The Book of Skierniewice
(Skierniewice, Poland)

51°58' / 20°09'

Translation of
Sefer Skierniewice: le-zeykher der fartilikter kehileh kdosheh

Edited by : Itzhak Perlow

Published in Tel Aviv 1955

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Skierniewice




This is a translation from: Sefer Skierniewice: le-zeykher der fartilikter kehileh kdosheh
The book of Skierniewice,
Editors: Itzhak Perlow, Former Residents of Skierniewice in Israel, Tel Aviv 1955 (Y, 722 pages)

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TOC translated by Yocheved Klausner

Foreword The Editors 9
Foreword Yitzhak Perlov 13
Map of the Town
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Our Town

Monograph Aryeh Tsidkuni (Leybl Tsudkovitsh) 21
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Under Czarist Rule and German Occupation

The Czar and his suite Zalman Holz 161
Yente “the caught one” Perl Rosenbaum 165
The “Progress” Society Zalman Holz 172
The 1914 deportation from Skierniewice Zalman Holz 179
The “Lech-Lecha” [Go out] Torah Portion Simcha Spiegel 184
Founding the first Zionist Organization Aharon Rosenbaum 193
Learners and sharp minds Alter Teiblum 218
My father is charged with espionage Moshe Russak 221
How my brother was saved Rivka Holz-Lieberman 224
Sent from Heaven David Holz 228
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Stchipiorne prisoners camp Elimelech Rosenblum-Vardi 233
Poems from Stchipiorne Yechiel Weinact / Moshe Vogel 241
How I survived David Holz 244
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The writings of Manele Levkowitz

The Heder years 249
Godel Schenker 251
The Hatzefira newspaper 252
The Cholera epidemic 253
The cantor and slaughterer 254
Achdut [“Unity” ] and the “Sabbath Observers” 255
Yidel Dondik 258
Beggars 260
Shloimele the butcher and his wife, a “woman of worth” 260
“Metricals” [records] and Yahrzeits [memorial days] 262
Zionism in the year 1896 263
The Prophet Eliyahu [Elijah] ?... 264
Doctors and barber-surgeons 264
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Cultural-Social, Political, Religious and Philantropic Activity

There once was a town with Jews [poem] Aharon Rosenbaum 271
The Ahavat Zion [love of Zion] little synagogue Anshel Abramowitch 274
The Tif'eret Zion [splendor of Zion] Association Tuvia Leibush Reichenbach 276
Agudat Israel Chaim Shlomo Gottesgenade 279
Beloved Figures Chaim Shlomo Gottesgenade 287
The Hechalutz movement in the attic... Shmuel Liebfeld 293
The “Union” Yosef Landa and Leibel Rosenfeld 295
“Herzliya” Moshe Landa 298
The youth league “Zukunft” [future] Avraham Moshe Levkowitz 305
The “unbelievers” from the Mizrachi movement Zev Zeide 312
Kosher food for Jewish soldiers Yeshayahu Blatt 316
Charity deeds Yakov Levkowitz 319
“The meaning of a flag” Eliezer Herz 329
From a letter Pinkus Zimmering 331
The last Committees A list 335
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Figures, Types and Episodes

Our street Ahuva Tzidkoni (Borenstein) 343
Our courtyard Azriel Kotchinski 353
The nice balebatim [lit. home-owners] Israel Heller 356
The Rabbi R'Simcha Reuven Pinchevski 359
R'Efraim Lieberman Ch. Eisenberg 364
Visiting my home Reuven Gottlieb 367
From my private gallery Zalman Holz
      Moshe Bombel 371
      The rabbi Shiye 371
      R'Leibel Lieberman 373
      Hinde wife of Shimon-Yosef 375
      R'Arie Asher 376
      R'Sholem Shochet [slaughterer] 377
      Fanie Deitcher 377
      R'Avraham Itzik Leib's 379
      “The sale of Yosef” 380
Zliche is riding a horse and Dvoire is fainting Tuvia Leibush Reichenbach 383
The characters in the “sale of Yosef” play List of performers 385
Two episodes S. Kalikstein 386
The Shotkovske Alley Simcha Spiegel 388
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Skierniewice Heroes
Fallen in Israel's War of Independence

Dovid'l Anshel Abramovitch 393
With Dudek in Italy Shimon Inovlotzki 397
This was David Yitzhak Goldberg 399
Nathan's route from Kotzk to the Haganah Meir Bornstein-Scharfhartz 400
My friend Nathan Arie Tzidkoni (Leibel Tzudkowitz) 404
Binyamin the poet, artist and fighter David Geltzer-Etzioni 406
My grandson Shalom Yezhora Nathan Itzkowitz 409
Efraim (“Piske” ) and Chana Zvi Firstenberg 412
Chaim Tuvia Leibush Reibenbach 417
Menachem Tuvia Leibush Reibenbach 420
Yoel, in the dark August-night Simca Spichler 423
My friend Yoel Elyam 427
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The Years of Pain, Destruction and death
The stories of our survivors

The struggle for life Mirele Erster-Leslau 431
“Joseph Podstolski” Meir Rosenthal 453
I risked my life for the Skierniewice rabbi Devora Kutchinska 465
In the Skierniewice forests Meir Bender 474
In the slaughter-towns Shimon Inovlotzki 488
“Out of the depths I have cried to You” [Psalms 130:1] Avraham Yakov Kolski 514
The last communal workers of Skierniewice and their self-sacrifice Azriel Kutchinski 528
In the labor-camps and in the death-camps Ite Weissman-Lindon 624
The history of the Jewish population in Skierniewice during the German occupation Zenon Djiewietzki 634
Our liberation Yosl Neuchowitz 644
The heroic captain Ch. L. Fuchs 650
In our ruined home town Chaim Frenkel 652
Our handful of survivors Niche Krippel 666
Kadish for the martyrs 670
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Skierniewicer in the World

Skierniewice Jews in America The New-York Committee 673
Skierniewice-Raver Landsmanshaft Society in England S. Elstein 687
Australia, Argentina and France Yosef Landau 693
In our own country Meir Sharfharz-Borenstein 700
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Our Dear Ones, Never Forgotten

Necrology 723
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Greetings and Acknowledgments

From Landsleit and from Landsmanshaft Organizations, on the occasion of the publication of this book 759
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From the Editorial Board 767
Table of Contents 769
Bibliography Yitzhak Perlov 773


Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
Emerita Yizkor Book Project Manager, Joyce Field z”l
This web page created by Lance Ackerfeld

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Updated 29 Oct 2024 by LA