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[Unnumbered page 2]

לְמַעַן יֵדְעוּ, דּוֹר אַחֲרוֹן – בָּנִים יִוָּלֵדוּ; יָקֻמוּ, וִיסַפְּרוּ לִבְנֵיהֶם

(תהילים ע"ח ו)

That the generation to come might know them, even the children that should be born;
who should arise and tell them to their children
(Psalm 78)

[Unnumbered page 3]


Sefer Serock


Mordechai Gelbert


Editorial Board
Baruch Katzenellenbogen – Hanoch Vardi – Shlomo Stardiner



Published by Former residents of Serock in Israel Tel Aviv, 1971


[Unnumbered page 4]

(Blank page)

[Unnumbered page 5]

[Unnumbered page 6]


May G-d remember the pure and holy souls of our Brethren in Israel, the residents of the town of Serock: men and women, elderly and infants, martyrs and heroes of the holocaust, who were murdered, strangled, burned, and buried alive for the sanctification of G-d's name.

May the memory of their sacrifice and their brave deeds never leave us, and may their souls be bound up in the bonds of everlasting life, together with the souls of the holy ones and the brave ones of the Nation of Israel forever and ever.

[Unnumbered page 7]

Book Editorial Board

Mordechai Gelbert
Baruch Katzenellenbogen
Chairperson of the
Hanoch Vardi
Initiator of the Book
Editorial Consultant
Shlomo Stardiner
Secretary and Treasurer
of the Organization


Book Committee Members

From left to right:
Row 1: Yisrael Markovitz, Bunim Fogelman, Chava Fogelman, Artist Yehoshua Grossbard, Rav Yosef Katzenellenbogen
Row 2: Yechiel Mair Vardiman Werschevsky, Yaakov Mendolevsky, Rivka Mendolevsky, Yehuda Mendolevsky, Mela Yoskovitz Rosenberg
Row 3: Malka Rosenberg, Rafael Friedman, Baruch Gorman, Yosef Penivsky

[Unnumbered page 8]

  1. Mill of Moshe Rozenberg
  2. Mill of Beryl Itshkovitsh and Motel Viernik
  3. The Catholic Cemetery
  4. The New Town Council House
  5. ---- no entry -----
  6. The House of Milshtein
  7. The House of Abraham Yaakov Pniyevsky
  8. The House of Village Doctor Tyk
  9. The Pharmacy of Cybulski
  10. The House of Sokolovsky
  11. The House of The Family Bukhenek
  12. The Town Mikveh
  13. The House of the Old Rabbi
  14. Club of the League
  15. The Catholic Church
  16. The House of the Last Town Rabbi: The Rav Morgenshtern
  17. The Well in the Market-place
  18. The Old Council House
  19. Meeting Place of the Zionist Federation and Mizrachi
  20. The House of Yaakov Rozenberg
  21. Cellar where 70 Jews of Serock perished during the first bombardment
  22. The Big Gerer Hassidim Shtibl
  23. Club of Jewish Orchestra
  24. Club of “Hashomer Hatzeir”
  25. The Kehilah (Jewish Community) -House
  26. The Large Town Shul
  27. The Forge (i.e., blacksmith's) of Aba-Leib Freidman
  28. Goretsky's Vegetable-Garden
  29. Napoleon's Hill
  30. The Theater Zol “Yotshenko”
  31. The House of Rav Menachem Koshemacher
  32. The Store of Aaron Paskowicz
  33. The Residence of the Magid (i.e., preacher)
  34. The House of Hillel Katsev (butcher) and Yitzhak Myer Apelboym
  35. Cheder “Yesoidey HaToiro” (name given to schools network of Agudas Yisroel in Poland)
  36. The Spring
  37. The Hot Well
  38. The Big Sawmill
  39. The New and Old Cemetery
  40. The Island in the Narew River
  41. The Crossing Point of Yehoshua Przeworznik
  42. A Small Wooden Bridge
  43. The Last Road (at the time of the extermination, December 5,1939)

[Unnumbered page 11 - Hebrew] [Unnumbered page 13 - Yiddish]

To All the Former Residents of Serock

(On Publication of this Book)

Following the shocking holocaust that annihilated thousands of Jewish communities in Europe, including our very own Serock, we felt – we, the former residents of Serock in Israel – a righteous obligation to publish a “Yizkor book” to serve as a memorial and a Ner Tamid for the Jewish lives filled with life and creativity that made noise in our town , for the pure and holy souls of parents, brothers, sisters, friends and acquaintances, against whom the hand of the Grim Reaper was raised, and who perished in the ghettoes, extermination camps, gas chambers and incinerators, amongst whom are many who have no survivors or refugees.

This was not an easy undertaking. Not many refugees remained from the Serock community, and the few who survived had scattered all around the globe, and we had to travel to them to collect and organize the material. Nor was it simple to raise the financial means to publish the book, and only after an enormous effort by a small handful of people who devoted themselves to this huge task with great determination, and with the help of the emigrants of Serock, living all around the globe, this book has been published, and with the excitement of one fulfilling a sacred duty – we deliver it to you.


In this book, there are chapters on Jewish Serock before its destruction, chapters about the people who lived there, chapters about the atrocities of its annihilation, about the distressing and agonizing paths of the few survivors and their fights for their lives and freedom, and information about the activities of the former residents of Serock in Israel and the Diaspora. There is also a list in the book of our dear ones that perished in the holocaust, and obituaries written by family and friends.

It is possible that the book is incomplete, and that there are many areas of life missing, and many people who have not been mentioned, but please do not hold us responsible; these omissions were unintentional. The book was written by refugees that remained from Jewish Serock, and if we were unable to find someone to write about a particular area, or if someone was not metioned, then, unfortunately, they will have no mention in this book, and only the one that remembers the forgotten ones will remember them for good…


[Unnumbered page 12 - Hebrew] [Unnumbered page 14 - Yiddish]

We will accept and receive this book with love and understanding, because it is ours. Within its pages the stories of our parents and our families are told, as are tales about the place we lived and spent time in our youth, where we hoped and we dreamed about a better world.

We will make it a practice to read chapters from this book on memorial days for the community of Serock.

We will bring this book into our homes, and tell its stories to our children, who will never know the town, or the people and the events mentioned within, so they too will know who and how their ancestors were, and all about their aspirations and how they fought for their Jewish and human lives!

And even with the new generation, who have grown up in the state of Israel, and do not know what exile and diaspora is, we will tell them about their full heritage, and the bravery and glory of those that paved the path to redemption.

May this book be a memorial for the Jewish Serock that has been destroyed and is no more, and it should be bound up in the bonds of life of the people of Israel forever and ever!

  Baruch Katzenellenbogen
Chairperson of the Organization for the Former Residents of Serock in Israel

[Unnumbered page 15]

Upon the conclusion of Sefer Serock, we feel proudly obligated to thank all the former residents of our city, currently in Israel, Europe, North America and Argentina, with whose full and wholehearted cooperation and financial aid, we were able to publish this book.

Special thanks must be offered to the eminent President of the State of Israel:

Mr. Zalman Shazar

for his generous financial contribution for the publication of this book.

We must also recognize our dear and unforgettable friends who have passed on:

Shlomo Merla of blessed memory (Israel) and Calman Weinkrantz of blessed memory (Canada), who were amongst the founding members of our organization and our business.

Our late and unforgettable friends, Shlomo Merla of blessed memory (Israel) and Calman Weinkrantz of blessed memory (Canada), who were amongst the founding members of our organization and our business.

Organization of the Former Residents of Serock in Israel


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Yizkor Book Director, Lance Ackerfeld
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Updated 29 Jul 2014 by LA