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Entrance to the Rozhishcher's cemetery in New York |
The organization in the United States is called The Society of Rozhishch Survivors. Bob (Berl) Gellerstein was its founder and first chairman. He is now the honourary president. He takes part in all the activities of the organization and maintains close contact with the Israeli society, and before Pesach each year, it is his custom to send us ma'ot chitin (to give assistance to the needy for Passover) . He visits Israel often, and here, too, he is an active partner in all our activities.
Baruch Rozen, of blessed memory, was the chairman of the United States organization until the time of his death in November, 1975. He will be sorely missed by all of us, and we regret that he has not lived to see the publication of this book in which he took so active and enthusiastic an interest.
Bella Tepper is the secretary, Zusia Kromirs the treasurer, and among the active members are Paul Perlmutter, Ted Royffe, Phyiis and Shike Widra.
Each year this organization holds a memorial service. It has purchased its own cemetery in New York, and has sent money to
The late Baruch Rozen (who died in November, 1975) at the wedding of his daughter in New York |
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Booklet published by the First Rozhishcher Benev. Ass'n. in New York in 1917 |
the organization in Israel for the purchase of Beth Rozhishch and maintains active and close contact with us. Many of its members have visited Israel and Beth Rozhishch.
The Steinway grand piano for the Beth Rozhishch clubroom was donated by the Committee in the memory of the late Max Garbuz. The chairs for the auditorium were donated by Abe Perlmutter, Denver Colorado. There are many other members of the United States committee who are active and their names are inscribed on our Honour Roll.
The 18th anniversary of the First Rozhishcher Benev. Ass'n. in New York, 15 December 1929 |
The society bearing the above name was composed of Rozhishchers who had immigrated to the United States at the beginning of the century. It was founded on May 31, 1913 and comprised many tens and perhaps even many hundreds of members. Its objective was mutual benefit and assistance.
Mr. Sam Shatz, when he visited Israel brought us the brochure of regulations of the society as well as the booklets which they had issued on the occasions of their 13th and 18th anniversaries.
During the Second World War, they maintained some contact with the Israel committee, headed by Leah Gavish. However, after those Rozhishchers who had arrived in the States just before and after World War Two organized themselves into another organization, these two groups apparently could not find a common language, and they did not unite nor did they maintain contact with each other. For some reason, this organization has not maintained contact with the Israel society either, and we regret that this important group of Rozhishchers was not a partner in the purchase of Beth Rozhishch and in the publication of this memorial book, although we did contact Mr. Zaaer in New York. Booklet published by the First Rozhishcher Benev. Ass'n. in New York in 1917.
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