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rok216a.jpg [37 KB] - Tarbus School
Tarbus School
(top row right to left) Stein (Shtein), Rachmiel Ruch, Honeh Arsh, Jacob Givovski, Hotse Katz;
(middle row, right) David Sudovski, Michel Harmetz, Yehiel Zamet, Hallel Eidelson,
Josef Kaspi, Joshua Tzin, Avrum Yoselevitz;
(front row right): Bunia Goldberg, Ephraim Grinberg, Fruma Gringard,
Vlades Adamonit (Lithuanian), Shifra Loifer, Rivke Nahumovitz

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[Page 218]
rok216b.jpg [42 KB] Hashomer Hatza'ir
Hashomer Hatza'ir Rokiskis, 18 June 1927
Laibke Milkin, Sara-Beyleh Epshtyn, Yente Flakh, Ete Rukh, unknown, Roha-Ayte Kremer,
Rivke Nahumovits, Blume Arsh, Bsyh Rif, Ete Vyner, Sara Pots, Mire Valavetsky,
Aysr Valpeh, Hana-Elke Kremer, Sima Vyngryn, Eley-Leah Kremer, Laibke Hurvits,
Israel-Shimkhe Shtyn, Chaim-Tuvyh Kats, Noteh Sytovits, Sher, unknown,
Rubyn Blumzan, Roha-Ayte Arelovits, Bun, Merke Kats, Israel Levin, Nyson Levin,
Itshak Rybak, Gite Rosenkovits, Shayne Levin, Nekhemeh Shymelovits, Bun,
Peshke from Beth-Hytymym, Roha-Ayte Kremer, Naftaly Sarver, Moishe Nahumovits
[names are listed without reference to location in photo]

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