47°48' / 22°53'
Translation of
Zekhor et Satmar; sefer ha-zikaron shel yehudei Satmar
Editor: Naftali Stern
Published in Bnai Brak 1984
Hebrew Translator
Carol Ungar
Translation Editors
Karen Leon, Jane S. Gabin & Allison H. Benson
Our sincere appreciation to Yad Vashem
Note: The original book can be seen online at the NY Public Library site: Satu Mare
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Our mission is to produce a translation of the original work and we cannot verify the accuracy of statements or alter facts cited.
Yizkor - Kadish - Memorial Prayer | 6 | |
Out of the depths I call to You | The Editor | |
Yizkor to Marcel Berger and Ari Katz | 19 | |
Why were we so delayed in putting out this book? | 20 | |
The Story of the Community of Satmar from its Founding Until the Holocaust | 22 | |
The Satmar Rabbis zl | 33 | |
Chaya Roiza (Roizaleh) zl, the daughter of the Rebbe | 42 | |
The Tzaddik Rabbi Eliezer Fish zl | 44 | |
The visit of the Biksader Rebbe to Satmar | 45 | |
HaRav HaGaon Rabbi Avraham Hanoch Friedman zl | 46 | |
Tiferet Bachurim | 47 | |
Cantors in Satmar | 48 | |
The City of Satu Mare and its Jews | Professor Haim Shamir | 50-53 |
Auschwitz: the story of Moshe Neufeld (Kibbutz Barkai) | 53-55 | |
My visit to the Dachau Camp | Naftali Stern | 56 |
And of Zion it shall be said (Psalms 86:5) | Rabbi Yitzchak Yehuda Kelmer | 57 |
I remember Satmar Well | Yehuda Fried | 57-58 |
Ghetto Suicides | 59-62 | |
List of synagogues and study halls in Satmar until the destruction | 63 | |
The Police search in the synagogues | 64-65 | |
A New Immigrant from the Next World | 66 | |
Uncle Kapeli, aged two weeks | 67 | |
My War with G-d | 68-69 | |
Good memories of a good doctor | 70 | |
74 Degree Heat | 71-72 | |
The Golden Album of Jewish First World War Veterans from the Hungarian Army | 72 | |
Family memories (in three series) | 73-144 | |
Purim in Satmar | 145 | |
Zionism | 145-149 | |
20 Otbosh Street, More memories | 148 | |
Jewish Life in Post War Satmar | 149 | |
Erratum | The Editor | 151 |
The Promise I Didn't Keep | Moshe Neufeld | 152-153 |
Why? | Anna Hegedus | 156-157 |
Uncle Stern remained hungry | 157-158 | |
The loss of the photographs of the 1946 memorial service | 158 | |
The Editor's Parting Words | The Editor | 159 |
Acknowledgements | ||
Translated by Ágnes Szegő |
Photographs of Satu Mare | 4 | |
Prisoner's ID card and number | 9 | |
Map of Northern Transylvania and martyr ceremony in the heroes' cemetery | 10 | |
The Editor's forward | 1118 | |
Yizkor: Nándor Singer and his companions, Marcel Berger for Arie Katz | 19 | |
Satu Mare in English | 20 | |
Why were we (the Jews) 40 years late with the publication of our memorial book? | 2123 | |
The history of the Jewish community in Satu Mare from its foundation to the Holocaust | 2440 | |
Chief Rabbis of Satu Mare | 4047 | |
Chief Rabbis Dr. Jordán Singer and Dr. József Friedman, zl | 2930 | |
Chief Rabbi Joel Teitelbaum's meeting with the Romanian King, Charles II | ||
Chaja Raize Teitelbaum violates the holiday | 48 | |
Lázár Fisch, the Rebbe of Bixad | 49 | |
Rabbi Mose David Winternitz, Rosh Beit Din | 4950 | |
Rabbi Avrahám Chánoch Friedman, Dayan | 5051 | |
Synagogues and houses of prayer in Satu Mare | 51 | |
Jewish Cantors of Satu Mare | 52 | |
The town and the Jews of Satu Marewritten by Prefessor Cháim Sámir | 5357 | |
Auschwitzwritten by Mose Neufeld | 5861 | |
Suicides of the ghetto | 6267 | |
A new immigrant from the afterlife | 6768 | |
House search in the synagogues on the last day of Passover | 6870 | |
Struggle with the Creator | 7071 | |
Sad memory of a good doctor of Satu Mare (Dr. Gyula Lasz's death) | 7172 | |
Seventy four degree fever | 7374 | |
Uncle Kapli at the age of two weeks | 75 | |
Letter to Colonel Imre Reviczky | 6667 | |
List of Jewish community leaders 18691931 | 7883 | |
Golden Album of JewishHungarian war veterans (from WWI) | 8499 | |
Yizkorfamily commemorations (approximately 1200) | 100183 | |
My vow, which I did not keep; written by Mose Neufeld | 184185 | |
Souls, salvation of our souls; written by Miklos Kalmar | 186 | |
Tiferet BachurimGlorious youth, written by Abraham (Bucsi) Rosenberg | 186 | |
Why? written by Mrs. Anna Molnar, nee Hegedus | 187189 | |
My memories of Satu Mare, written by Jeno Farkas | 189 | |
Satu Mare memorial book, written by Dr. Mendi Davidovits, zl | 190191 | |
The cheder of Satu Mare | 191 | |
Purim in Satu Mare | 192 | |
I remember, I remember Satu Mare well, written by Jehuda Fried | 193 | |
Zionism | 194196 | |
20 Eötvös Street; written by Jichak Pollak | 196197 | |
Marcell Berger's comrade | 197 | |
Zionism (sequel) | 198203 | |
Protest of the Jews of Satu Mare against the Palestinian massacres | 204 | |
Sports life in Satu Mare, written by Zoltan Ferber | 205 | |
Uncle Stern remained hungry | 206 | |
The disappearance of the photos of the memorial ceremony held in Satu Mare in May, 1946 | 207 | |
About the Jews of Satu Mare, written by Naftali Stark | 208 | |
The struggle of progressive Jewry in Satu Mare against antiSemitism | 209 | |
Jewish life in Satu Mare after the Holocaust | 216212 | |
Rectification | 212 | |
Business advertisements and commercials | 213233 | |
The author of the Memorial Book would like to thank the members of the Memorial Book committee | 234235 | |
Satu Mare list of people who prepaid for an edition of the Memorial Book | 236237 | |
Closing remarks by the author | 238 | |
Necrology extracted from Family memories |
Yizkor Book Project
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