Yakov Matetihiu
Katz Nachman son of Ahron and Hana
Katz Khaya daughter of Ahron and Hana
Katz Cheryl daughter of Ahron and Hana
Katz Yocheved daughter of Ahron and Hana
Katz Arieh son of Ahron and Hana
Katz ( ) son of Ahron and Hana
Katz Yakov son of Yitzkhak, his wife Brandil (from Kaminka Strum) and their daughters
Katz Hersh Nachmu, his wife Tzvia
Katz Yitzkhak son of Hersh Nachum and Tzvia
Katz Mordekai son of Hersh Nachum and Tzvia
Katz Shimon son of Hersh Nachum and Tzvia
Katz Ahron son of Hersh Nachum and Tzvia
Katz Krusha daughter of Hersh Nachum and Tzvia, her husband Eli Shenker and their family
Katz Yitzkhak and his wife Liba
Katz Feibel son of Yitzkhak and Liba
Katz Pinchas son of Yitzkhak and Liba
Katz Yhushua and their family from Sokal
Katz Yakov and their family from Sokal
Katz Hanich and their family from SokalLerner Yakov (Head of Community) his wife and children: Dvorah, Malka, Abraham ( ..)
Lamed Return
Lerner Khaim, his wife and children
Leviton Yakov, his wife Rifka and their children
Leviton Eitzi son of Yakov and Rifka, his wife and their children
Leviton Sara daughter of Yakov and Rifka, her husband and their children
Leviton Tzerni daughter of Yakov and Rifka
Leviton Esther and husband Turtzin
Limzider Moshe, his wife Frieda and their childrenMorgenstein Cheryl daughter of Shalom
Mem Return
Melech Devora from Drozkopol
Marmel Hana
Marmel Baruch son of HanaNyar Mendel, his wife Etti (Shomer family) and their families
Nun Return
Nathenzon Devora, husband and their childrenSlotoyner Leibish and his wife Shifra
Somech Return
Slotoyner Zev son of Leibish and Shifra
Segel Yitzkhak Hersh and his wife Freida
Segel Elchanan, his wife and their children
Segel Zindel son of Yitzkhak Hersh, his wife Hentzi of Morgensthein family
Zegel Abraham, his wife Khaya and their children
Segel Meir, his wife and their children
Segel Gershon son of Meir
Segel David son of Meir
Segel Mordekai Dov son of Meir
Segel ( .) son of Meir
Segel Metil daughter of MeirPower Yhushua son of Yakov, his wife Yenti (Kharig family)
Peh Return
Power Chiya daughter of Yhushua and Yenti
Power Dreizel daughter of Yhushua and Yenti
Power Tzipora daughter of Yhushua and Yenti
Power Tzalcha daughter of Yhushua and Yenti
Power Yosef son of Yakov, his wife Bila and their chidlren
Power Ahron son of Yakov
Power Eitzi son of Yakov
Power Montzi son of Yakov[Page 560]
Podkhortz Yakov, his wife Rachel (of Gelber family) their son Mordekai
Filchner Meir and his extended familyTzuckerkendel Gershon son of Arieh and Khaya
Tzadik Return
Tzuckerkendel Hana (Bresh family)
Tzuckerkendel Shaul son of Gershon Yakov and Hana
Tzuckerkendel Golda daughter of Gershon Yakov and Hana
Tzuckerkendel Nechama daughter of Gershon Yakov and Hana
Tzuckerkendel Moshe Leb, his wife Feige
Tzuckerkendel Mendel, his wife Fruma
Tzuckerkendel Zalman son of Mendel and Fruma
Tzuckerkendel Miriam daughter of Mendel and Fruma
Cigman Khaim Shlomo and his wife and their children
Cigman Moshe son of Khaim Shlomo
Tzukerman Baruch (from Sokal) his wife and their children Mendel ( ..)Kramnitzer Khya (of Levental family) from Brilow
Kuf Return
Kendel Libtzi, his wife and their families
Kendel (Flechner) Feige (of Vitkowski family) and their children
Krigshaber Soshia
Krigshaber Lipe, his wife Hentzi (Pflechner family) and their children
Klinman Eli and his wife Sara
Klinman Lola daughter of Eli and Sara
Klinman Krindel daughter of Eli and Sara
Klaff Yosef, his wife and their familyRimler Michel and his wife Frieda
Raish Return
Rimler Yakov son of Michel and Frieda and his wife Feige (of Halperin family)
Rimler Leah daughter of Yakov and Feige
Rimler Eiziou son of Yakov and Feige
Rimler Etel daughter of Yakov and Feige
Rimler Yosef son of Yakov and Feige
Rimler Ben Zion son of Michel and Frieda, his wife Rifka (Sthricker family) and their children
Reiss Moshe, his wife, daughter Nesia and their other childrenShumer Shimshon and wife Rachel
Sheen Return
Shumer Mendel son of Shimshon, his wife and children from L'vov
Shumer Yitzkhak son of Shimshon, his wife and children
Shtimpler Hana Bila
Shtimpler Yitzkhak son of Yakov, his wife Feige (Raubfogel family)
Shtimpler Hinda daughter of Yitzkhak and Feige
Shtimpler Yakov son of Yitzkhak and Feige
Shtimpler Lupa son of Yitzkhak and Feig
Shtimpler Moshe son of Meir Shmuel
Shtimpler Yosef son of Meir Shmuel
Shtimpler Devorah daughter of Meir Shmuel
Shtimpler Lipshe daughter of Maiy Rshmaul
Shtimpler Nacha daughter of Yosef
Shtimpler Mizi daughter of Yosef
Shtimpler Nina daughter of Yosef
Shtimpler Eitzi Wolf, his wife Regina (Kahana family)
Shtimpler Hirsh son of Eitzi Wolf
Shtimpler Reizli daughter of Eitzi Wolf
Shtimpler Sima (Power family) and children: Bertha, Pini, Palik, ( .)
Shtimpler Tovia son of Shalom, his wife Reize (from Olsek)
Shtricker Kheitzi daughter of Tovia
Shtricker Montzi son of Tovia
Shtricker Miriam daughter of Tovia
Shtricker Brish son of Shalom and his wife
Shtricker Hirsh son of Shalom, his wife Toni and their children[Page 561]
Shtricker Yhushua son of Shalom, his wife Sarah and their duaghter, son-in-law and grandchildren
Shtricker Yakov and his wife
Shtricker Shalom son of Yakov
Shtricker Yosef son of Yakov
Shkolnick BenZion, his wife Freida Rachel
Shkolnick Moti son of BenZion, his wife Kila and their children
Shkolnick Arieh son of BenZion
Shkolnick Eizik son of BenZion
Shkolnick Fromtzi daughter of BenZion
Shkolnick Shlomtzi daughter of BenZion
Sargel Hersh Lib
Sargel Israel and Tzipora
Shraga Nechama
Shomer Batya
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Updated 14 Oct 2016 by LA