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Bogner, Nachum Dr. At the Mercy of Strangers. Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, 2009.
Cohen, Jonathan. The Great Escape of Polish Jews 1946-1947, Jerusalem: Yad Vashem.
Dekel, Efraim. Bri'ha: Flight to the Homeland. New York: Herzl Press, 1972.
Deutchkron, Inga. The Anonymous Donor from Caracas Reveals Himself, Maariv Newspaper, April 23, 1982.
Dobroszycki Lucjan. “Survival of the Holocaust in Poland- A Portrait based on Jewish Committee Records 1944-1947.” Published by M.E. Sharpe, Armonk, New York. USA.
Grobman, Alex. Battling for Souls. Jersey City, N.J: Ktav Publishing House, 2004.
Nachmani-Gafni, Emunah Dr. Hidden Children in Poland, Israel. Hebrew.
Herzog, Itzhak Levi. Testimony of Itzhak Levi, February16, 1950.
Joint Archives in Israel.
Kahana, Dawid Rabbi. After the Deluge. Jerusalem: 1981. Hebrew.
Kahana, Dawid Rabbi. The Diary of the Ghetto of Lemberg. Jerusalem: 1979.
Kochavi, Arieh J. Post Holocaust Politics. North Carolina Press. 2004.
Kokkonen, Susanna Dr. Jewish Displaced Persons in Postwar Italy, 1945-1951. 2008.
Kovner, Abba. On The Narrow Bridge. Tel Aviv: 1981. Hebrew.
Kurtz, Aaron David. From Ashes to Live. Israel 2002.
Livne, Anat. “The Joint participation in the activities of the Bricha and illegal Aliyah, 1945-1948 in Europe.” Presented as an M.A degree dissertation thesis at Tel Aviv University. August 2004. Hebrew.
Lukes, Igor. On the Edge of the Cold War. Oxford Press, 2012.
Lukes, Igor. The Czech special services against American intelligence during the Cold War 1945-1948, Project Muse, Vol.1. Number 9. MIT Press. Winter 2007.
Marks, Jane. The Hidden Children. New York: Fawcet Columbine, 1993.
New York Post front page dated October 2 1945.
Pinkas Hakehilot -Yad Vashem.
Pfeffer,Maurice “ Noch dem Bafraiung” and translated into French.
Published by Kalman-Levy in 2008.
Rosner, Leo. The Holocaust Remembered. USA 1998, pp.97-100.
Szulc, Tad. The Secret Alliance. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1991.
Shapiro. Political Activities by Rabbi Herzog in Europe. Jerusalem: Yad Vashem, Hebrew.
Shragai, Zalman. The Rescue Trip in Europe, report, Jerusalem 1947.
Slovas, Shulem Dr. The Katyn Forest, Maariv publishers, Yad Vashem.
Smok Martin - movie entitled “Brichah”. Toman confirms in an interview that he received such a call from Masaryk.
Smok Martin – Documentary dealing with the Czech political trials.
Turkov, Jonas En Pologne. Après la Liberation. Written in Yiddish.
The recorded testimonies of Tziporah Inbar, Hawa Kleinman, Batia Eisenstein, David Danieli, Shlomo Korn and Orna Keret.
UNRRA archives in Israel.
Urad Documentace A vyestrovani Zlocinu Komunismu, Policie Ceskie Republky. Czech police documents pertaining to Communist regime crimes.
Warhaftig, Zorach. The Uprooted Jewish Refugees and Displaced Persons after Liberation: From War to Peace, Vol. 5 (New York: Institute of Jewish Affairs of the American Jewish Congress and World Jewish Congress, 1946.
Whitemore, Brian. The Globe and Mail (The Boston Globe) newspaper. Interview with one of the Czech adoptees searching for her past. Ms.Uzlova was interviewed in Prague on 23/6/2001.
Yad Vashem Archives.
Zertal, Idit. From Catastrophe to Power: The Holocaust Survivors and the Emergence of Israel. California University Press, 1998.
Interviews with Anna Neufeld, Awraham Rosenberg, Batia Eisenstein, David Danieli, Avishay Braverman, Leo Rosner, Shimshon Lang, William Leibner.
First we'd like to thank Larry “Bulldog” Freund for his tireless work in shaping the translation of the manuscript into book format. Rachel Barkai, Director of Commemoration and Public Relations, Yad Vashem; Dr. Robert Rozette, Director of Yad Vashem library; Rachel Cohen, Secretary of Yad Vashem library; Mimi Ash at the Yad Vashem Media Center in Jerusalem; David Sinai, Head of Human Resources Department, and all of Yad Vashem staff at the various research stations in Jerusalem.
Many thanks are in order to my wife, Claudette Leibner, who helped with the artistic layout of the cover page.
Thanks to Linda Price for helping to put the material in the proper perspective.
Special thanks are in order for Emil Leibner who constantly provided technical media assistance. We also want to express our thanks to all the translators of the various documents that enabled us to write the book.
Special mention is in order for Dr. Zvi Fine who provided background material and guidance in the area of Joint operations in Europe.
Ingrid Rockberger deserves a special citation for the hard work of shaping the Unlikely Hero of Sobrance into a presentable and readable story.
We would also like to thank all the people that were interviewed and extended cooperation and goodwill to the project.
William Leibner and Larry Price
Jerusalem, Israel
July 2016
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