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[Page 447]

The memory of our dear parents

Zalel and Mariem Kalka
(murdered in 1942)

We will always cherish with love
and honor

Paul Kalka
(Los Angeles)
Yosef and Tzvi Kalka

My dear brother
Berl Krzepicki

I will always carry your memory in my heart.

Zlate Seidenberg (Krzepicki)
(New York)

Jankel and Gitl Karafka
with their children
Devorah, Pinkhas and Yosele
(murdered in Radomsk in 1942)

Honor their memory!

The Karafka and Elenberg families
(New York)

[Page 448]

Our father
Jakov-Reuven Rozenblat our mother Malka, our sisters and brothers
and all our relatives who werde murdered thorugh no fault of their own.

God will avenge them!

Tula Brisker (Rozenblat) and family
Yitzhak-Shmuel Rozenblat and family

We mourn the tragic death of our extended family that perished in the great Holocaust. Our father
Moishe-Dovid Sztajn, our mother Tzirel (daughter of Rivkah and Berl Ofman), our brother
and his wife Sarah (Cohen) and also Israel, Sinai, Noakh, and Pinkhas
and our sister Devorah.

May their memory be blessed.

Chana (Igel), Naomi (Zlutnik),
Benyamin and Yakov Sztajn

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