by Binyamin Yemini
Translated by Hadas Eyal
Passed away in Jerusalem May 12, 1967
Reb Yitzhak-Shmuel Rozenblat came from the well-known Epstein-Szapira Radomski
family. Yitzhak was educated in the Cheder and Beit Midrash, as was customary
in those days. When he was only 12 years old, he asked to join the
'Tseiri-Mizrachi' organization founded by religious national youth after the
Balfour Declaration in 1917. Despite being the youngest, he completed every
task with love and dedication – collecting donations for the 'Keren
Kayemet', tutoring students at the 'Mizrachi' school, etc. He helped before he
was asked to out of simple friendship.
In 1926 he left his father's comfortable home to fulfill the ideals of Aliya and settlement. The beginning here was difficult, as it was for many of the first Olim, until he found work. He took on construction work, painted walls, nothing was beneath him and all work was accepted with love and done responsibly.
He married Malka, the daughter of our townsman reb Mordechai-Yosef (Melinovitser) Ben-Zvi z”l who was one of the first to make Aliya from Radomsk and passed away here at an old age. Reb Yitzhak-Shmuel was an honest person, a Hassid of the Levov Rabbi and in his close circle. The Rozenblat house was open to all and he was always welcomed in the homes of Radomskers in Israel. His sons were brought up on Torah, avoda, building the country and protecting it. Son Dov z” l was killed defending Gush Etzion in 1948.
May the memory of the father and the son be blessed and bound in the bond of
by David Margolevsky
My dear friend Y. Shmuel was a member of the 'Halutz Mizrachi' and a devoted
activist in all the Zionist institutions in Radomsk. He also participated in
all Torah and Talmud lessons. In Israel he managed to save some money from
exhausting work and until he was settled. His demeanor was that of a pleasant
honest Hasid and he loved to help those in need. Many of our townspeople came
to him for support for various purposes such as commerce, marriage of a
daughter, and charity.
It is a pity for those who are gone and no longer be found.
by his son Moshe
My father and teacher Yitzhak-Shmuel came to Israel in 1926, he was 20 years
old and a bachelor. We never spoke with father about his motives for leaving a
spacious comfortable home and Radomsk which he referred to as “a Judaism
town”. But as I matured and knew him better the reason became clear to me:
the special challenge in making Aliya in those days, the aspiration to
physically fulfill the mitzvah of every simple Jew to build Israel. And indeed,
he never thought to leave, not even in the times of crisis he experienced.
Father never became hooked to a certain political party. His Aliya and adaptation path in Israel had nothing to do with benefits from political institutions. He had enormous love for the country and people which he passed on to his sons. Three of the brothers participated in the War of Independence. Two joined the Army before the national institutions called people to join the war effort, the eldest brother Dov was killed.
Our father's most salient personality characteristic was his ambition to do everything to completion without giving up or compromising. He had no patience for those who promised but did not follow through and those who do not complete their task. He invested all necessary effort to reach his goals, calculating everything with precision. I think father's highest praise for another person was to say: “this person did his job in faith and ability”.
He liked two types of people: religious scholars because the Torah was very dear to him; and masterful craftsmen. He never discarded the days of hardship for him and the family during the time he worked in the Jezreel Valley and the Jordan Valley as a constructor and craftsman. The difficult times solidified his Jewish faith and pride in the creative, perfect, clean work he did.
I am uncomfortable praising my father in public and I'm sure he himself would not allow me to do so. But I must mention another of his prominent characteristics which he developed in his special way – the desire to help others. His house was open to every person, for either anonymous or named donations, for advice, or for restoring peace between two friends.
In conclusion, I will quote a paragraph of contemplation he wrote down. The
words summarize his expectations from others and from himself, not just from
judges: “It is said “Judges and guards put in all your gates”.
The word 'your' is there to teach us that every mitzvah begins with self-
judgement. To don every righteous and good attribute. To be clean. In the words
of Chazal: “Any religious judge who takes a bribe is not religious a
judge”. This idea is repeated in the scriptures with the words:
“Justice justice you shall pursue”. Be righteous yourself before you
judge others”.
[Page 579]
Among the heroes of the Six-Day War 1967 (5727)
by D. B.
Translated by Hadas Eyal
He is the son of Radomskers Rachel and David Buchman, born on May 1, 1937. His
early educational path took him from elementary school in the neighborhood of
Beit-HaKerem in Jerusalem, to high school in Kibbutz Mishmar HaEmek. He left
the Kibbutz in pursuit of higher education but the Kibbutz members admired and
loved him deeply until his heroic death.
At Hebrew University, Eilam completed two academic degrees – a BA in social sciences & humanities followed by a four-year MD degree. He excelled in all subjects and research projects as well as in a variety of sports, winning numerous medals in swimming, basketball, shot put, weightlifting and wrestling. In 1967 Eilam qualified for a spot on the national wrestling team scheduled to participate in an international sport event in India in November of that year.
Eilam met his wife Ruth when they were both members of the IDF delegation to the Dutch traditional 'Four Days March' in 1958. They wed in 1962 and became parents to son Alon in 1963.
Alongside sports, Eilam cultivated his musical talents learning the piano, oboe and accordion. From age 11 he frequently and diligently competed in live musical quiz shows on the Israeli radio “Kol Israel” in which he won many prizes. After years as one of the lead oboe players in the youth orchestra of the “Kibbutz HaArtsi” and the Hebrew University orchestra, he was offered a second-seat position in the “Kol Israel” orchestra.
Eilam's mandatory IDF service began in 1956. Within three months of joining the army he participated in the Sinai War, demonstrating impressive battle abilities in the Rafah front. After the war he was sent to officer training and was stationed as the commander of the patrol commando of “Golani” brigade. He held various combat positions in “Golani” until his release to reserve duty ranked captain in March 1959.
As a reserve commander of a paratrooper commando unit he was mobilized at the beginning of the Six-Day War. He was killed in the line of duty on June 7, 1967 in the battle to liberate the old city of Jerusalem when he led his squad with dedication and bravery under fire to extract wounded friends stuck in the section between the Lions' Gate and the Mount of Olives.
D. B.
The paratroopers in Jerusalem: The battle for the woundedOn the night of the combat operation to liberate Jerusalem, the paratrooper commando unit was given the mission to ascend and gain hold of the Mount of Olives and its vicinity. The operation began with the assistance of armored tanks which slowed down progression. The commando jeeps were ordered to bypass the tanks and ascend without them.
The road passed at the foot of the old-city walls then swerved at the Lions' Gate through the Valley of Hinnom towards the Mount of Olives. The first vehicle that passed over the valley was hit by heavy artillery fired from a Jordanian camouflaged tank straight ahead, followed immediately by machine gunfire from the Jordanian posts on the old city walls. Three of the soldiers in the first jeep were injured but managed to turn their vehicle and return. The three jeeps behind them were hit and began to burn.
Under heavy, efficient, well targeted Jordanian gunfire aided by flares they shot throughout the battle from 81 mm mortars, the Israeli commando extraction-rescue teams began their task. Captain Yaacov Eilam z”l led the first unit. For his exceptional bravery and dedication in extracting the wounded he was recommended for a medal of commendation.
For 90 minutes under relentless gunfire, Eliam and his soldiers successfully completed three rounds to their wounded friends dragging them back to a safety zone. Eilam reported there were three severely injured soldiers remaining on the bridge. An attempt to bring a tank to silence the Jordanian posts on the old city walls was delayed due to topographical difficulties. After two hours, Eilam and two commando soldiers reached the wounded by removing their protective vests, holding on to the side rails of the bridge and sliding themselves forward. After reaching the wounded, the two soldiers were also hit but made it back to the Israeli side. Eilam stayed with the three wounded on the bridge.
An Israeli machine gun was unable to destroy the Jordanian wall posts that were well fortified and well situated. The tank eventually made its way there but failed to hit the Jordanian posts and ran out of ammunition.
Eilam and the commando forces on the other side of the bridge communicated by yelling. On the forth hour of the battle he reported that the situation of the wounded was deteriorating and suggested the tank block the fire line between the Jordanian wall posts and the wounded so that maybe they could be saved. The tank almost reached the spot before it was hit and began to burn – it's three soldiers able to run to safety. The heat around the burning tanks caused its ammunition to explode and the fire light helped the Jordanians aim at the wounded on the bridge.
By the time the ammunition stopped exploding – there was no sound from Eilam. Another attempt under heavy Jordanian gunfire to reach the bridge through the valley failed.
Eilam stood out in his dedication to reach the wounded soldiers at any cost. He died with them. Despite the grave danger to himself he stayed, providing comfort and encouragement while also communicating with the forces. He could have probably saved himself but was loyal to the sacred paratrooper principle that wounded are never left in the battlefield.
(From “Haaretz” newspaper)
Passed away in the Israeli city of Holon on Nov. 2, 1967
by Yehuda L.
Translated by Hadas Eyal
David and Leah Konitspoler testifying in a Tel-Aviv
magistrates court hearing before an investigative
tribunal from Lindenberg Germany in 1966
David Konitspoler – a dear loyal friend – among the first to step up
to fulfill the idea of publishing this yizkor book and among its most
significant multitasking contributors to completion – passed away just as
this final edition was headed for printing, just short of the finish line of
this holy public project to which he dedicated his last years.
He walked amongst us as a community elder, a physical and psychological remnant of our community's Shoah and destruction. In past times, when Radomsk flourished, Konitspoler was a central figure in its political, Zionist and public arenas. His name and legacy are mentioned throughout this book.
David Konitspoler was born in Radomsk in 1896 to his parents Hana and Shlomo Ben-Tsadok Konitspoler, a labor-working family in town. His father was one of the 12 members (as the number of tribes of Israel) of the Mishmeret Kodesh Society founded by reb Zvi-Meir Hacohen Rabinovitch for the purpose of building the largest synagogue in Radomsk and maintaining it. As a child in this environment, David absorbed the Chasidic tradition and principles of Judaism. But once he matured and interacted with other town youth he was exposed to ideals of human equality and socialistic progress towards which the Jewish youth gravitated under Czarist Russia and conquered Poland before the First World War.
From then on, David sought the youth activities that centered around the socialist-nationalist doctrine of Borochov and Sirkin who advocated a synthesis between these ideals and the national liberation of the Jewish people from oppression and discrimination; implemented by gathering in the land of Israel.
On the brink of WWI and during its early years this political activity was illegal. To disguise it, Jewish activists formed the Jewish cultural organization “Cultura”. David Konitspoler was one of its founders and activists. When the Austrian conqueror loosened the leash a bit in 1916 and political organizations were more free to assemble, a legal branch of the Poalei-Zion party was opened and led by David Konitspoler. Ideological arguments swiftly turned into a central political-public group that worked to alleviate the severe food shortage and financial distress that hit the Jewish population of our town in the transition period of 1917-1920.
In 1920 Konitspoler moved to neighboring Częstochowa and became involved in the social-public life there. Although a “stranger” in Częstochowa and despite the many local activists there, he quickly rose up the ladder. He was elected to the community committee and became a central figure among the Jewish residents. With his wife Leah he built an exemplary Jewish home that was later destroyed with the extermination of all Beit Israel, but the two were saved from devastation thanks to his carpentry workshop that provided services to high-rank German police officers during the Holocaust.
Throughout his years in Częstochowa, including the Holocaust, he maintained close contact with family and friends in his home town Radomsk. He visited frequently and returned after WWII to search for survivors and participate in a memorial to the sacred victims in 1947 which was attended by only 10 survivors.
In 1949 David and Leah Konitspoler made Aliya and settled in the city of Holon. He was grateful to have found work in his profession as a carpenter at the socialist labor union “Solel-Bone” public works and building company where he swiftly earned a good reputation as a person and professional.
David also joined the organization of Radomskers. As mentioned, he was a central force in the production of this yizkor-book. His dedication to the cause became literally addictive in the same way that his engrained energy and loyalty characterized his long path of public service. He often said that our yizkor-book was a form of release from the abundance of memories he carries from his place of birth-childhood-adolescence-adulthood and as a way to redeem the debt he felt towards the people of Radomsk, the annihilation of whom he witnessed firsthand.
Another form of temporary relief from the horrific memories were his shocking witness testimonies before German tribunals prosecuting Nazi police officers for the hideous murderers they committed in the Częstochowa ghetto. In August 1958 he travelled to Germany to testify and in February 1964 a German tribunal convened in a Tel Aviv court to specifically collect his testimony because he was too ill at that time to travel to Germany.
Despite his deteriorating health, David Konitspoler did not rest when there was work to be done on the Yizkor book. His contribution is evident in almost all its sections. He wrote many pages of his memories about Radomsk during the first world war (pg. 135); the eternal flame in the Big Synagogue (159); Poalei-Zion Party (202); the action for the Keren Kayemet (211); the Jewish community (229); education and cultural activities (251); the “Cultura” organization (259); the orphanage (270); the Radomski Society in the United States (499); history of the Radomsker Aliyot and how they settled in Israel (527); and he organized the name index (585-600). Thirty texts appear under his name in this index. Numerous others are signed D. K. or with pseudonyms.
David's enormous contribution to this book is mentioned in a short bland sentence at the beginning of the book because the words were written and printed when he was still alive and we respected his humbleness. But it should be said loud and clear: his contribution turned this book into a truly historical compilation of documentary importance and public interest.
In his last letter to me in Yiddish (he wrote all his material for this book in Yiddish) he said: “When we will be blessed to see this book printed and bound, it will be our reward for years of effort, health and time devoted to this historical enterprise. May we be blessed to reach the moment when we open the first book and shed a first tear in memory of our sacred beloved.”
He did not reach this longed for moment, but his yearning tear joined all of
our tears and his soul is bound with all the beloved souls of the sacred people
of Radomsk.
[Pages 581 - 584]
Page Number | Photograph |
12 | Haim Goldberg |
14 | Map of Radomsko and Environs |
Part 1 – History | |
20 | The City Market |
21 | The City's Main Street – Reymonta (Kaliska) |
26 | Rabbi Yisroel Pinkhas Hacohen Rabinowicz |
30 | The Vicinity of Radomsk (The River Warta) |
35 | The Dayan (rabbinical judge) Mr.Yisroel Zelwer |
36 | Butcher Reb Noakh Rubinsztajn |
36 | Butcher Reb Yehezkeil Poznanski |
41 | City Hall and Catholic Church |
58 | Rebbe Shlomoh Hanokh Hakohan. The last Admor (Hasidic leader) of the Radomsker lineage on a walk with his acquaintances in Marinbad |
63 | The Khazan (Cantor) Reb Shlomoh Zaks |
63 | Mr. Leibel Shamos |
65 | The Author H.D. Nomberg and His Three Sons |
68 | The Train Station |
Part 2 – Rezin Drezin (Mystery of Mysteries)/The Secret of Hasidism | |
77 | The Seal of the Head of the Jewish Court Shlomoh Hakohan Rabinowicz |
85 | Dr. Rabbi Haim-Dovid Bernard |
93 | Rabbi Shlomoh Henekh Hakohan Rabinowicz (The picture is written into the text of the Song of Songs.) |
108 | The "Ohel" (tomb) of the Radomsko Rebbes |
120 | Reb Yakov-Dovid Wajntraub |
Part 3 – The Days Past | |
130 | The "Sport Wodny" |
131 | Abraham-Leizer Gliksman |
137 | The Jews of Radomsko who were abducted for forced labor by the Germans in 1915. |
138 | A company of German-Austrian soldiers eating in the Radomsko market during WWI |
Part 4 – Way of Life | |
142 | Yisroelka Hamer and Dovid Krojze (Modern Hasids) |
143 | The JNF (Jewish National Fund) Committee in 1926 |
145 | The Author Sarah Hamer-Jacklin |
156 | Leibele the Water Carrier and his wife |
157 | "Damski" |
159 | The Great Synagogue committee 1930 |
160 | The remains of the Great Synagogue after the destruction |
Part 5 – Economy and Finance | |
164 | The Thonet Bros. Furniture factory. |
166 | Distribution of clothing to children of the poor |
169 | The Needleworkers Association |
170 | The Committee of the Leatherworkers Association. |
Part 6 – Political and Social Life | |
174 | Celebrations in honor of the Balfour Declaration (1917) |
179 | Members of Zeiri Zion (Zion Youth) 1919 |
180 | The Z.S.P chapter committee "Zionist Youth" 1925 |
181 | The first committee of the united party "Poalei Zion" "Z.S." (Workers of Zion, Socialist Zionists) |
182 | Members of Poalei Zion, Z.S. with A.Sh. Uris 1930 |
182 | The P.Z. Z.S. Chapter committee with A. Bialopolski |
183 | Members of the P.Z.Z.S. committee with comrades L. Levin (Lodz) and Y. Rabinowicz (Slonim) |
184 | The teaching staff at the Mizrakhi school 1919 |
185 | The first "Mizrakhi Youth" |
185 | A group members of the "Mizrakhi Youth" 1933 |
187 | "The Foursome" Some of the founders of "heHalutz" chapters and Z.S |
187 | The committee of the "heHalutz" organization. |
188 | The first photograph of "heHalutz" 1924 |
189 | Members of "heHalutz" on Hachshara (training) in kibbutz Tel Avraham near Kamiensk |
190 | Farewell party for Yehudah Liberman on his departure for Hachshara (training) 1927 |
190 | A "heHalutz" Hachshara group in Radomsko |
190 | Members of the Hachshara (training) during work at the Farbman sawmill. |
191 | Participants of the "HeHalutz" Hebrew courses 1928 |
192 | A group of Hashomer Hatzair leaders. |
193 | The Hashomer Hatzair circle at the Wajntraub Gimnazie |
193 | Children perform at the JNF bazaar celebration. |
194 | Near stand no.3 at the bazaar in 1933 |
195 | Members of "heHalutz" chapter with members of the Hachshara. |
195 | Members of the "Hapoel" band with friends from the Hachshara |
196 | Members of "Mizrakhi Youth" and "Hashomer HaDati" (The religious "guard") |
197 | Members of the "Bruria" Organization. 1933 |
199 | Agudas-Yisroel girls' summer camp |
201 | The "Zion Youth" committee during festivities in honor of the Balfour Declaration.1917 |
201 | The "Fareinikte" committee 1919 |
206 | The "Poalei Zion" chapter council 1919 |
207 | Members of the "Ovent Korsn" (evening courses) of Left Poalei Zion. |
208 | The committee of Left Poalei Zion party. |
209 | The Bund committee 1921 |
210 | Members of the "Histadrut" |
210 | Members of "Gordonia" |
211 | The JNF committee 1926 |
212 | JNF activists after "Flower Day" in town |
213 | The JNF youth brigade 1930 |
213 | Convention of JNF activists in Kamiensk |
214 | A farewell party of JNF activists for Yehudah Liberman on his making aliyah May 1933 |
216 | A group of Agudas Yisroel girls |
217 | Members of "HaNoar HaZioni" 1933 (Zionist Youth) |
218 | A company of Hashomer Hatzair 1921 |
218 | A group of Hashomer Hatzair leaders 1928 |
219 | Members of the Freiheit youth council committee |
220 | A "Freiheit" get together dedicated to action for JNF Kamiensk |
220 | Members of "Freiheit" going on Hachshara (training) |
221 | Members of "Freiheit" and "heHalutz" saying goodbye to Yakov Shmuel Moskowicz on his making aliyah 1931 |
223 | The Z.T.K. association |
Part 7 – Public Institutions and Welfare | |
227 | The "Linat Zedek" (Righteous Sleep) committee |
230 | The community house |
231 | The community committee delegation (headed by the rabbi) on the Polish holiday of May 3rd. |
232 | City Hall |
233 | A summer colony for Jewish children sponsored by the city. 1930 |
234 | The Jewish committee for the Polish Air Force 1939 |
240 | The "Beis Lechem" society committee |
Part 8 – Culture and Education | |
245 | Mrs. L. Wajntraub the founder of the Hebrew Gimnazie (High School) |
245 | Gimnazie alumni 1932 |
246 | The last class of the Gimnazie 1939 |
247 | The Sholom Aleichem Library committee and activists. 1926 |
247 | The library stand at the JNF bazaar1934 |
249 | A department of the Berek Yoselewicz Elementary School |
249 | The A.N. Mickewicz Jewish Children's Public Elementary School. |
250 | A group of women affiliated with "HaKoakh", during a sports class. |
250 | "HaKoakh" Radomsko versus "HaPoel" Tel Aviv September 12th 1934 |
251 | The first elementary school 1908 |
251 | Teachers and students of the girls Gimnazye (high school) 1914 |
252 | Teachers and students of the Jewish Children's Public Elementary School 1918 |
253 | The 7th grade students of the Public Elementary School 1931/32 |
253 | The first Hebrew day school 1918 |
254 | At the end of the clothing project for the "Talmud Torah" Children. |
257 | The " HaPoel" band 1933 |
258 | A group from the founders of "Hazamir" organization (singing group) |
260 | The culture organization committee "Kultura" |
268 | The "Makkabi" Soccer team |
268 | The "Kraft" Sport Organization 1931 |
269 | The "HaPoel" motorcycle team |
269 | The "HaPoel" soccer team |
269 | "HaPoel" Tel Aviv in Radomsko 1934 |
270 | The Warsaw motorcycle team on its way to Eretz Yisroel (Palestine) |
270 | The Dr. Mitelman Orphanage committee members. 1920 |
271 | The committee and pupils of the orphanage |
272 | H.D. Nomberg (as an author) |
274 | H.D. Nomberg (as a pious youth) |
276 | Dovid Kalai (Gold) |
277 | "Hashomer" organization 1917 |
278 | The Dovid Kalai High School in Givataim (Israel) |
280 | Khanina-Yosef Kuszicki |
283 | Prof. Yitzhak Zaks |
284 | The composer and conductor Yitzhak Zaks and friends |
285 | The painter Natan Szpigel during an exhibition of his work in Radomsko |
285 | A painting by Natan Szpigel that survived the Nazis |
287 | A.B. Cerata |
288 | H. Leivik (with his parents) |
Part 9 – Holocaust and Vengeance | |
301 | Miriam Caszewski |
308 | During a wedding that was held in the ghetto on Lag Ba'omer 1940 |
310 | The ghetto hospital orderly crew with Dr. Sh. Hampel |
311 | Children and adults receiving typhoid vaccines |
316 | An ID (with the Jude stamp) taken out at Radomsko |
321 | A children's ghetto class. |
348 | During the Bloody Tuesday Aktsia |
352 | Two guards near the entrance to the ghetto |
357 | A theater play in the ghetto 1943 |
359 | The Umschlagplatz on Mickiewicza St. |
364 | The old cemetery |
375 | The three Sabatowski brothers |
376 | The "Arian"- Halina Forisz |
377 | Hershel Grynspan |
380 | Manjek Rayngiewerc |
381 | Mendel Fiszlewicz |
383 | Tuvia Borzykowski |
384 | The "Grunwald Cross" (3rd class) given to Tuvia Borzykowski by the president of Poland. |
387 | The tomb of Borzyikowski in Kibbutz Lochamei HaGetaot |
388 | Rozia Szapira – Bruz Tito's partisan |
Part 10 – Survivors' Tales | |
391 | The Radomsk Jewish Committee 1945 |
392 | Some of the survivors near the mass grave |
393 | The tomb of Shmuel Rozensztein in the town of Torci in the USSR |
394 | Some of the Radomsk survivors near the "Radomsk" monument in Treblinka |
395 | A memorial service in Landsberg (Germany) 1946 for the Radomsk martyrs. |
397 | The obituaries and funeral of Yakov Cukerman and Yosef Krojze, who were murdered by Polish rioters after the war. |
397 | Polya Strawinski's funeral. She was murdered in Lodz during a Zionist convention. |
413 | Exhumation of martyrs in 1947 |
414 | Exhumation of martyrs in 1947 |
415 | View of the Radomsk cemetery in1960 (with remnants) |
416 | The memorial on Mount Zion (Jerusalem) for the Radomsk Martyrs |
Part 11 – Images and Portraits | |
429 | The Kanowski Family |
430 | The Berl Ofman Family |
430 | The Shimon Ofman Family |
431 | The Ajchner Family |
431 | The Goldberg Bros. (Zelig, Shmuel, Yekhezkeil) |
432 | Mrs. Borzykowski (Tuvya's mother) |
432 | Czesha Gitler |
432 | Shlomoh, Yitzhak and Temer Epsztein |
433 | The Eli Grundman Family |
434 | The Shmuel Goldberg Family |
434 | Zeinwel and Perl Goldberg |
435 | The Ahron Dudkewicz Family |
435 | Haim-Shmuel Hamer |
435 | The Abraham-Shlomoh Hampel Family |
436 | The Wajnman Family |
436 | The Abraham Wilhelm Family |
437 | Leibel Zylberberg |
437 | The Zelkowicz Family |
438 | The Yustman Family |
438 | Haim-Dovid Judkowicz |
439 | The Mordekhai Lutkewicz Family |
439 | The Haim Jakubowicz Family |
440 | The Reuven Liberman Family |
441 | The Dovid Noakh Likhtensztein Family |
441 | The Dovid-Meir Liberman Family |
441 | The Markowicz Family |
441 | The Emanuel Moszkowicz Family |
442 | The Najkron Family |
442 | The Icze Slawiak Family |
443 | Yitzhak Pacanowski |
443 | The Nakhum Pacanowski Family |
443 | The Shmaiahu Przyrowski Family |
444 | The Yitzhak Fajerman Family |
444 | The Dovid Fajerman Family |
445 | The Hershel Pinkowicz Family |
445 | The Haim Szwarc Family |
445 | The Alter Bril Family |
446 | Shmuel and Leah Pariz |
446 | The Abraham-Moishe Kaselman Family |
447 | Czalel and Miriam Kalka |
447 | The Yankel Karapka Family |
447 | Berl Krzepiski |
448 | The Yakov-Reuven Rozenblat Family |
448 | The Moishe-Dovid Sztejn Family |
449 | Yitzhak Rubin |
449 | The Rikman Family |
450 | The Szwarc Family |
451 | The Yekutiel and Esther Okrent Family |
451 | The Kirszenzweig Family |
451 | The Hershel Fakhter Family |
452 | The Yakov Rozenbaum Family |
452 | Yakov and Frimat Hartman |
453 | Moishe-Shmuel Gryn |
453 | Yekhezkeil Skornicki |
454 | The Mendel and Zusman Epsztein Family |
455 | Dr. Yakov Aronowicz |
456 | Yosef Behm |
456 | Prof. Israel Bromberg |
457 | Moishe Berger |
457 | Haim Hartman |
458 | Mikhal Waksman |
459 | Ludwig Wajnberg |
459 | Meir Wolkowicz |
460 | Yakov Witenberg |
460 | Dovid Karczewski |
461 | Moishe Lewkowicz |
462 | Dr. Y. Mitelman |
463 | Reuven Najkron |
464 | Gita Najkron |
464 | Engineer Y. Poliboda |
465 | Mendel Fajnsilber |
465 | Dora Rozenbaum |
466 | Mendele Taumim-Frenkl |
470 | Mendel Lachman |
472 | Yitzhak Urbach |
472 | Abraham-Binem Ajzen |
473 | Eli Elibarde |
474 | Nakhman Gold |
474 | Avner Gurfinkl |
475 | Yakov-Shmuel Haze |
476 | Abraham-Moshe Waksman |
476 | Yakov Liberman |
477 | Shmuel Najman |
477 | Fishel Paris |
478 | Arya Cipler |
479 | Simkhah Kalka |
479 | Dovid-Meir Kornberg |
479 | Hershel Krojze |
480 | Mordekhai-Zelig Rozenblat |
481 | Mordekhai-Aron Reicher |
481 | Wolf Szapira |
481 | Zoken Szreiber |
482 | The drama class of Poalei Zion Left |
Part 12 – Radomsk Environs | |
485 | The Rabbi of Plawno |
489 | The synagogue at Przedborz |
492 | The flour mill near Kamiensk |
Part 13 – Radomskers Around the World | |
499 | Dovid Koniecpoler |
500 | Aron Gliksman, Shlomoh Grynberg, Wolf Dikerman |
501 | The organizing committee in 1916 in New York |
502 | Radomsker immigrants of the 1920s |
503 | P. Flakowicz and Harry Fiszman |
504 | The memorial pillar for the Radomskers killed in WWII |
506 | The executives of the Relief-Help Committee 1949 |
506 | The active workers of the women's section of the New York society |
507 | The organizing committee at the 50th Jubilee (1949) |
508 | Drinking L'Chaim in Y. Pacanowski's house in honor of the laying of the cornerstone for the houses in Holon named after Sol Greenberg |
509 | During the celebration of the 60th Jubilee of the Society (1958) |
510 | Photocopy of an invitation to the 5th anniversary of the liquidation of the Radomsker Ghetto |
511 | Yekhezkeil Pacanowski |
512 | Shlomoh (Sol) Grinberg |
513 | Max Szapira |
514 | Shlomoh Epsztajn |
515 | Moishe (Morris) Schwartz |
516 | Pinya Kalka |
517 | Hershel Epsztajn |
517 | Sarah Birencwajg |
518 | The Nowo-Radomsker "Relief" in Los Angeles (1948) |
518 | Nowo-Radomsker landsleit in Los Angeles 1961 |
519 | Israel Merkin |
519 | Shlomoh Feldberg |
520 | Radomsker landsleit in Buenos Aires |
521 | Berl Dudkewicz |
522 | The monument in Paris in memory of the martyrs in Radomsk |
523 | Yokheved and Abraham-Elie Dudkewicz |
523 | B. Dudkewicz carrying an box of ashes from Auschwitz |
524 | A group of Radomskers in Melbourne |
Part 14 – Radomskers in Israel | |
529 | The Rabbi Yekheill Landau Synagogue in Zfat/Safed |
530 | Kopel Shamas's son and Jakubowicz |
531 | The first group of Radomskers to arrive in Palestine/ Eretz Yisrael in 1920 |
531 | The settlers of Kfar Hasidim after the first day's work |
532 | A group of Radomskers who made aliyah in 1925 |
533 | The laying of the cornerstone for the Yitzhak Fajerman house in the heart of Tel Aviv |
533 | Packing packages to send to Radomskers in Europe (1945) |
535 | Haim Goldberg speaking at the laying of the corner stone for the Holon Houses. |
537 | The organization's committee in 1963 |
542 | Yitzhak Grosman as a Shomer (guard) |
543 | Radomskers on their way to Palestine /Eretz Yisroel for aliyah, in Vienna 1919 |
543 | Tourists from Radomsk on Mount Carmel 1924 |
544 | Radomskers in Neveh Tzedek (Tel Aviv) 1923 |
544 | Radomsker construction workers in the 1920s. |
547 | B. Kugel signing the foundation charter for the Olim Houses in Holon |
549 | 4 pictures of Radomskers in Israel at various periods. |
551 | Tuvia Borszykowski |
552 | Reb Yakov Mordekhai Gold |
552 | Haim Goldberg |
555 | Chaim and Tovah-Henia Gitler |
555 | Chaim and Chaia-Rivkah Grossman |
556 | Yosef Haze |
556 | Israel and Rachel Wizentowski |
557 | Sara Zylberman-Davner |
558 | Shoshana Yemini |
558 | Esther and Dovid Nomberg |
559 | Yakov and Rachel Sofer |
559 | Reb Tuvia Kalka |
560 | Henekh Kalka, Sarah Kalka |
561 | Dovid Kroize |
562 | Shlomoh Krakowski |
562 | Yehoshua-Eliezer Rabinowicz |
563 | Tuvia, Sara and Rokhma Rubinsztajn |
563 | Moishe Fiszlewicz |
564 | Dov-Berl Rozensztajn |
564 | Meir and Esther-Rivah Minski |
566 | Aharon Bialystok |
567 | Arieh Gelbard |
568 | Yosef Waldfojgel |
569 | Yakov Zlotnik (Zehavi) |
570 | Zvi Zeira |
571 | Moishe Tandowski, David Minc |
572 | Yakov Nonberg |
574 | Shlomoh Rabinowicz, Menakhem Rubinsztajn |
575 | Dov Rozenblat |
576 | 3 pictures in memoriam for the boys who have fallen in battle; Zvi Zeira, Yakov Nonberg, Menakhem Rubinsztajn |
Part 15 – Supplemental Material | |
578 | Reb. Yitzhak Shmuel Rozenblat |
579 | Captain Yakov Eilam (Buchman) |
580 | David Koniecpoler and his wife Leah |
600 | The last photograph. May 1967 |
Hear this ye old men,
And give an ear, all ye inhabitants of the land. Hath this been in your days, or in the days of your father? Tell ye your children of it, And let your children tell their children. And their children another generation. (Joel 1[2-3])
And I will show wonders in the heavens
(Joel 3 [3-5]) |
The last photograph of May 1967
A holy community swept up in the turbulence of the Holocaust, annihilated and destroyed to the ground,
erased from the Book of the Living, ceased and is no more.
May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life.
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Radomsko, Poland
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