The “Yischor” Book in Memoriam of the
Jewish Community of Skarzysko and its Surroundings
(Skarżysko-Kamienna, Poland)

51°07' / 20°54'

Translation of
Skarzysko-Kamienna sefer zikaron

Published by: Skarzysko Society

Published in Tel Aviv 1973

Our sincere appreciation to Yad Vashem
for the submission of the necrology for placement on the JewishGen web site.

This is a translation of: Skarzysko-Kamienna sefer zikaron
(The “Yischor” book in memoriam of the Jewish community of Skarzysko and its surroundings),
Published by: Skarzysko Society, in Tel Aviv 1973 (H,Y 260 pages)

Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Skarzysko-Kamienna (1973)

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Translated by Yocheved Klausner

Hebrew Section
Foreword Dr. I. Karmish 9
Preface Eliezer Levin 11
Introduction Yerachmiel Scher 13
History of the Jewish settlement in Skarzyko Yerachmiel Scher 17
Bet Midrash [house of learning] Yerachmiel Scher 18
The Shtiebl [Hasidic synagogue] of the Aleksander Hasidim Eliezer Levin 19
The Agudat Israel Organization Yerachmiel Scher 20
Chaim David and Chaim Nathan's Hadarim [heder=Torah school] Yerachmiel Scher 21
Hechalutz Hatza'ir Organization Zvi Polositzki 22
Market days in Skarzysko Eliezer Levin 23
Balegoles [wagon owners] and porters in Skarzyko Eliezer Levin 23
Figures in town Yakov Frant 25
R'Israel Rosenberg Yakov Shapira 26
Bunim Berish Hasida 27
R'Eliezer Berkowitz Yitzhak Goren 28
R'Eliezer Berkowitz Yerachmiel Scher 28
R'Chaim Meir Altman Yerachmiel Scher 29
Yukel and Yankel Yerachmiel Scher 29
My Family Lea Lieberbaum 30
My home Yerachmiel Scher 31
Beila the Rebbitzin [the rabbi's wife] Yerachmiel Scher 33
The Train Street, across the Bridge Tusya Mekori 34
Pictures Yerachmiel Scher, Avraham Yosef Scher 35
Moshe Zuker Batya 35
Annihilation Eliezer Levin 36
The terrible massacre in Skarzyko after Liberation Eliezer Levin 37
A young boy's impressions from the days of WWII Moshe Orion 39
Words by Yosef Arad at the Memorial Gathering Yosef Arad (Ersenberg) 41
Yiddish Section
The Town before it was Destroyed
Preface Eliezer Levin 45
Skarzysko   45
Our town Skarzysko Yakov Frant 46
Social Institutions Yakov Frant 50
The establishment of Beitar Yakov Frant 52
Chaim David and Chaim Nathan's Hadarim [heder=Torah school] Yerachmiel Scher 54
The Ludawy Bank Chaia Shapira 54
The Aleksander Shtiebl [Hasidim synagogue] Eliezer Levin 55
Yukel and Yankel Yerachmiel Scher 58
R'Mendel Feldman Yerachmiel Briks 59
My town Skarzysko Chaia Shapira 62
R'Israel Rosenberg Yakov Shapira 63
Figures in town Yakov Frant 64
There once was a Shtetl Binyamin Wolovski 68
What I remember Chaim Schiefman 72
Life in Skarzysko Yakov Moshe Eisenberg 73
My Father the “Lover of the Jewish People” Hershel Polosevski 73
My Father Yechezkel the Ritual Slaughterer Sara Auerbach 74
Theater in town Mindel Rosenberg 75
My uncle Meir Scher Yosef Briks 76
Memory of the towm Yosef Briks 77
Ghetto and Camps
The first days Eliezer Levin 81
The beginning Yakov Frant 82
The first days Yerachmiel Briks 93
The beginning of destruction Binyamin Wolovski 85
The darkest Shemini Atzeret Holiday in 1942 H. M. Warde 87
The Holocaust Yakov Moshe Eisenberg 88
Memories of destruction Yerachmiel Wolpowitz 88
Memories from the Ghetto and the Camp Moshe Kriss 89
The liquidation Eliezer Levin 90
The death factories Mordechai Striegler 95
My life in the camp Chaia Shapira 104
Memories Yakov Frischman 108
Shlomo Silberblum   111
Mordechai Goldwasser   112
Lala Wegman   115
Eva Zuker   116
Shlomo Blumgold   120
Mordechai Shledoshik   124
Avraham Weingarten   127
Marila Lieberman   128
Yanina Latowitz   131
Malka Milchman   132
Dr. Israel Rom-Rablast   132
Maniek Aratch (Orion)   135
Regina Kalman   135
Sala Goldman   136
Meir'l Musikant   139
Yitzhak Figlartchik   143
Fale Hartzman   144
Sara Ritcheval   144
Graf Hella   144
Ignatz Goldstein   145
Michael Braun   145
Chaim Kaltan   147
Yerachmiel Goldharr   147
Melech Blostein   149
Lea Fischman   151
Skarzysko After the Holocaust
My birthtown has become a stranger Avraham Yosef Scher 155
The picture Yerachmiel and Avraham Yosef Scher 156
The frightful massacre Eliezer Levin 156
My home Chaia Shapira 160
Skarzysko in 1945 Yosef Briks 161
The song of the murdered Jewish People Yitzhak Katzenelson 163
Necrology   169-219
The Committee of the Former Residents of Skrzysko
The Committee of the Former Residents of Skrzysko Eliezer Levin 227
Excerpts from Memories about our Town [H] Yerachmiel ben Moshe Silberman 239
Activities of the Organization Committee and Book Committee [H] Yerachmiel Scher 240
Opening speech of Zvi Abramowitz   241
Activities of the Organization Committee and Book Committee Yerachmiel Scher 243
List of the survivors living in Israel   245
List of the survivors living outside Israel   246
English Section
Foreword Dr. I. Kermish  
The History of the Jewish Settlement in Skarzysko Yerachmiel Shier 258
The Alexander Shtibel Eliazar Levin 257
Yukel and Yekel Yerachmiel Shier 256
The Liquidation Eliazar Levin 255
The Visitors at Our Home Yerachmiel Shier 253
Reb Eliezer Berkowitz Izhak Goren 252
The “Chadorim” of Chaim Dovid and Chaim Nosn Yerachmiel Shier 251
A “Seder” Night in “Hasag” Camp Elazar Levin 250
G–d Bless Jacob Frant 248
An Experience In the Ghetto of Skarzysko Elazar Levin 248
The Young Pioneer Union Tsvi Polositzky 259
A Young Boy's Impressions of the Second World War Moshe Oryan (Oratch) 261
The Terrible Massacre in Skarzysko after the Liberation Eliezer Levin 265
The Prayer-House Yerachmiel Shier 269
Market Day in Skarzysko Eliezer Levin 270
The Shtettel Joe Ross (Rosenzweig) 272


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