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[Page 451]

In Memory
Of the soul of my dear father
Reb Emanuel
Son of Reb Avrham Kasriel,
of blessed memory
Who died on the 16th of Tevet 1920
In the city of Radomsk
In Memory
Of the soul of my dear mother
Mrs. Dina
Daughter of Chaim Yoseph,
of blessed memory
Who died on the 5th of Adar 1933
In the city of Radomsk
In memory
Of the soul of my dear father
Reb Yekutiel
Son of Reb Yakov, of blessed memory
Who was expelled from the city of Radomsk
On the 27th day of Tishrei 5702
And was murdered by the Nazis,
may their name be obliterated
In Memory
Of the soul of my dear mother
Mrs. Esther Shulamit
Daughter of Reb Shlomoh, of blessed memory
Who was murdered by
the Nazis, may their name be obliterated,
On the 27th day of Tishrei 5702
In her home in Radomsk

In memory
Of the souls of my dear wife Sarah, and the dear girls Chavule, Mindl, Freidl-Leah.
And the souls of my dear brothers and sisters
Asher Zelik, Zlate, Leah, Israel, Rivkah, Frimit
Who were expelled from the city of Radomsk on the 27th day of Tishrei, 5702 (18.11.1942)
And were murdered by the Nazis, may their name be obliterated.

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Yosef Kirszencwajg
(New York)

In memory
Of the souls of my dear brothers and sisters
Miriam, Sarah, Avraham-Yitzhak, Rivkah, Rachel-Leah, Rakel, Moishe-Ahron, Roza,
Their husbands, wives and children
Who were expelled from the city of Radomsk on the 27th day of Tishrei 5702 (18.11.42)
And were murdered by the Nazis, may their name be obliterated.

May their souls be bound up in the bond of eternal life

Benyamin Ukrent

My brother Menakhem-Ahron and my sister Leah-Yokheved
My brother and his wife Karola (Herc) died a martyr's death in the city of Będzin
  My father Tzvi (Hershel) Faktor son of Yehoshua the melamed (teacher)
My mother Zelda daughter of Moishe Landau
May their memory be blessed


The son and brother,
Hilel Faktor and family

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Yakov Rozenbaum family
My father and teacher Yakov Rozenbaum was born in Podszwirk?-Radomsk to his parents, Yitzhak Rozenbaum from the Dubryszyce estate (near Radomsk) and Sarah born in Czentochow. In 1891 he married Sarah Braun nee Prafurt, and settled in Radomsk, where he lived for 40 years. (He dealt in forest and field commerce). He was a member of the city council and of several committees. He was also a member of the Jewish congregation committee, membership chairman of Beis Lechem and the interest-free loan fund and more. (He belonged to the “House of Radomsk” Hasids).

When the war started and Radomsk was conquered, the Nazis put a large penal tax on my father Yakov Rozenbaum, and then deported him from his home. He had to leave the city and move in with his son-in-law Zagjeski in Kielce, where he stayed until the deportation of the entire Jewish community in 1941.

A candle in memory of my parents and the whole of my family.
Son Yitzhak Rozenbaum

Yakov Hartman (Yankel) and Frimet
My father Reb Yakov, of blessed memory was a loyal Hasid of Rabbi Shlomo-Zalman Weltfrajd, blessed be the memory of the righteous man, of Tomaszow (The Rozprza Dynasty); he loved people and gave generously to the national funds for building Eretz-Yisroel; he made sure his children received a broad education and Jewish-Nationalistic schooling. He traveled the route to the Treblinka extermination camp with his wife Frimet and their son Shimshon (one of the Jewish National Fund and Betar activists in our town). Their son Haim was murdered by Poles in Radomsk (January 1943).
May their memory be blessed!
Son Moishe Hartman

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